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#1 Posted : 9/20/2019 7:57:39 AM


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I see interesting topics throughout the forum, I'd like to contribute, or at least reply... but I can't, due to this membership system.
Hence, I end up not posting, ever, hence never getting that "membership"...

Oh, and that "questionnaire", as my signature says... tooooo long and deep!

The other option would be to SPAM for a long time in the topics that I don't care about I guess, but I'm not up for that.

I honestly think this system is not doing much good overall Crying or very sad Shocked
Let's be honest: the Questionnaire is toooooo long and deep!

"One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws" - Martin Luther King

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 9/20/2019 8:13:26 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Lol I can relate.Big grin Big grin Big grin

After lurking then interacting on the nexus for sometime, one begins to appreciate the system. If not, well let's just say this system isn't for everybody.

Light and Love and Travel Well.
All is the one....One is the all.

Math. Simple math looks infinite to me.
#3 Posted : 9/20/2019 2:53:49 PM

Boundary condition

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Algodritmo wrote:
I see interesting topics throughout the forum, I'd like to contribute, or at least reply... but I can't, due to this membership system.
Hence, I end up not posting, ever, hence never getting that "membership"...

The answer to this fairly frequently asked question should be found in the FAQ - however:

If a topic grabs your interest but it's in an area in which you can't reply, simply make a new post in the welcome area with the title "Re: [title of the post you're referring to]". Your reply can then be added to the relevant thread by the moderator team and, bingo! you're participating in the forum. Carry on like that and there's a good chance you'll see promotion before too long.

Keep plugging away at the questionnaire as well. The questions are there to help stimulate your understanding of the subject and your ability to research useful information. You could even see it as self-improvement.

Best of luck!

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#4 Posted : 9/20/2019 4:27:39 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thank you SO MUCH for highlighting that downfromzero. I totally missed that in the FAQ’s! - I guess there’s just so much to take in when you’re trying to learn about extraction and consumption techniques that it can be a bit overload.

I guess I’ll have to show some restraint new threading on existing subjects - I don’t want to piss of the mods, who do such great service for the community.
#5 Posted : 9/20/2019 4:55:19 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I quite enjoyed the questionnaire, it could have gone on forever imho.

But what has been stated here is solid advice, I might also suggest that you spend some time in the chat function, it's a good way for full members to get to know you, and once they know you they are much more likely to vote you to full membership.

Happi travels, hope to see you on the chat Very happy
#6 Posted : 9/20/2019 6:05:44 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Algodritmo wrote:
Oh, and that "questionnaire", as my signature says... tooooo long and deep!

The other option would be to SPAM for a long time in the topics that I don't care about I guess, but I'm not up for that.

I honestly think this system is not doing much good overall Crying or very sad Shocked

I have noticed people who were promoted to full members based on their first post... without even starting the questionnaire. So there's probably no need to spam. I wasn't one of those though.
#7 Posted : 9/20/2019 6:49:58 PM

Boundary condition

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RoundAbout wrote:
I have noticed people who were promoted to full members based on their first post... without even starting the questionnaire. So there's probably no need to spam. I wasn't one of those though.

We promoted you because you have a nicely trimmed picture of a cactus as your avatar. Noobs take note... (/jk)

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#8 Posted : 9/20/2019 7:55:51 PM

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This community is filled with amazing people so there does seem to be a method to the madness lol. It’s a wonderful place and when the time is right, a promo will be there I’m sure. I’m looking forward to mine as well!
#9 Posted : 9/21/2019 2:47:20 PM

I is the obstacle.

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Gotta crawl before you walk Thumbs up
This guys ego ^
#10 Posted : 9/21/2019 3:07:25 PM

I is the obstacle.

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Wait till you trying to that sm boooooooy... that’s the real challenge lol
This guys ego ^
#11 Posted : 9/21/2019 5:20:42 PM

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Algodritmo wrote:
...I honestly think this system is not doing much good overall Crying or very sad Shocked
Non perfect fora are better than none at all? Note there are already threads about membership concerns which you could support.

What might help: including info in the thread title that marks the content of the post, else it might come across as click baiting. As an example: I had no clue where you were heading with this thread title, I thought it was about taking spice and it's implications.

This is not to strike against your hairs, rather to help, sometimes power lies in little things.
#12 Posted : 9/22/2019 12:23:41 PM


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Jees wrote:
Algodritmo wrote:
...I honestly think this system is not doing much good overall Crying or very sad Shocked
Non perfect fora are better than none at all?

Mmm... yes, I can think of a better system, just the normal system used forever in every forum: let people post freely, and moderate, and even ban if needed. Or at least after a reasonable number of posts, 10 or so in different days, showing that it's not mere spam.

Jees wrote:
What might help: including info in the thread title that marks the content of the post, else it might come across as click baiting. As an example: I had no clue where you were heading with this thread title, I thought it was about taking spice and it's implications.

Hehe, guilty as charged, but this (and every) forum is full of that, nothing new there. If I post something really relevant, rest assured I'd set the subject accordingly.

DreadedShaman wrote:
I quite enjoyed the questionnaire, it could have gone on forever imho.

If you know by memory the answers to all the questions, you're wasting your valuable memory.
If you're googling the answers, again, what's the point?
And some questions are just quakery, honestly Razz
Let's be honest: the Questionnaire is toooooo long and deep!

"One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws" - Martin Luther King
#13 Posted : 9/22/2019 2:17:47 PM

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Algodritmo wrote:

Mmm... yes, I can think of a better system, just the normal system used forever in every forum: let people post freely, and moderate, and even ban if needed. Or at least after a reasonable number of posts, 10 or so in different days, showing that it's not mere spam.

So why not instead join any other forum that you think has a better system? I don´t mean that in an aggressive way.... Im just wondering why you think this forum is so different than others? I don´t know about you, but one of the main differences I see between the Nexus and other forums is the general attitude, the friendly atmosphere that remains even with thousands of users, and the quality of posts. This system of selecting who is a full mebmer is in great part responsible for that.

As you can see, this forum is over a decade old, and you can bet we tried many different ways, from ¨free for all¨, to mod-only approval, to weekend-only joining, eventually to this system where all members can vote for your promotion, not just mods.In this process, there has been a lot of discussion in the background on how to improve things. This system we are pretty confident is working well.

See, we are not just looking for numbers, more people to join in that simply ¨arent spam¨. We are actually looking for people with a specific attitude, that will post quality posts, and even if they aren´t yet knowledgeable, that they will maintain the atmosphere, ask good questions, eventually help others with what they learn, etc. And this is certainly not possible if everyone is allowed in after a few posts.

Now, is this a perfect system, or is there even such a thing as a perfect system? Probably not, but we are trying to get it as best as possible. We get a lot of benefits in maintaining the quality of community.. The main problem in this system I see is that people don´t have the patience to wait and we end up losing some possible valuable members (then again, is it possible at least in some of those cases we are eliminating some impatient people we are better off without? ).. It´s a price we pay, but we hope that the people who will really contribute will understand this system and will be patient and eventually be promoted.

As downwardsfromzero said, you can always post in the welcome area regarding a topic that you don´t yet have access to, just reference it in the title. Also, im not sure if you noticed but the research subforum is open to all members (and on a personal note that´s my favorite subforum)
#14 Posted : 9/22/2019 5:58:43 PM

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You don't have to be a full member to read yourself some stickies. I learned mucho while I was waiting to ditch my seedling.
olympus mon wrote:
You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be!

"Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix

"We have arrived at truth, and now we find truth is a mystery- a play of joy, creation, and energy. This is source. This is the mystic touchstone that heals and renews. This is the beginning again. This is entheogenic." -Nicholas Sand
#15 Posted : 9/22/2019 7:44:04 PM

Ontological Philosopher

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I'm sure you will get full membership soon, its a good system that works.
Learning is the paramount delectation, and tribulation in life.
#16 Posted : 9/30/2019 4:53:01 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I do think this system is working. It is VASTLY different than other forums and that's probilly cause of the system in place. Seems here you are not just given this gift you have to earn it. Wich actually makes things better because well when you have to earn something you cherish it more than if you were given it. This probilly makes people think twice before starting endless pointless arguments that you see on other fourms constantly....it may still happen not nearly as much. And hey man don't worry it comes quicker than you think. One day youll wake up and think "ok lets go post in the welcome section AGAIN" then you log on and you got full access to post anywhere Big grin
#17 Posted : 10/1/2019 5:31:12 AM

analytical chemist

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the system here is why it's such a quality forum. it helps screen out trolls, narcs, and degenerate fools. Nexus is class, it's not nook, totse, drugs-forum, etc.
Most members here are level-headed, intelligent, and have the same awe-inspired affinity to the world's most powerful psychedelic.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#18 Posted : 10/6/2019 11:12:54 PM

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downwardsfromzero wrote:
Algodritmo wrote:
I see interesting topics throughout the forum, I'd like to contribute, or at least reply... but I can't, due to this membership system.
Hence, I end up not posting, ever, hence never getting that "membership"...

The answer to this fairly frequently asked question should be found in the FAQ - however:

If a topic grabs your interest but it's in an area in which you can't reply, simply make a new post in the welcome area with the title "Re: [title of the post you're referring to]". Your reply can then be added to the relevant thread by the moderator team and, bingo! you're participating in the forum. Carry on like that and there's a good chance you'll see promotion before too long.

Keep plugging away at the questionnaire as well. The questions are there to help stimulate your understanding of the subject and your ability to research useful information. You could even see it as self-improvement.

Best of luck!

Keep plugging away on the questionnaire is not true, myself and others have done the questionnaire and nothing has happened. The questionaire is too see who we are and what we know. It's just a hierarchy and they pick and choose who gets made or not. It really doesn't matter, myself can heal anyone on earth, and activate 5meo in my own body(just in very small amounts), It doesn't mean anyone believes it. Your help is needed on earth, not a hierarchy forum, just post your answers and questions on the beginners forum. There is also masons on here that want to know what we have found and learned on our journeys, so watch what you say. Our journeys are for ourself and the things we are shown are for ourself, not others to get information. If my journeys were posted, myself would be dead as it pertains to the end of times which is less than 20 years away, but again no one will even believe that. You don't need membership to get on our boat, come with the turtle and us at the end and live through it all. If your of pure heart and have caught your shadow, you will know being made means nothing at all.
Our trueself and the Earth heals,
we keep looking to the sky when it's right under our feet
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