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Acacia and Mimosa Identification Thread Options
#1321 Posted : 9/9/2019 6:06:24 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hi all. I understand people not wanting othwrs to go to places such as botanic gardens and state forest to find acacias or other plants of interest. I guess what im asking is theres very little information out there about someone who might want to find these trees but then u have people who do the research and go out looking to sustainably harvest some bark or branches but the issue i face is my lack of being able to properly identify such plants so people like me come here for help but when we come here the replys and help isnt around. Is there another forum that people are willing to help me id the plants ive found or am i mereley wasting my time to ask here??.

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#1322 Posted : 9/9/2019 1:27:14 PM

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Friend, sorry for the lack of replies, I cannot help since I am no good with Acacia identification.. Most of our id experts are inactive these days but im sure if you wait a little bit, someone will chime in with knowledge.

I suggest you join sharetheseeds.me , awesome site both for getting plant knowledge, as well as exchanging seeds, I´d bet some good experts can help you out there.

Good luck and let us know if you do ID these plants and if you end up experimenting with extraction and/or bioassaying.
#1323 Posted : 9/9/2019 4:10:44 PM

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I kind of felt like I had missed the hay day of this forum as well, it seems the vast majority of posts and activity were well over a decade ago and it seems a bit stagnant now compared to what it used to be... that said it probably isn't a bad thing though with Big Brother being what it is. The more active forums that cover this genre are rife with immaturity and misinformation. When it comes to psychedelic discussions I'd take quality over quantity any day which is why I chose the nexus.
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#1324 Posted : 9/9/2019 10:06:43 PM
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Aussieguy30 wrote:
Hi all. I understand people not wanting othwrs to go to places such as botanic gardens and state forest to find acacias or other plants of interest. I guess what im asking is theres very little information out there about someone who might want to find these trees but then u have people who do the research and go out looking to sustainably harvest some bark or branches but the issue i face is my lack of being able to properly identify such plants so people like me come here for help but when we come here the replys and help isnt around. Is there another forum that people are willing to help me id the plants ive found or am i mereley wasting my time to ask here??.

Can't id for you, sorry. As the others said, the acacia id experts tend not to visit frequently. You might want to try the SAB Facebook group.
#1325 Posted : 9/21/2019 10:18:48 AM
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Been lurking for a little bit and I was wondering if anyone could any one could maybe help in identifying a plant I came across, I used another site to identify plants by location and some council records I came across this in one of my locations that I visitdd. And it kind of looks similar too the Maiden Wattle (Acacia maidenii) I am looking for. I believe it shouldn't be in flowering season but I am very unsure since I am not familiar in this area I was hoping someone could help identify what I found, Thank you.

#1326 Posted : 9/23/2019 11:04:55 AM
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Dear dmt-nexus forums,

After doing a bit of driving today I believe I may have found some kind of acacia possibly but not sure if it's an active and an extraction is worthwhile.

It was in a residential area close to a coastline in somebody's front yard.

Immediately caught my eye so had to snap a few pictures.

Regardless of it being active or not it's such a beautiful tree.

Acacia? Active or inactive?
#1327 Posted : 9/23/2019 3:06:33 PM

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Hopefully our Acacia experts can chime in on the plant id requests here.

In the meanwhile, here is some information on how to find if a plant has alkaloids of interest.
#1328 Posted : 10/2/2019 8:33:42 AM
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Hi everyone, I’ve found some trees locally and am unsure of their species. I have seen another picture on this thread giving me the feeling it’s A. simsii, A. Miltisiliqua but could be something else. Located in SA by the way 😊
Structuredbliss attached the following image(s):
unnamed (4).jpg (1,617kb) downloaded 152 time(s).
unnamed (3).jpg (1,337kb) downloaded 150 time(s).
unnamed (2).jpg (2,838kb) downloaded 150 time(s).
unnamed (1).jpg (1,729kb) downloaded 147 time(s).
unnamed.jpg (2,397kb) downloaded 146 time(s).
unnamed (5).jpg (1,242kb) downloaded 148 time(s).
#1329 Posted : 10/13/2019 4:50:55 PM

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Can't help with those, sorry.
It's worth remembering that there are over 1000 species of Acacia in Australia, many of which only grow within relatively small areas of the country. People who have such expertise that they can readily jump in and identify any of them based on photos rather than examing plants first hand, are rare indeed. Most folks here who have some decent amount of experience identifying or trying to identify Acacias and other plants are likely to be only intimately familiar with the species that occur around where they live, or that they have cultivated themselves. Just based on non-macro photos - often not showing both flowers AND fruit (pods) - species from opposite ends of the continent can look rather similar, although they are different. Therefore it's to be expected that not all requests for an i.d. will be answered. The World Wide Wattle website should be able to help you narrow it down a bit when you have first hand access to study the plant you're trying to identify. You have to meet it half way though, and learn some plant anatomy as well as being alert to the various features that can distinguish one wattle species from a similar one.
By the way, a lot of good stuff has been said on these forums about not harvesting from the wild, but I would also ask people not to harvest without permission from plants in people's gardens, because you don't know if it is important to them or not. Sure, a lot of people who barely register plants as existing probably wouldn't give a shit if you trimmed their tree, except for being pissed on principle that you damaged their 'property'; but a lot of other people love and nurture their gardens, and would be very hurt by it, whether they are aware of the chemistry of the plant or not.
#1330 Posted : 12/10/2019 6:48:56 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hi everyone

Is this specie contains dmt? Can Someone identify it pls.

#1331 Posted : 12/10/2019 8:51:17 AM

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belka wrote:
Hi everyone

Is this specie contains dmt? Can Someone identify it pls.


Any info on where it grows, what climate etc. would be helpful.
My first thought was it was similar to Albizia julibrissin, but I won't surprised if it's something else.
#1332 Posted : 12/10/2019 9:00:53 AM
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It’s in turkey marmara region. Wiki says this about climate around marmara.

The Marmara region has a hybrid mediterranean climate/humid subtropical climate on the Aegean Sea coast and the south Marmara Sea coast, an oceanic climate on the Black Sea coast and a humid continental climate in the interior. ... The coastal climate keeps the temperatures relatively mild.
#1333 Posted : 12/10/2019 10:05:23 AM

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Location: Location: just behind but under on the side
Probably an Albizia Julibrissin.

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#1334 Posted : 12/10/2019 11:18:24 AM
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Thanks for answers
Lupis Arante
#1335 Posted : 12/19/2019 2:03:16 PM

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Structuredbliss wrote:
Hi everyone, I’ve found some trees locally and am unsure of their species. I have seen another picture on this thread giving me the feeling it’s A. simsii, A. Miltisiliqua but could be something else. Located in SA by the way 😊

That looks like an Acacia rigens

Aussieguy30 wrote:
Hey guys wanted to get an id on this searched for while before finding somewhere that these plants were know to be of two species. A. Longfolia. And a. concurrens.
I am still new and searching so I hope that I can get an id on this tree found in searching Queensland.

That looks far more like Acacia auriculiformis
..Respect the Trees..
#1336 Posted : 3/3/2020 8:22:47 AM
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Hi all,

First time posting and I’m hoping there’s still some knowledgeable people left on the forums! I’m trying to find some A.Acuminata, for any aussies on here yes I’m a perth boy. Before I post the pics that does bring up a good point of everything thing I’ve read and the beginning of my adventures, everyone keeps saying York is the place to go, but after two 1.5 hour drives there I’ve come back with little to show for, so if anyone could reach out to me and give me a hand that would be so greatly appreciated. The last time I bought β€˜dmt’ I was ripped off and left with a gram of useless rubbish that did nothing but make me sick, which has brought me here with the desire to extract myself. I of course don’t want to destroy these trees and would only harvest the phyllodes and twigs/already snapped branches, but this ’abundance’ out in York has left me wondering. Anyway I digress, I’ve got 3 samples but I’m not confident in them being Acuminata but definitely different varieties of acacia. Hopefully someone can help.
Much love to you all
#1337 Posted : 3/24/2020 12:58:49 AM
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Don’t have any photos ATM, but would love someon to point me in the right direction for differing A. Longifolia and A. Floribunda... am I right in thinking that longifolia has basal glands whereas floribunda does not? Beyond that, particular tree is about to start flowering now, which would point to floribunda maybe? I do know it’s one of the two because I planted them (yes, I know... I can’t even remember which ones I planted where haha... it was 10 years ago to be fair Laughing ). Phyllodes also have very small hairs, mostly around the base, but sometimes reaching along the whole length.
Yp Big grin
Chimp Z
#1338 Posted : 4/26/2020 8:20:09 PM

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Ypsilophora here are some Acacia Longifolia pictures
Chimp Z attached the following image(s):
Acacia Longifolia February Flower 2020.jpg (300kb) downloaded 110 time(s).
Acacia Longifolia Flower 2_2020.jpg (360kb) downloaded 110 time(s).
#1339 Posted : 5/29/2020 3:04:37 PM

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Ypsilophora wrote:
Don’t have any photos ATM, but would love someon to point me in the right direction for differing A. Longifolia and A. Floribunda... am I right in thinking that longifolia has basal glands whereas floribunda does not? Beyond that, particular tree is about to start flowering now, which would point to floribunda maybe? I do know it’s one of the two because I planted them (yes, I know... I can’t even remember which ones I planted where haha... it was 10 years ago to be fair Laughing ). Phyllodes also have very small hairs, mostly around the base, but sometimes reaching along the whole length.
Yp Big grin

I'll chime in on Acacia Floribunda as I have spent more time with it than Longifolia and am better qualified to comment on its varying taxonomy. It is void of a basal gland, has looser, longer and paler flower spikes than longifolia's. Phyllodes of Longifolia are more leathery than those of Floribunda.. while the latter trends towards a softer more papery texture .. at times slightly hairy.. at times not. Floribunda more often than not has a weeping habit like that of a willow. I won't say that all do as I have comes across many erect specimens..particularly cultivars in drier areas. I have an inkling that the two interbreed.. around urban areas there seem to be a lot of trees that have features intermediate between the two and you will commonly find them in close proximity to each other due to their popularity. The same I think happens with Acacia Mucronata and Floribunda..

Having spent a lot of time looking at Floribunda I can its an interesting species to study.. I think particularly because it is so widely cultivated in urban areas it is also highly variable in taxonomy as well as alkaloid presence/profile due to interbreeding with the local Acacia's in differing regions as well as growing in differing ecosystems all with their own differing soil compositions, weather patterns etc. Hope this is helpful..

Here's some photos of various forms of floribunda.. notice the tighter flower rods in the more erect specimens and the general tend towards loose flowers in the weeping varieties (but again.. not always)

Can't seem to be able to get photo embedding to work instead here are some links to various forms of Floribunda

Long loose flowers.. erect habit that will probably weep as it gets taller. This is a coastal specimen.

Another beauty

Variety with shorter and tighter flowers...erect growth habit. Often appears like this when cultivated in drier urban areas

Possibly intermediary with Longifolia.. void of basal gland but certainly not a "normal" specimen

Perhaps the "true" form in terms of its alignment to the classically defined taxonomy of the species

#1340 Posted : 6/6/2020 12:15:19 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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thanks Acacian and Chimp Z.
I do suspect it to be a floribunda, seems inactive (or very very low concentration) as well, but it is coming into flower, so we shall see when I try another extraction.
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