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Totally new to smoking and psychedlics. Options
#1 Posted : 10/15/2019 11:02:32 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 9
Joined: 13-Oct-2019
Last visit: 07-Jun-2020
Hi all! I'm a 30 yo female. I'm new to psychedlics and smoking in general. Lately I've been developing a curiosity in DMT after being exposed to the idea about it through various authors and my cousin's recommendation.

I took it upon myself to access DMT by making my own with the help of GordoTek's youtube channel. I've successfully extracted crystal and have made my own "Dream Machine". However, I am still learning to smoke.

I had my first "attempt" to smoke it a few days ago, and am now a little afraid of my own subconscious due to the experience having a negative feel about it. I didn't understand it, and I do think it taught me a little bit about holding myself back from where I want to go.

If any wants to be DMT-experience-analysis-partners, LMK!

I love being on the edge of exploration and discovery. I love thinking about creativity, knowledge, and the subconscious. I love the refinement of interpreations, question asking, criticism, and testing. I hope to continue to expand my understanding of the experience of DMT as a way to explore the subconscious. I love the pursuit of the beginning-of-infinity in the physical world as well as the non-physical.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 10/15/2019 11:35:41 PM

Fly with the sea birds and sh!t

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Welcome Gemini!

Isn’t it rewarding to do the research and work to extract your own stuff? I sure thought it was. Negative vibes to the trip for me usually means there’s more to analyze and interpret. How was your mindset going into it? Were you anxious, relaxed, excited?
Don’t be afraid of your subconscious. Try to find ways to interpret and integrate what happened. Sometimes those negative feels are because you have work to do.

So welcome, you are amongst a whole community of DMT experience analysis partners!

“You think that’s air you’re breathing?” -Morpheus
“Whoa fellas, I’m feeling kinda bowling ball-ish.” -Leopold Butters Stoch
It’s got what plants crave. -Brawndo

Magic is here for us all to feel. Naming it isn’t what makes it real.
Running around for us all to know, noticing isn’t what makes it so... -Avett Brothers
#3 Posted : 10/16/2019 12:19:54 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 132
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Last visit: 16-Dec-2019
WELCOME!!! You found a great place! I am the same as in the regard as I love to explore the un discovered!! And I mean how much undiscovered can you get than the workings of consciousness itself! Its a amazing feeling feeling! I did test some psychedelics when I was younger but mostly other things wich lead down a bad road and just found this after 10 years away from everything. This is a GREAT place to learn!! As stated above please don't be afraid of the subconscious! There might be a few weird and scary things there that you didn't know were there but trust me most of it is filled with love and wonder!!! A few tips that have helped me...

Deffinitly calm the mind before blasting off! Calm everything sit and meditate or just groove to some calm music if that suits you do whatever YOU do to calm everything down!

Trust... The first time I blasted off I thought "OMG I think I just killed myself!" LOL Obviously I didn't. Trust in the substance, trust in the people that came before you, trust in YOU!

Try to get the smoking method down as quickly as possible. As sometimes miss fires cause more negative emotions and thoughts than completely getting out there. At least in the beginning that's how it was for me. Once you get your feet wet and know how things go that eases up. a dab rig and a e nail are pritty easy and fool proof with the right temp!

Sometimes in the beginning a lil panic and scary thoughts arise just cause its new. But always examine them because I found Some of the scary times (even tho they don't happen all that much) are the times when there is something there I REALLY need to pay attention to. It may be a way just to call attention to it. Oh and remember fear is SIMPLY A RESPONSE so just don't respond calm the mind and try to stop thought all togather. Granted this is a skill to develop it may be hard initially! That can be a good skill to have regardless calming the mind can be a interesting experience in its own way.
#4 Posted : 10/16/2019 1:31:09 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 85
Joined: 12-Jun-2019
Last visit: 06-Nov-2019
geminigirl wrote:
I love being on the edge of exploration and discovery. I love thinking about creativity, knowledge, and the subconscious. I love the refinement of interpreations, question asking, criticism, and testing. I hope to continue to expand my understanding of the experience of DMT as a way to explore the subconscious. I love the pursuit of the beginning-of-infinity in the physical world as well as the non-physical.

Hi geminigirl. I can really relate to what you were saying, a lot! I’m not sure if your username is your star sign (and I’m not a believer in that stuff anyway) but I’m a Gemini too.

I too have recently tried DMT for the first time and had a very negative experience. I have had a lot of experience with psychedelics in my past though.

You are not supposed to smoke DMT, the idea is to vaporise it. Smoke is produced by combustion (burning), where the molecules being burnt combine with oxygen - this destroys the dmt. Vaporising is when you are simply changing the state of the molecules, like when you boil water and it turns to steam. Smoke of any kind is bad for you, don’t fucking do it (yeah, I’m a cigarette smoker).

The GVG is highly recommended on here, because it is designed to vaporise substances and has been found to be highly effective. I personally used the direct e-mesh method, which I think may actually be even better - no fucking about with lighters, you can do a full load in one hit and the vapour seemed really smooth without any bad taste.

Please post details about your experience, I’d like to hear about it and I’m sure there will be people willing to help you.
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