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Acacia + Mimosa Heart Chakra discovery of the century! Loveliest psychedelic Evurrrrrrrrr Options
#41 Posted : 9/6/2019 8:30:07 PM

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I know of two unusual experiences that match some aspects that you are describing.
They seem to have been endogenous experiences (meaning that no additional material was consumed) which may in some ways help to understand what you have discovered in a unique context!

One was my own and another was the author~metaphysician Philip K. Dick, both experiences involving a sudden internally-experienced pink "light". In Philip's experience he received information that his infant son was in need of an urgent medical procedure, which was accurate information and life-saving surgery was able to happen.
My experience did not involve transfer of specific verbal information but it reminds me of the aspects you are describing; there was an unexplainable and comprehensive reset to my wellbeing. It corresponds well to what you are describing in terms of the unprecedented level of compatibility with this actual state of existence.

Whether there are or are not additional discrete molecules in the metta mixture, it is uniquely indicated that you have reached a very human~compatible mixture, that even looks and smells differently from any you have encountered!!

Aspects of it may be more similar to the particulars of endogenous tryptamines. And..or it may be able to activate release or dynamics of endogenous tryptamines, and its own tryptamines being added alongside them, in specific ways!
(Consider for example the concept of tryptamine reuptake inhibition?)

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#42 Posted : 9/6/2019 8:41:46 PM

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moyshekapoyre wrote:
So nobody is extracting this and doing this??


At this point I've got a pretty large supply of "Metta" and NMT... the combo works perfectly every time. This is insanely beautiful. How can I spread this to the world?

You could start by sending us all some. Laughing
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#43 Posted : 9/7/2019 3:27:58 AM
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trncefigurate_aomn wrote:
I know of two unusual experiences that match some aspects that you are describing.
They seem to have been endogenous experiences (meaning that no additional material was consumed) which may in some ways help to understand what you have discovered in a unique context!

One was my own and another was the author~metaphysician Philip K. Dick, both experiences involving a sudden internally-experienced pink "light". In Philip's experience he received information that his infant son was in need of an urgent medical procedure, which was accurate information and life-saving surgery was able to happen.
My experience did not involve transfer of specific verbal information but it reminds me of the aspects you are describing; there was an unexplainable and comprehensive reset to my wellbeing. It corresponds well to what you are describing in terms of the unprecedented level of compatibility with this actual state of existence.

Whether there are or are not additional discrete molecules in the metta mixture, it is uniquely indicated that you have reached a very human~compatible mixture, that even looks and smells differently from any you have encountered!!

Aspects of it may be more similar to the particulars of endogenous tryptamines. And..or it may be able to activate release or dynamics of endogenous tryptamines, and its own tryptamines being added alongside them, in specific ways!
(Consider for example the concept of tryptamine reuptake inhibition?)

Thanks--good info! Yes, the level of "human compatibility" here is extraordinary. I'm certain many people have experienced this type of thing without drugs. I have myself. But, with the Metta NMT you can go as deep as you want really easily.
#44 Posted : 9/7/2019 3:29:18 AM
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twitchy wrote:
moyshekapoyre wrote:
So nobody is extracting this and doing this??


At this point I've got a pretty large supply of "Metta" and NMT... the combo works perfectly every time. This is insanely beautiful. How can I spread this to the world?

You could start by sending us all some. Laughing

Anyone who wants to PM me can do so. My main goal is to get people to extract this themselves but I'm happy to help with reference.
#45 Posted : 9/8/2019 4:32:29 AM

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moyshekapoyre wrote:

Thanks--good info! Yes, the level of "human compatibility" here is extraordinary. I'm certain many people have experienced this type of thing without drugs. I have myself. But, with the Metta NMT you can go as deep as you want really easily.

It is really fascinating to me that it has a beautiful scent, and, distinct coloration!

Could a terpenoid have formed, or if it were already directly present, increased in amount during the extraction process due to your specific method??

#46 Posted : 9/9/2019 6:56:25 PM
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Turns out the scent is totally unrelated to the effect, except that it puts you in a good mood to smell it. But now the stuff I'm getting doesn't smell like anything much, but still works the same. Color is still red. I have managed to get pure crystals but they don't produce as much bliss as the full spectrum red liquid in the few tests I've done.

Another person close to me just tested this last night... this person ("N"Pleased has had terrible experiences with DMT and so was quite scared to try this, but I assured her it's nothing like DMT.

She took the harmalas, felt ok, then vaped some NMT, felt nice, then vaped the metta, and altho she did not get the MAGIC BLISS, she did really like it, but she also said that it was showing her all of the faults in her personality that she never wanted to look at.
#47 Posted : 12/2/2019 8:22:35 AM
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Hey, so, update.

I just did a super simple Acacia extract which more or less worked--this was easier than extracting DMT (with current teks). I'm going to update my original thread also with this info... but basically, I just put some dilute HCl into acacia powder, watched it bubble and stirred it a bit (if I just had vinegar I'd boil it in vinegar for an hour). Waited 30 mins. Added a bunch of sodium carbonate until no more reaction. A this point it was pretty dry which is perfect for acetone. I added double the volume of acetone as there was bark mix. Made sure the bark mix was really nice and hot before I added the acetone (I left it in the oven with door open for a bit). After stirring, I poured the acetone bark mix into a hemp nut milk bag and squeezed all the acetone out, then stuck it in the dehydrator. Resultant goop was vaped after vaping harmala-infused-mullein. Metta magic effect!

The only downside is that I'm not removing the DMT. Luckily I guess this acacia didn't have too much DMT to really make the trip feel "serious" or "trippy"... just that magic love bliss. But it was enough DMT to give me a slight headache, altho I vaped more than I needed to as well (3 hits instead of 2).

#48 Posted : 12/21/2019 7:18:49 AM
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Interesting. So now I've identified 4 different forms of "NMT" (sorry, I don't know what to call them but they all feel on their own a little similar to what I call NMT, which is not very psychedelic but does alter things a bit). They all look similar on TLC, iirc.

Form 1: Activates metta, and it's the one I usually get with NPS pulls of ACRB or MHRB after removing DMT.

Form 2: As I mentioned in the tek there's a dysphoric form which makes the room look a bit yellow, but the dysphoria is only truly noticeable when combined with metta. This form may have come from MHRB actually.

Form 3: This one I was able to get by extracting ACRB with acetone *without* first pulling with an NPS. Not really sure what to say about it--feels kinda interesting, but doesn't interact with metta in any way.

Form 4: This one I'm pretty sure I got from ACRB, but not sure how. It's so strange. It seems to actually bring me not only back to sobriety, but into a super-sober state that is more sober than my *normal* state. I feel like an adult... like an adult who has to act like an adult because there are kids in the room or something like that (even tho no kids in the room). Not only like I have to act like an adult, but that everything is just serious in my perception. I can't say it's a bad thing. It might be useful in some situations.
#49 Posted : 12/30/2019 10:26:51 AM
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I just discovered a very similar type of love drug in Mimosa hostilis! It's definitely not the same, but it does blast the heart chakra open identically to me. It was like my first metta + NMT experience all over again.

I updated my initial post with a Tek on extracting the mimosa love drug.
#50 Posted : 1/6/2020 8:13:56 AM
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I just discovered yet another fascinating medicine in Mimosa hostilis. There appears to be very little in the bark. A low dose felt blissful, with great "clarity" but more focused on crown than heart chakra compared to the "mimolove" and the metta + NMT.
A higher dose was ... strange. It was all gold colors I was seeing --never seen that before. I then met these gold-colored aliens who were simply very curious and appeared to be studying me. There was nothing they were trying to convey to me. I feel like the main benefit of this is in low doses ... altho maybe the main benefit *to them* is in high doses.. Lol!

Anyway, if you want to experience "mimogold", here's the tek:

Base your bark to ph 14 (1lb lye to 1kg Mimosa hostilis root bark powder--and you will need at least 1kg bark to get mimogold, there's not much in there).

Extract DMT+NMT with your NPS (heptane etc) as usual. Now add acetone, let sit on heat mats overnight, then pop your quart glass jar of red acetone into the freezer. If lucky, you'll get a little oil at the bottom the next day. If not, try extracting with more acetone, and so on. I think it was on the 3rd pull with acetone that I noticed this oil at the bottom, but I need to do this again to be sure.

Pour the acetone out and dry it (in the sun outside). It contains DMT on top with jungle alks, NMT in the middle layer, and mimolove sticky layer on bottom.

The oil at the bottom of that acetone, you dehydrate separately.

It forms 2 layers. The bottom layer is dark and felt trippy, like DMT+NMT.

The top layer was white, and that was what I mixed with DMSO+harmalas to get the mimogold juice that I vaped in a greenlightvapes g9 cart.
#51 Posted : 2/13/2020 1:09:46 PM
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Benzyme got LC/MS graphs for my tested, good metta and NMT. Please note that these samples did have harmaline, harmine, and THH as well unfortunately (or maybe fortunately if you can use those peaks as references).

Here's what he sent me:

NMT would show up as 175-177 m/z
harmine would be 214 m/z

DMT shows up as 189-190 m/z

it is positive mode. adds +1. it's a legacy instrument, single quadrupole ion-trap, so the resolution isn't great, but I can run MS/MS, and SIM (selective ion monitoring)"

So far I'm guessing this is not really all that helpful with identifying what's what, and I'm not at all convinced metta is even one molecule. But there's no point in me not posting these graphs I suppose?

A chemist friend of mine says he thinks HP-GC/MS may be needed here but anyway I'm going to send some more samples to Benzyme and maybe by comparing some purer metta we can get some more ideas.
#52 Posted : 2/14/2020 3:45:56 PM

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trncefigurate_aomn wrote:
My main goal is to get people to extract this themselves

So has anyone been able to reproduce your results?
I am going to try this eventually, but I've got a lot of things on my todo list right now.
#53 Posted : 2/14/2020 5:00:01 PM
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A few people have extracted metta liquid from Acacia confusa now. A few others have extracted mimolove from Mimosa hostilis. Next time someone tells me this I will ask them to post on this thread.
#54 Posted : 2/22/2020 2:41:37 AM
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2 Updates:

I somehow now have a fairly pure metta crystal here. I don't know how exactly it formed. I washed it with vinegar to remove the other alkaloid(s) in there. The metta crystal is very tough and doesn't dissolve easily. I sent this to a friend thinking that it was NMT. He vaped it and said "That's metta!" I thought he was crazy because I've never seen metta in crystal form before. So I vaped it myself, and absolutely, it was metta. To activate it, I then vaped some NMT, and it was indeed magical.
Once Benzyme gets his LC/MS rig fixed, I'll be sending this off for analysis and hopefully we can get some better idea of what it is.

Now, there's a strange twist to this. I've mentioned before about how there are different things that I'm calling "NMT." I don't know why there are so many different things that sort of feel like NMT to me. Some of them activate Metta and some don't. I originally thought there was only one form that activated Metta, but now I've discovered another form. I had developed a tolerance to the previous form apparently, altho it continued working for others, but this new form worked perfectly even while the other would not for me. I truly have no idea what is up with all this stuff I'm calling NMT. Not sure if they are actually different forms of NMT or what exactly.

moyshekapoyre attached the following image(s):
pure metta crystal.jpg (2,497kb) downloaded 159 time(s).
#55 Posted : 3/1/2020 7:30:36 PM

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I wanted to share some of my thoughts and experiences with Mimo and ill post some more on metta soon.

I have been lucky to have been able to test many different batches of both metta and Mimo. Both i believe to be important and need further study. I hope more experienced DMT extractors will take up the mantle and begin making it. I am not that experienced in extracting. I make small amounts of personal pure DMT using GordoTEK. Im getting closer to having what I need to begin trying to extract mimo and metta.

I am extremely grateful to be able to experience these unique substances OP is creating. They have actually been extremely therapeutic and transformative in my life. When the batch is right its like the most gentle entry to some of the most amazing realms. I have done DMT over 50 times and have 40 years of psychedelic experience. Now days I generally only do it with harmala. I know DMT. While DMT can certainly repeat or replicate any experiences from past trips on other substances. Mimo and metta are very unique imo. And have given me new unique experiences consistently. I can easily tell the difference between the three.

And in my personal experience both Metta and Mimo can offer the most gentle entry into realms people who are new to DMT struggle getting near and many give up. Both also offer more euphoria that can be overwhelming yet far more organic... genuine feeling than say MDMA. Yet Mimo and Metta are VERY different from each visually. Yet at lower doses they are both very therapeutic for meditation and at higher doses are very psychedelic for the more exploratory minded. Both can blast your heart open leave you in a pile of tears of joy and gratitude.

I recently tested a very strong batch of mimo and I find mimo to be the easiest to distinguish from anything else. The reason is it can give you some very DMT like visions but at the same time gives what I can only describe as very much like the best high dose LSD closed eye visuals ever. I drift in this realm that is a mixture of both. Its very hard for me describe. You know the space people often term the carnival room? I dont like such terms but Mimo gives me almost instant access to a similar yet different realm also filled with kaleidoscopic LSD like imagery and a high LSD dose like feeling. The DMT like visions are almost as if i was in a breakthrough experience. They come and go. Yet im aware im just observing and still me. Unlike DMT for me, Mimo is wonderful with marijuana they share some synergy. I NEVER want to smoke pot during a DMT trip, or even after. On mimo i always want to smoke pot. I dont even smoke much pot anymore. But on mimo I do! If you do well with Mimo you can keep sipping on it and stay in these realms for long periods. I have had people who fear DMT try Mimo and metta and they love it. They go back to try DMT and still find the entry difficult. DMT is not difficult for me anymore. But it is as we know hard for people especially people who are new to it. I have used metta in group meditation settings with experienced peeps and all agreed it was very different, most appealing to them was the gentle entry and euphoria yet still highly profound powerful visionary experience.

The last batch I tested of "mimo love xtls" was very strong, seemed to have an extra punch of love in it. I had one other batch few months back that was similar but this seemed even better. But the biggest thing was the feeling of love was constant... overwhelming. Its been a long while since I cried from joy and gratitude. Also it was like a very strong LSD peak both visually and in feeling, but better, which is amazing. Always takes me 5 hours on lsd to get anywhere near where I got visually on mimo in a few puffs. On this mimo I had intermixed waves of euphoria bliss and love throughout the entire experience of 2+ hours. All these beings were giving me attention. First like female attention. Not sexual but imagine being in a room with 10000 lovely females all brushing your hair, giving you attention and love while liquid waves of bliss cover you.... it was amazing. I live alone so it was nice Smile. Then I got sort of the same thing with kittens. You know that feeling when you pet a box of cute kittens. Imagine that 1000x. It was like being injected with love. Liquid love engulfing your whole body. Your in the box of kittens and tumbling around a space filled with kittens purring etc. I also saw some classic DMT like visions and characters that came and went that I would normally have in like a breakthrough experience, but it never killed my ego completely. Although it has once before. I never lost who I was or where I was in this trip. I tried to remain an observer with a still mind.

This is what is to me so special about mimo to me. The most gentle entry into these realms I have yet to experience with anything else plus it was like being injected with pure organic love that became so strong I cried from joy. On this mimo no matter how much I took I just floated through the most vivid visions that were....so beutiful and ... unspeakably good feeling.

Hard to explain. I never want to smoke pot on DMT or Metta but damn its good on mimo. There is a slight opioid type feeling at times that can be hypnotic or trance like in a sense. At least for me.

OP has been working very hard to perfect a process and figure this all out. In my opinion he is on to something with great therapeutic benefits. It not only has unique properties it gives people who fear DMT a gentler entry option.

#56 Posted : 3/16/2020 4:07:02 PM
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Update. Just discovered that vaping metta instantly cures nausea & diarrhea for me. This is opposite of what DMT does.
#57 Posted : 7/28/2020 8:41:21 AM


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I have recently freeze-preciped naptha pull with limetek on ACRB, yielding 2 grams of white fluffy xtals, which im presuming are more n,n, presence of indole/skatole detected in remaining solvent so it was evapped to yield a goo, which after mixing with basil smells STRONGLY of jasmine.

Mixed with a 20x rue powder, its clearly magical, and absolutely seems to benefit the breathing and yoga as moyshekapoyre was saying. I feel i have successfully created a varient of chamnha using ACRB, lime, naptha.

edit: as crazy as it sounds I discovered a mantra from this practice (Chamnhavidya, or Chamndhavidya)

Soma, Metta, Chamna (full breath)
Hoama, Maitri, Chamndha (full breath)

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