I am a musician and very much interested in using sound for triggering altered states of consciousness. I became rather prolific in that, released an album for the Hemi-Sync label, etc.
I always had very interesting and profound experiences with music/sound, both with the medicines or without.
The experience I had on DMT stood apart from the rest (cannabis, mushrooms, LSD, morphine in hospital - when the hospital machine's beeps synthesised music for me when I was on a morphine drip after an operation).
I heard a specific high pitched, sort of "crystalline" sound and the ordinary reality sounds became distorted in a way that made me think of time-stretching - they were sort of sloooowed down, "pixelated" or granulated... very much like the vocal effects in Sphongle's music - for example the vocal distortions at the beginning of this track:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TrHYDUcZsYWhen I listened to music it morphed synesthetically with the rest of the experience.
I am developing a new project - drone music that explores the saturation of space with sound and the overtones. I use double bass, cello and some processing... we did some preliminary recordings and I listened to them in the DMT state, where I got a clear message from the "aliens" (I perceive them as the real aliens, not the imagined, TV, anal probing ones

) that this is their language, that I can try to decipher, mimic it through that kind of droning, overtone rich sound... I don't know what to make of it, but I play around with the idea and use it for my artistic work. It makes me wonder more about other's experiences with sound. To find out about some regularities, similarities, repeat-ability of experience...
What do you hear in the DMT session, how does music or sound morph in your experience, do you keep track of music in breakthrough, what kind of sound/music did they play to you or what kind of sound was in other places, spaces...
"There is no solution, because there is no problem." Marcel Duchamp