I think we need to dedicate a specific place for dosages and experiences for the Harmala alkaloids. Upon receiving my THH yesterday, I was astounded at how long it took me to find information on average doses. It was scattered throught numerous threads, such as the Tetrahydroharmine (THH) sublingually thread and other forums.
This thread should be for EXPERIENCES ONLY with regards to the Harmala alkaloids. This should include experiences with Caapi and Rue as well. THIS THREAD IS NOT FOR DISCUSSION! In order to keep it devoid of clutter, please post only experiences!
The idea is that this data can be condensed into a normal dosing guideline for these alkaloids.
In your post please include:
Substances taken (and amounts)::
Body type (muscular, skinny, fat %, etc)::
Experience with drugs (in general and with these alkaloids)::
Trip report
