Hi thanks!
********On mediation*********
I practice a few styles, mainly dzogchen and vipassana based on Sam Harris' work (though I have branched out to others). I'm also looking into branching out into some yogic stuff.
This is the one that started me off:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CN-_zzHpcdMHis waking up course is great too but costs $$.
I stopped doing guided meditation as often now and i've found this to be more helpful to get me into a really deep state:
https://www.youtube.com/...=WAmNus7rdDE&t=3325sAnyway, let me know if you'd like more resources and feel free to share more, i'm always keen to learn
Which type of meditation practice do you do?
**********On your trip**********
That's a pretty rough ride mate. I hope you're better now and have integrated some lessons.
I've never done mescaline (but may do one day when i'm ready). Agree with your point on preparing as well as you can and what will be will be though. The substance will make you see whatever you're meant to see.
********More on meditation********
I think i've experienced a few main benefits from meditation:
1. It helps me manage my psychedelic experiences when they get challenging (albeit not perfectly, yet)
2. I can, to a degree, simulate some of the effects of psychedelics (like ego dissolution to a degree) via meditation, which is very good to calm me down.
3. Meditation helps me to integrate some of my experiences on a subconscious level. It's hard to describe, but when I meditate, it's like de-fragging my brain and if something is troubling me or i'm fixated on something and then I meditate to a state where I am simply consciousness observing the universe with no identity, something inside me just clicks, and once I 'come out', it's better and it doesn't trouble me anymore and I don't think about it much. I just move on and deal with stuff.
*******Some tools on integration*******
I regard myself as a pretty serious psychonaut, in the sense that I don't do drugs to get high per se - I do them because I want to grow as a person, explore my mind and the universe and heal old wounds. Accordingly, my focus in doing psychedelics is on safe experiences with lots of integration.
I have found the works of Mircea Eliade, Carl Jung and Jordan Peterson (don't get bogged down by his political ideas - just focus on the psychological stuff) to be absolutely incredible tools when integrating experiences. There isn't a huge amount of digestible stuff on the first 2 on youtube, but I recommend this lecture series on JP:
https://www.youtube.com/...BQAT-0aSPq-OKOpQlHyR4k5hNot too much political stuff and mostly brilliant analytical psychology fundamentals.
If you want to go deeper into the rabbit hole on this one, I am a big believer in the ancient texts because I think there is alot of thematic consistency between them and the consistencies reveal some very deep truths and tendencies that go to the core of our humanity. Mircea Eliade and Joseph Campbell scratch the surface (see here:https://mimeticmargins.com/2017/04/12/the-power-of-myth-joseph-campbell-vs-rene-girard/) and give you a framework on this, but if you really want to go deeper, have a look at the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Maxims of Ptahhotep (both of these have been helpfully translated).
Anyway, not sure why I went off on this tangent anymore - thought it may be of interest I guess haha - hope you're feeling better and reach out if you need anything or just want to chat