DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3 Joined: 04-Sep-2018 Last visit: 07-Sep-2019 Location: Paris
Hi everyone, I am a new poster but a long time lurker. I have learned a lot here, since the beginning for me two years ago. For this gigantic amount of knowledge, thank you everyone !!! Since then, I have changed : I am more able to surpass some psychological obsessions (relating to work), I am able to extract safe DMT without burning my kitchen, I grow phalaris aq1 from a clone; DMT has been important to me. You need to know that all my life has been index on drugs since I am 11, for several reason (being functionnal socially, being able to deal with chronic pain resulting from thoracic surgery). I am therefore under tramadol (400mg/day) and pregabaline (600mg/day). I also use modafinil when needed. In the last 18th month, I had around 60 experiences - and breakthrough with half of that. I am now using a concentrate changa, with enough DMT for my dynavap to send me in hyperspace in one toke. If I want a safe trip, i respect the click which tells you when the temp of vaporization is ok. If I want a true harmala/DMT trip, I go far enough to combust the changa (with horrible results everytime : hyperspace became more "angular"  . I have a big problem : I love DMT, but the vast majority of my breakthrough experiences has been near-death experiences, with the shattering of my mind (loosing sens of what is reality, forgetting what Time is). I am wondering if I am a rare instance of dmt user (if I read the survey found here, there is next to zero user which has been hyperslapped 8 times out of 10) or if DMT experience is, by essence, an ego-death I find a lot of trip reports that tells story : jesters are met, Fairies. There is no coherence for me : fractals, recursive patterns, and no anthropomorphic entities (just "mute presences"  . Maybe tramadol & pregabaline are tainting the experience, I don't know. But the more I try to find a peacful experience, the more I am inclined to think my mind cannot bear it. Do you have an advice ? I don't want to part from dimitri ;-)
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2096 Joined: 20-Nov-2009 Last visit: 12-Nov-2023
Hi and welcome, That's interesting you grow AQ1, do you grow outdoor or indodor ? Have you tried extracting it yet? While I have been dabbling with this forum and DMT for ten years, nowadays after also long breaks, I have the same experiences as you do. Always feels like Near Death Experience, often feeling like hyperslapped more or less.... So I start to prefer now low doses of 5 MeO DMT over n,n DMT in whatever dose. There are some probability that tramadol and pregabiline or even modafinil when you use it, alter the experience too. Can't really tell you here that you could probably work toward finding alternative treatment for your pain or better, treat the source, theroot cause, which is an operation that is making you now in pain chronically. Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3 Joined: 04-Sep-2018 Last visit: 07-Sep-2019 Location: Paris
Thank you rOm for your answer. It confort me in pursuing the voyage. I will try 5meo !
For the AQ1, I am growing it outdoor but in a contained pot of 1 meter by 1 meter. I want to build a strong rhizome before replanting in my garden, next to bamboos, and in the wild (but i need to find a place where his invasive nature will not harm the ecosystem). It is a personal conviction and not a judgment on other : I am convinced that my experience will be different if I harvest it from a source that do not require the destruction of a tree. Right now, I work with acacia roots and I do know what it means. Sometime I wonder if the guilt is responsible for my difficult voyages
I did not try the extraction from the phalaris yet....I need one or two years before harvesting I think.
I should have a neurostimulator implant very soon (no marijuanna for medical uses here in France). I hope it can help.
But the fact that you are a 10 years long user is encouraging for me; It tells me that what I perceive as violent experiences is maybe what other will enjoy - therefore I need to change my understanding of the thing.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 353 Joined: 05-Jun-2019 Last visit: 23-Oct-2023 Location: nammyohorenghekyo
Tramadol... ugh. They put me on that and within two days I had a horrible panic attack that landed me in the emergency room feeling like I was dying. I found out that while not common, tramadol can screw with your serotonin levels which IMO can definitely have an impact on your 'experiences' with other tryptamines. I was also on a really high dose of gabapentin, and started having some cognitive issues on it. It's hard to explain, but I felt like I was about two or three second behind everything from conversations to activities and it got a point where I couldn't remember scientific names of plants or what I had eaten a few hours before. I quit taking it and improved immediately, so, of course, they switched me to a low dose of pregabalin, and I keep telling them that it has absolutely no effect on my pain whatsoever but they seem to insist that it does and keep prescribing it (I think they get some kind of kick backs from the pharmaceutical company personally). When I looked into it, it apparently slows down the firing of your nerves which I would imagine probably has some impact as well. My work around was to taper down and then quit for a day or two ahead of time, the pain and withdrawals SUCK, but I consider it the price of admission lately. Author of this Post assumes no Responsibility, nor makes any Guarantee of the Accuracy or Validity of material in this Post. Material Contained or referred to in this Post is presented for Entertainment Purposes Only. This Material IS Not Intended to be Inferred, or Interpreted as Information, Advice, News, Instruction, or Factual Information.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 254 Joined: 05-Sep-2018 Last visit: 25-Apr-2024 Location: Found
Hello and welcome to the Nexus! Julienm wrote:Hi everyone, DMT has been important to me. You need to know that all my life has been index on drugs since I am 11, for several reason (being functionnal socially, being able to deal with chronic pain resulting from thoracic surgery). I am therefore under tramadol (400mg/day) and pregabaline (600mg/day). I also use modafinil when needed. Sorry to hear you have to deal with chronic pain, that's no fun. All the stimuli hitting your brain before you blast off play a huge role in setting the landscape and experience of the trip. Negative and unpleasant stimuli tend to lead to unpleasant trips. This isn't an absolute outcome, however, as psychedelics are endlessly dynamic and this is especially true with DMT. Personally, I have chronic pain in my stomach and I only blast off with DMT when I'm having an easy or manageable pain day. I cannot speak from personal experience about the medication you take, but anything that changes the way you feel will change your trips. Julienm wrote:In the last 18th month, I had around 60 experiences - and breakthrough with half of that. I am now using a concentrate changa, with enough DMT for my dynavap to send me in hyperspace in one toke. If I want a safe trip, i respect the click which tells you when the temp of vaporization is ok. If I want a true harmala/DMT trip, I go far enough to combust the changa (with horrible results everytime : hyperspace became more "angular"  . Does the vapor come out harsh when you do it this way? If your throat is the cause of your pain, it might be related to the intensity of your lungs handling the vapor itself, especially due to the time required to hold it in. You might be interested in trying out the GVG, or creating a vape setup WITHOUT changa. I know Changa for most people is more pleasant and easy going than a full blown DMT trip, but everyone is different so it is highly important to experiment if you ask me. Julienm wrote:I find a lot of trip reports that tells story : jesters are met, Fairies. There is no coherence for me : fractals, recursive patterns, and no anthropomorphic entities (just "mute presences"  . I believe that the appearance and inhabitants of your trips will change a lot mostly due to changes in your life, new life experiences, progression of your life, achieving goals or milestones, and development of personal relationships. The more you excel at your life and the more you are able to take the lessons you learn from DMT and other psychedelics, the more you will be rewarded with awesome experiences. This phenomenon can be highly frustrating in situations like yours if you are feeling stuck in the game of life. Emptier trips can be a signal that you have some personal work to do before you should come back to the spice. Julienm wrote:
Maybe tramadol & pregabaline are tainting the experience, I don't know. But the more I try to find a peacful experience, the more I am inclined to think my mind cannot bear it.
It is possible that the combination of the medication you have to take will not allow pleasant experiences, but also maybe not. It seems like you can bear a lot. You live a life in pain, and by your math you've had something in the ball park of 24 bad trips out of 30 breakthroughs? Yet you still have the perseverance, desire, and conviction to find a way to make this magical substance fit into your life. I can promise you that is not normal. You are strong. Please understand that. 60 experiences in 18 months is quite a lot, even for an individual who is enjoying every single one of them. If you feel you must step away or slow down, trust that instinct. Julienm wrote: Right now, I work with acacia roots
This likely explains a lot. If you're extracting acacia, you're pulling NMT along with DMT. A lot of people don't like NMT as it can make the experience darker or unpleasant. I haven't smoked DMT from acacia, but I've experienced darker or rougher themes on ayahuasca/pharmahuasca mixtures that had Acacia in them. I would suggest giving it a go with MHRB. Have you looked into mushrooms, LSD, or mescaline at all? "It was altruism, not violence or force, which associated our higher cortex. Our intent is to awaken that memory." - Indigo
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3 Joined: 04-Sep-2018 Last visit: 07-Sep-2019 Location: Paris
Hi Twitchy. Yep, I totally agree with you on that. I had to deal with secondary effects from tramadol & pregabaline during the first year of my phd. I couldn't remember the beginning of the sentences I was reading, and not because it was complexe to read - I was incapacitated, intellectualy & emotionaly. I still am, but with more control and less to none cognitiv deficiency (except shitty attention span and problems with my is not a bad deal to live without excessive pain). But I need to stop this molecules, order from my doctor. I need to go cold turkey If I want to be eligible to electrostimulation implant. I admire your nerves and hability to do without it.
Vibesurfer, I would agree with 100% of what you say. I do try to avoid NN DMT by mixing zinc powder to the acid solution of acacia roots bark. It should help convert part of the dmt oxydes to DMT. I avoid the contact of the changa with oxygene by enclosing the thing in an hermetic jar, with dessicant, inside a freezer. But it is never enough I think. I have a GVG but must confess that I choose to let it sleep of my shelve for a mobility reason - I live between Paris (where I work) and Lille (where I live). The dynavap was a good choice to fit in my multiples bags.
Indeed, sociability tend to have an impact on the trip. I tend to keep the control with meditation before the session, which allow my mind to be untainted by the malice and stupidity I can see every day in the behavior of some coworkers. But next to that there is the taste and, indeed, the harshness of the changa - if burnt, I am sure to breakthrough but with very dark visions and feelings. It is like DMT space was a gigantic city combining wonderful architectures, benevolent peoples, and a slum where would live all the bullies - burnt changa is for me an open-door to this slum. I know I should not apply a the manichéisme "good vs evil" to DMT visions. I am sure that violent experiences are part of the whole thing, that is why it is no more a deterrent to me. Nonetheless, I am a little jealous when I read most of the trip reports ;-)
Vibesurfer, I am indeed cultivating magic truffles from p. mexicana and p. tampanensis. But for now it is only for microdosing - I am afraid of what I would became with a five hours long near death experience. I know psilocybe and dmt have little in common, but the set would be, by default, very problematic.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 353 Joined: 05-Jun-2019 Last visit: 23-Oct-2023 Location: nammyohorenghekyo
Julienm wrote:Hi Twitchy. Yep, I totally agree with you on that. I had to deal with secondary effects from tramadol & pregabaline during the first year of my phd. I couldn't remember the beginning of the sentences I was reading, and not because it was complexe to read - I was incapacitated, intellectualy & emotionaly. I still am, but with more control and less to none cognitiv deficiency (except shitty attention span and problems with my is not a bad deal to live without excessive pain). But I need to stop this molecules, order from my doctor. I need to go cold turkey If I want to be eligible to electrostimulation implant. I admire your nerves and hability to do without it.
My new pain management doctor is a complete jerk, undoubtedly and absolutely all about the money. They keep upselling me on these really high end new synthetic opioids that cost nearly six hundred dollars or more for a month's worth of medication and lately they've been really trying to push me into one of those implanted stimulators. I've had it out with them on this more than a few times, and when pushed I found out that the only reason that they were willing to admit, was supposedly their moral objections to long term opiate therapy. My lower spine is being held together by nine screws, two plates, some rods and bone grafts and due to persistent and apparently inoperable stenosis, I'm going to be in moderate to severe pain for the rest of my life, but I find their preference for implants and procedures over a simple and effective medication to be a complete antithesis to everything I know about medicine. I know that opiates are addictive, and I know the risks involved with long term usage but damned if I want them running a wire up my spinal cord. For one thing, my canal is atypical to an extreme, and knowing what I know about electromagnetic fields and induction, I'm just not comfortable with the idea of walking around with conductive material affixed to my cord. They laugh this off and keep threatening to take me off the medications, and I suppose my reluctance for this implant has them scribbling 'drug seeker' somewhere in their little secret files which is infuriating but that is the way they operate at this place. I finally got fed up with this greed driven sideshow and went right back to Kratom, which works better than anything they have ever prescribed so far including Dilaudid and other potent opiates, and I'm now the proud father of three Rifat Kratom trees and order about 1kg every two months or so. Author of this Post assumes no Responsibility, nor makes any Guarantee of the Accuracy or Validity of material in this Post. Material Contained or referred to in this Post is presented for Entertainment Purposes Only. This Material IS Not Intended to be Inferred, or Interpreted as Information, Advice, News, Instruction, or Factual Information.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 137 Joined: 22-Jun-2019 Last visit: 19-Sep-2019
Man stay away from situation is different I was a heroin addict and now have been on methadone for 10 years! I am finally tapering off and should be done in 2 months! I have found that methadone and probilly most other opiates work opposite to any trip I need so much more than the average person! the trips are getting more intense or I need less since I been tapering down.
However I cant comment on the negative nature of your trips that rarely happends to me. If I were you go to another doctor even if you have to go out of your way it is worth it if your doctor actually listens to you and doesn't try to push something on you. Unfortunatly greed is a large part of the pharma world...find what works FOR YOU! if the kratom works better than what the docs are doing for you stick with that unless you find a new doctor...
The only thing I could think of is maybe with the meds your on it might be a little harder to break through is that the case? If so maybe when you do break through your REALLY trying to hard and get more than you intended. Obviously measure your dose but also write things down like how many hits how long you held it in for even time of day! Time of day can play a part when taking other meds if you take your meds say at 9 am and then smoke around around 11 your meds could be near the peak but if you smoked before the meds or waited longer after taking the meds the effect might be different....
again I don't have a lot of negative effects but I can notice a difference in intensity if I smoke before I take my morning dose of methadone OR I wait till late at night. If I do it in the middle of the day it doesn't seem as intense probilly cause that's when the methadone is most active. Its hard to pin these things down unless you write it down. get a note book and make notes of everything dose time of day did you eat ect...hopefully at some point a pattern may emerge. I give you a lot of credit to keep at it tho I have only been hyper slapped twice if it happened 8 out of 10 times I don't know if I would continue! Also take a break for a bit a lot of people here say they get slapped if they try to hard or smoke to often! Wish ya the best man!