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Growing mycelium and sclerotia on soft agar; Grow 5000 doses of actives per week in a small room? Options
#1 Posted : 9/17/2019 3:18:15 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hi all Smile
I have never been an active member here or of the shroomery, occasional long time lurker. These threads referenced and community members and posts are all of the shroomery.

I not long ago I found an old post of an older tek that had been long forgotten and thought to be bunk due to a reportedly terrible translation.


The Brack and Kobel method of psilocybin production.

The claim is that mycelium in some mushrooms is active, and it's speed of growth makes it a viable option for rapid actives production (maybe not pan cyans, as one member showed a law enforcement study of pan cyans that tested no psilocybin prior to pinning [Here; http://www.fanaticus.com/forensic.htm], though consuming pre-fruited mycelium of Cubes anecdotally produces effect in some cases and in others not so, perhaps due to catabolic processes [as with LC myc], I have read a successful report on this very tek with azurescens myc [Here; https://www.shroomery.or...php/Cat/0/Number/7789758]) The mistranslation is generally interpreted as myc grown in LC.
However, LC myc catabolises it's actives very quickly at (according to Brack and Kobel) exactly the one week mark and requires close and difficult (expensive apparatus for testing variables in the water) monitering to be harvested in the small optimal window. The other common mis-interpretation is to grow on hard agar. This results in myc that is unable to penetrate the surface, thereby providing too thin a layer of myc, low yields.

The solution posed is that agar mixed to 1/10th the dilution of hard agar allows for mycelial penetration. and one ought to harvest once the myc has carpeted the surface.

Reportedly effectively done by Brack and Kobel whilst working for sandoz in the 50s, also effectively used to grow sclerotia and fruit from this substrate. The sclerotia is extremely clean and easily harvested, and the agar is rightly priced if using it at 1/10th regular dilution.

The corrected translation of the tek recieved very little interest, admittedly the title and body of text is offputtingly dense in the old post.

I am curious to see if this is a viable tek for producing actives at 6x the speed and in a fraction of the space. (So much more in the fruit, I realise, still I see potential benefit here, grow bulk in trays and extract to another medium if eating heaps of myc is unappealing, the tek also mentions an extraction tek (I know fast degradation, make some agar jellies with it or mix it with some other protective medium, add flavours too Smile )

I tried to revive the old thread to little avail. Then I tried making a post in the cultivation thread, mixed responses. A lot of ill will toward the concept. A good point was made by footpath; "Just about everyone knocks what they don't try and don't even take time to read anything legitimate about. They mainly just proliferate speculative rumors from the populous. Ultimately, I am 99% certain that 99% of the people here Do Not have the means to produce anything beyond anecdotal evidence. And that, most of the time, they don't even bother to create that."

Now, please, forgive my arrogance for making three posts on the same topic and necroing an 11 year old thread about an abandoned tek from the 50s. I am curious, and see potential benefit to the community at large, perhaps the advanced crowd will be more likely to share in my curiosity.

I am a noob. I know nothing. I am in process of growing my first PF jars. I have no experience with agar. I am a student on government assistance who has just been kicked out of home and am shortly to live in a tent in the backyard of my law abiding Aunt. My pf jars have had to be moved to another location 3 hours from my Aunts. There will be renovations there in a months time for a month and a half. My jars will have to be spawned to completely autonomous bulk monotubs on my first grow.

I am an avid reader and have a lot of curiosity, that is just about all that is going for me as a cultivator.

If anyone feels any curiosity toward such a beautiful tek, a week, a little agar and some curiosity is the minimum requirements for some results. I believe that others may have favourable conditions, supplies and skills for such experimentation earlier than I will be able to.

Have a go if you will and tell us all how you go Smile

Here are my other threads in the cultivation sections of the shroomery and again, the old post I refer to as well as any relevant threads I could find;

Look at this, promising anecdotal reports regarding growing strong, active azurescens mycelial mats on agar. Easier than sclerotia even and better substrate for sclerotia too.

Spent cake tea, effective -

Eating cakes and mushroom stem bases on surface of cakes -

Mycelium extraction teks -


General cultivation shroomery thread -

Advanced cultivation thread -

Law enforcement study on what stage of Pan cyan myc contains actives, with pan cyans they found that it isn't until pinning, note, I've heard reports of other species that contain notable actives prior to pinning and this is the only source I found to say this about pan cyan, we trust cops right haha-

The old post on the supposedly correctly translated Brack and Kobel method -

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#2 Posted : 9/17/2019 9:15:53 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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For a moment I wondered if you were really Jeff the purple Wiggle. The Wiggles were my daughter's favorite band for a while. I'm pretty sure Chocobeastie is one of the Wiggles too.
olympus mon wrote:
You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be!

"Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix

"We have arrived at truth, and now we find truth is a mystery- a play of joy, creation, and energy. This is source. This is the mystic touchstone that heals and renews. This is the beginning again. This is entheogenic." -Nicholas Sand
#3 Posted : 9/17/2019 11:42:58 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: The Central Coast, NSW, Australia
Haha, nah. Don't remember why I made that my na,e for everything when I was younger. If I could change it I'd go by Daeg. Your daughter has good taste Smile
#4 Posted : 9/17/2019 10:15:39 PM

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ThePurpleWiggle wrote:
My jars will have to be spawned to completely autonomous bulk monotubs on my first grow.

Presumably you've seen this thread: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...mp;m=1013940#post1013940

Best of luck!

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#5 Posted : 9/18/2019 3:35:07 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 07-Jun-2013
Last visit: 31-Dec-2021
Location: The Central Coast, NSW, Australia
I hadn't seen that thread. Well put and concise, thank you for the link.
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