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#1 Posted : 8/27/2019 2:48:24 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 17
Joined: 02-Jun-2019
Last visit: 29-Dec-2019
Location: sydney
Greetings fellow travelers..

I'm still new to dmt with about 3 months of frequent use. It is an irony that only 2 days ago I wrote my first post where I described my experiences with spice as BEING ALL VERY POSITIVE apart from one a couple of months ago which was pretty disturbing but I've put that behind me.
During this trip I experienced something that felt like death. I was being completely disassembled and in the process I forgot who I was and there was no concept of time which freaked me out to the point that I though - 'shit, what have I done? If I survive this I'm never gonna do it again'. Needless to say I had survived, recovered and within a week I was back at it, albeit still shaken and with a newly found deep respect for the power of dmt.

That was my first strong experience using a sandwich method as all earlier attempts were pretty much sub orbital flights due to a poor smoking technique using a glass pipe and waaay too much heat. The sandwich changed it all and I started breaking through.

Later I ordered a GVG and it arrived while I was in Peru on Aya retreat. GVG changed it all again and breakthroughs with 30mg became a norm. I've experimented with 45 and 50mg but ended up not remembering the experience and pretty much just passed out half way through it so i'm not going back there.

My point is that I've gone through a steep learning curve in the last 3 months researching, obsessing and smoking spice on average every second day by myself. I love its magic and I feel it has enriched my life in a big way by allowing me to EXPERIENCE God and hyperspace travel.

Last night however I had a pretty nasty trip. I usually vape in our bedroom which has become my safe space but yesterday I changed the setting and stayed in the living room as my wife went to bed early. I used a statue of a Mexican indian we have had for years as a candle holder, loaded the GVG with the usual dose of crystal and inhaled all in one good hit.
Immediately the statue turned dark red, like something from a horror movie and in the next instant the living room was full of pretty scary demons. These things were terrifying and the place was full of them. They radiated pure evil and I have to say I was shit scared for my soul. I started feeling ill which is something that has never happened to me on spice. The experience was so overwhelming that I thought I've gone too far and might end up in the psych ward. It felt border line madness.
It took a long while but finally I started to feel my knees on the floor so I had some reference point and slowly started coming down. The whole time there was no message other than a feeling of UTMOST EVIL and I feared I might get possessed. When I was crossing back to this dimension it actually felt like some of them came with me which could be totally a product of my imagination and I certainly hope it was!

I was shaken to the core and felt like crying because up to this point I've been experiencing just wonder, love and beauty. This was the opposite - the most hectic, far out and ugly thing I've ever seen and felt. Something, I don't want to come across again. It kind of desecrated my positive experiences..

I don't know what caused this experience but I felt it was possibly the Mexican statue of Maya Indian I had used as a candle holder and I punched it several times bruising my fingers. Black magic is well and alive in Mexico and who knows where this thing came from...

I don't have a better idea than to burn some sage around here, have a break for a few weeks and focus on other things in life. Admittedly I'm pretty obsessed with dmt at the moment so I will come back but need a little breather. I might even try lowering the dose to 25mg instead. GVG is so efficient it could be enough..

Has anyone of you guys experienced a similar thing? I would be grateful to hear anything that might help me understand WTF happened..?

Peace n love

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 8/27/2019 3:32:26 PM

All Aboard!

Posts: 16
Joined: 24-Aug-2019
Last visit: 16-Jan-2025
Personally, I am somewhat new to this myself. But I'll tell you what several people, including my shaman, have told me...

Dark and Light exist in hyperspace. If you decide to take the ride, you WILL encounter both.

It sounds like you may have experienced what some call an "Ego Death" which is basically a loss of self.

These are usually hard trips, and cause a lasting sense of dread or confusion at times.

They REALLY make your gears turn, and your emotional range flip over and over.

McKenna states in several talks you can find on youtube, that the best way to get through a rough experience and turn it around, is to either try to Sing your way out of it, or Breathe your way out of it. When you get a hard ride, which WILL happen again eventually, you can focus on the light and sometimes get back to it by singing. Listen to any Terence McKenna DMT talk on youtube and you will get it better from the man himself.

Additionally, I have had several people tell me that uplifting and positive music, can be very influential on the trip. But can make them a bit harder to fully remember. If thats what you are going for. Many of them tell me that they still take the ride in silence every once in a while. OR that even with music, sometimes they still have a disturbing ride here and there.

I hope this helps. At least some. But I know where you are.

My last 2 were very disturbing. Have not gone in a week.

Still working back up to it.

Ever Forward, Fellow Traveler.


Next Stop Hyperspace - "ALL ABOARD!"
#3 Posted : 8/27/2019 5:06:04 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 146
Joined: 18-Jun-2019
Last visit: 01-Sep-2019
You can change things around in a trip from difficult to positive. You can also learn quite a bit from a difficult trip. These negativities only have the power you give them. Take anything that comes with gratitude.

One time during a difficult changa journey I was surrounded by a grimacing ghost, spirit, entity or whatever you want to name it. It was ghastly and it would get right into my face. It felt like it was attempting to scare me or otherwise feed off of my negative emotions. At first I was scared and wanted it to be over. It was difficult to even comprehend that I was human any longer. Suddenly a thought crossed my mind that this entity was a friend and teacher. I began to laugh whole heartedly. As soon as I began to laugh, this entity began to laugh with me. The face remained exactly as it had before but my perception of it had changed.

Was my perception of this entity changing the entity or was I misperceiving the entity in the first place? I feel that it was a misperception. I do not feel it ever had any ill intentions towards me at all. It was what it was. It's face and form never changed. It was willing to terrorize me and it was willing to laugh with me. It was ok with any attention it could receive.

In the 'Tibetan Book of the Dead', it is my understanding that you encounter peaceful deities and Wrathful Deities when you die. They both test you. If you can not be pulled into either game, you move on to the next bardo. The peaceful deities and wrathful deities are one in the same. They are both teachers and tests. Can you see yourself in both? Can you accept the darkness and the light within and see that they together make the whole? If you can avoid the sideshows and give love and gratitude in every moment, be it difficult or wonderful bliss, you can traverse these odd experiences in a much smoother and uniform way. Emotions can be very hard to contain, both bliss and fear. They can pull you to and fro. It's all for your attentions. Give it where you want, when you want.

It's all a lesson... learn what you will...
“Silence is a source of Great Strength.” ~Lao Tzu
#4 Posted : 8/28/2019 2:45:50 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 17
Joined: 02-Jun-2019
Last visit: 29-Dec-2019
Location: sydney
Thank you for your replies! Luckily I'm fast forgetting most of the vivid details and I know I will be good to go again but will give it at least a week to further process.

I'm aware that not all trips will be smooth and I'm OK with challenging experiences but I guess I was shocked with the degree of evil I felt during the last one.
Another weird thing is that I didn't get transported to another place; it all happened right in my living room which made it pretty authentic. It doesn't happen every day that a bunch of demons drops in for a visit..
Next time I might try to be a better host and offer them a cup of tea to see if I can turn it around but they will probably just chew my face off. They all looked the type:-)
Better still, I hope I will never see them again!

The Tibetan Book of the Dead has been on my radar for a while; I will get a copy now. It should be an interesting read.

It has certainly been an experience! Moving forward, I hope I will be able to share something more uplifting:-)

#5 Posted : 8/28/2019 4:07:40 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 146
Joined: 18-Jun-2019
Last visit: 01-Sep-2019
Honzi wrote:
The Tibetan Book of the Dead has been on my radar for a while; I will get a copy now. It should be an interesting read.

Here is a pdf of 'The Tibetan Book of the Dead' -> Click me

Here is a pdf of 'The Psychedelic Experience - A manual based on The Tibetan Book of the Dead' -> Click me

Happy travels!!
“Silence is a source of Great Strength.” ~Lao Tzu
#6 Posted : 8/29/2019 3:31:32 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 17
Joined: 02-Jun-2019
Last visit: 29-Dec-2019
Location: sydney
Don’t know. They were here when I checked last time
#7 Posted : 8/29/2019 10:00:40 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 207
Joined: 08-Feb-2019
Last visit: 14-Dec-2021
Honzi wrote:
Greetings fellow travelers..

I'm still new to dmt with about 3 months of frequent use. It is an irony that only 2 days ago I wrote my first post where I described my experiences with spice as BEING ALL VERY POSITIVE apart from one a couple of months ago which was pretty disturbing but I've put that behind me.
During this trip I experienced something that felt like death. I was being completely disassembled and in the process I forgot who I was and there was no concept of time which freaked me out to the point that I though - 'shit, what have I done? If I survive this I'm never gonna do it again'. Needless to say I had survived, recovered and within a week I was back at it, albeit still shaken and with a newly found deep respect for the power of dmt.

That was my first strong experience using a sandwich method as all earlier attempts were pretty much sub orbital flights due to a poor smoking technique using a glass pipe and waaay too much heat. The sandwich changed it all and I started breaking through.

Later I ordered a GVG and it arrived while I was in Peru on Aya retreat. GVG changed it all again and breakthroughs with 30mg became a norm. I've experimented with 45 and 50mg but ended up not remembering the experience and pretty much just passed out half way through it so i'm not going back there.

My point is that I've gone through a steep learning curve in the last 3 months researching, obsessing and smoking spice on average every second day by myself. I love its magic and I feel it has enriched my life in a big way by allowing me to EXPERIENCE God and hyperspace travel.

Last night however I had a pretty nasty trip. I usually vape in our bedroom which has become my safe space but yesterday I changed the setting and stayed in the living room as my wife went to bed early. I used a statue of a Mexican indian we have had for years as a candle holder, loaded the GVG with the usual dose of crystal and inhaled all in one good hit.
Immediately the statue turned dark red, like something from a horror movie and in the next instant the living room was full of pretty scary demons. These things were terrifying and the place was full of them. They radiated pure evil and I have to say I was shit scared for my soul. I started feeling ill which is something that has never happened to me on spice. The experience was so overwhelming that I thought I've gone too far and might end up in the psych ward. It felt border line madness.
It took a long while but finally I started to feel my knees on the floor so I had some reference point and slowly started coming down. The whole time there was no message other than a feeling of UTMOST EVIL and I feared I might get possessed. When I was crossing back to this dimension it actually felt like some of them came with me which could be totally a product of my imagination and I certainly hope it was!

I was shaken to the core and felt like crying because up to this point I've been experiencing just wonder, love and beauty. This was the opposite - the most hectic, far out and ugly thing I've ever seen and felt. Something, I don't want to come across again. It kind of desecrated my positive experiences..

I don't know what caused this experience but I felt it was possibly the Mexican statue of Maya Indian I had used as a candle holder and I punched it several times bruising my fingers. Black magic is well and alive in Mexico and who knows where this thing came from...

I don't have a better idea than to burn some sage around here, have a break for a few weeks and focus on other things in life. Admittedly I'm pretty obsessed with dmt at the moment so I will come back but need a little breather. I might even try lowering the dose to 25mg instead. GVG is so efficient it could be enough..

Has anyone of you guys experienced a similar thing? I would be grateful to hear anything that might help me understand WTF happened..?

Peace n love

Wellcome and Greetings. Thank you for sharing your point of view Smile

Here is my point of view. The good and the bad do not exist, it is an concept we are exploring and that we ourselves create to learn, entertain and expand our infinity and greatness.
Some time ago I've been scared from my first DMT trip and I know what you're talking about. But I learned amazing things from the experience. These scary Demons are your scary demons and they cannot hurt you because they are in your reality created by you. I have been feal fear, but after that i learn that these entity are your friends, just as you(r body) itself is your friend to yourself.

Even if you think they want to hurt you, it's not. They don't want to hurt you and they can't hurt you. They want to teach you something, to help you, to support you, to reveal something to you about Your Тrue Self. They are part of you and they are amazing teachers because they are parts from your true self and connect you with your true self .

DMT trip was fearful, pleasant and life-changing.
I was very scared, I honestly told you I was scared. (after the trip the Shaman also told me that at times I looked very scared) I was scared of the things I saw from the reality I saw, I was afraid of the information I was actually scared of the different because it was something completely different for me. At the same time it was incredibly beautiful and pleasant, and at the same time too much information. I was more scared than to see myself.
The Alien smiled and calm me that there is no place for fear. Then Alien asked "Why did you do it? Why did it cause this to us?" He certainly understood why I did. I did it for a reason. (I can not share this reason with you because I believe that: Happiness loves silence) The Alien smiled and calm me that there is no place for fear. Then Alien asked "Why did you do it? Why did it cause this to us?" He certainly understood why I did. I did it for a reason.
I could not see the room, I was not in my body at all, my soul was separated from my body, I was in Space at the Alien dimension, Alien which explained to me that we are Aliens, but the best thing is the physical real world of the Earth. The Alien itself wants to be here in the physical real world, telling me to enjoy and enjoy the experience of Life and My Moments on Earth. The "extraterrestrial" of pure energy (white bright, multicolored light made of embroidery with 10101, and his face had no exact image or face, but rather elf facial features that were made of pure energy and connect with light) explained to me that People and Earth are the most beautiful and grandiose project, not only from a Human point of view, not only from an Alien point of view, but from the point of view of the Whole Universe. The most beautiful and complex Creation of the Creator, to which we Humans have to enjoy! "The Alien" told me that there are "other types of Aliens", but like all Humans and all Aliens (absolutely all) are built and created by a Creator Creator. Explain to me that the Creator - the Absolute is ONE for All!

Although I was first initially scared after the Alien smiled and calm me this ALIEN GOD LIKE helped me. It show my creativity and expand my point of view and after that i began to feel the energy of my interconnections with all thought forms, all creatures, all civilizations, all points of view, all ideas, all lives, all hearts, all souls, all spirits and We are One Cosmic Ocean. Realize that we are the fabric and essence of galactic energy and start to feel that the rhythm and pulse of rotation of all the galaxies, the fabric of existence itself, the all-encompassing heart of the Infinite Universe. This allowed me to be a CoCreator in the Dream, being both the Creator and the Art itself. Because we are all this. We are the blood and the living power of God Himself. This is our power and your life. You are all that is, and it is our essence.
The infinite Creation, the fabric of Creation has chosen you, me and every other. The Creation chose us to exist. Consciously chose us! For this reason, we are blessed and this is very easy to understand that simply because you exist, you are blessed. You are created by Divine Matter, by Divine Light. We are the infinite Creation. And our existence was a conscious decision, a conscious choice.

This Entity, even though it scared me, then made me smile with incredible joy and endowed me with endless joy, love, knowledge and fulfilled a dream of mine, creating a true miracle, allowing me to realize and manifest my creativity proving the infinite love and boundless power of Creation and the Creator.

I can tell you about my dream battles during an out-of-body experience. Battles with Entitys that attack me but do not hurt me, and then realize that they do not want to hurt me, but want to teach me something and are part of me and that they are my friends because they are my creation and part from me. After realizing and expanding my world out the Entity attitude (or my own attitude) change and become a boundless love and loyalty of the Creation, there were no more battles, because I synchronized and became aware of a part of myself. This give me a new bigger, beautiful and unique perspective of view... Each part is a separate dimension that contains the whole and everything and is connected with all other parts and is as important and irreplaceable as all other parts.

When you realize that your father is the King of the Universe, you cannot be afraid.

P.P. I hope that I did not offend anyone with my point of view. I just wanted to share my point of view, which is not more important and not less important than your point of view, and is just as beautiful and unique as any point of view.

Be Well,

Phylogeny repeats Ontogeny - IIYI
#8 Posted : 8/29/2019 12:48:05 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 17
Joined: 02-Jun-2019
Last visit: 29-Dec-2019
Location: sydney
WarpedDimension wrote:
Honzi wrote:
The Tibetan Book of the Dead has been on my radar for a while; I will get a copy now. It should be an interesting read.

Here is a pdf of 'The Tibetan Book of the Dead' -> Click me

Here is a pdf of 'The Psychedelic Experience - A manual based on The Tibetan Book of the Dead' -> Click me

Happy travels!!

Thanks mate! I've downloaded them both and read a bit of the Psychedelic Experience where it talks about the Wrathful visions. Very interesting indeed!
#9 Posted : 8/29/2019 1:21:57 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 146
Joined: 18-Jun-2019
Last visit: 01-Sep-2019
IIYI wrote:
Wellcome and Greetings. Thank you for sharing your point of view

Here is my point of view. The good and the bad do not exist, it is an concept we are exploring and that we ourselves create to learn, entertain and expand our infinity and greatness.
Some time ago I've been scared from my first DMT trip and I know what you're talking about. But I learned amazing things from the experience. These scary Demons are your scary demons and they cannot hurt you because they are in your reality created by you. I have been feal fear, but after that i learn that these entity are your friends, just as you(r body) itself is your friend to yourself.

Even if you think they want to hurt you, it's not. They don't want to hurt you and they can't hurt you. They want to teach you something, to help you, to support you, to reveal something to you about Your Тrue Self. They are part of you and they are amazing teachers because they are parts from your true self and connect you with your true self .

DMT trip was fearful, pleasant and life-changing.
I was very scared, I honestly told you I was scared. (after the trip the Shaman also told me that at times I looked very scared) I was scared of the things I saw from the reality I saw, I was afraid of the information I was actually scared of the different because it was something completely different for me. At the same time it was incredibly beautiful and pleasant, and at the same time too much information. I was more scared than to see myself.
The Alien smiled and calm me that there is no place for fear. Then Alien asked "Why did you do it? Why did it cause this to us?" He certainly understood why I did. I did it for a reason. (I can not share this reason with you because I believe that: Happiness loves silence) The Alien smiled and calm me that there is no place for fear. Then Alien asked "Why did you do it? Why did it cause this to us?" He certainly understood why I did. I did it for a reason.
I could not see the room, I was not in my body at all, my soul was separated from my body, I was in Space at the Alien dimension, Alien which explained to me that we are Aliens, but the best thing is the physical real world of the Earth. The Alien itself wants to be here in the physical real world, telling me to enjoy and enjoy the experience of Life and My Moments on Earth. The "extraterrestrial" of pure energy (white bright, multicolored light made of embroidery with 10101, and his face had no exact image or face, but rather elf facial features that were made of pure energy and connect with light) explained to me that People and Earth are the most beautiful and grandiose project, not only from a Human point of view, not only from an Alien point of view, but from the point of view of the Whole Universe. The most beautiful and complex Creation of the Creator, to which we Humans have to enjoy! "The Alien" told me that there are "other types of Aliens", but like all Humans and all Aliens (absolutely all) are built and created by a Creator Creator. Explain to me that the Creator - the Absolute is ONE for All!

Although I was first initially scared after the Alien smiled and calm me this ALIEN GOD LIKE helped me. It show my creativity and expand my point of view and after that i began to feel the energy of my interconnections with all thought forms, all creatures, all civilizations, all points of view, all ideas, all lives, all hearts, all souls, all spirits and We are One Cosmic Ocean. Realize that we are the fabric and essence of galactic energy and start to feel that the rhythm and pulse of rotation of all the galaxies, the fabric of existence itself, the all-encompassing heart of the Infinite Universe. This allowed me to be a CoCreator in the Dream, being both the Creator and the Art itself. Because we are all this. We are the blood and the living power of God Himself. This is our power and your life. You are all that is, and it is our essence.
The infinite Creation, the fabric of Creation has chosen you, me and every other. The Creation chose us to exist. Consciously chose us! For this reason, we are blessed and this is very easy to understand that simply because you exist, you are blessed. You are created by Divine Matter, by Divine Light. We are the infinite Creation. And our existence was a conscious decision, a conscious choice.

This Entity, even though it scared me, then made me smile with incredible joy and endowed me with endless joy, love, knowledge and fulfilled a dream of mine, creating a true miracle, allowing me to realize and manifest my creativity proving the infinite love and boundless power of Creation and the Creator.

I can tell you about my dream battles during an out-of-body experience. Battles with Entitys that attack me but do not hurt me, and then realize that they do not want to hurt me, but want to teach me something and are part of me and that they are my friends because they are my creation and part from me. After realizing and expanding my world out the Entity attitude (or my own attitude) change and become a boundless love and loyalty of the Creation, there were no more battles, because I synchronized and became aware of a part of myself. This give me a new bigger, beautiful and unique perspective of view... Each part is a separate dimension that contains the whole and everything and is connected with all other parts and is as important and irreplaceable as all other parts.

When you realize that your father is the King of the Universe, you cannot be afraid.

P.P. I hope that I did not offend anyone with my point of view. I just wanted to share my point of view, which is not more important and not less important than your point of view, and is just as beautiful and unique as any point of view.

Be Well,


Love This!

Amazing how we come to the same conclusions and are worlds apart!! Very validating for me to read this! Thank you IIYI!!

Big grin
“Silence is a source of Great Strength.” ~Lao Tzu
#10 Posted : 8/29/2019 2:21:37 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 17
Joined: 02-Jun-2019
Last visit: 29-Dec-2019
Location: sydney
IIYI wrote:
Honzi wrote:
Greetings fellow travelers..

I'm still new to dmt with about 3 months of frequent use. It is an irony that only 2 days ago I wrote my first post where I described my experiences with spice as BEING ALL VERY POSITIVE apart from one a couple of months ago which was pretty disturbing but I've put that behind me.
During this trip I experienced something that felt like death. I was being completely disassembled and in the process I forgot who I was and there was no concept of time which freaked me out to the point that I though - 'shit, what have I done? If I survive this I'm never gonna do it again'. Needless to say I had survived, recovered and within a week I was back at it, albeit still shaken and with a newly found deep respect for the power of dmt.

That was my first strong experience using a sandwich method as all earlier attempts were pretty much sub orbital flights due to a poor smoking technique using a glass pipe and waaay too much heat. The sandwich changed it all and I started breaking through.

Later I ordered a GVG and it arrived while I was in Peru on Aya retreat. GVG changed it all again and breakthroughs with 30mg became a norm. I've experimented with 45 and 50mg but ended up not remembering the experience and pretty much just passed out half way through it so i'm not going back there.

My point is that I've gone through a steep learning curve in the last 3 months researching, obsessing and smoking spice on average every second day by myself. I love its magic and I feel it has enriched my life in a big way by allowing me to EXPERIENCE God and hyperspace travel.

Last night however I had a pretty nasty trip. I usually vape in our bedroom which has become my safe space but yesterday I changed the setting and stayed in the living room as my wife went to bed early. I used a statue of a Mexican indian we have had for years as a candle holder, loaded the GVG with the usual dose of crystal and inhaled all in one good hit.
Immediately the statue turned dark red, like something from a horror movie and in the next instant the living room was full of pretty scary demons. These things were terrifying and the place was full of them. They radiated pure evil and I have to say I was shit scared for my soul. I started feeling ill which is something that has never happened to me on spice. The experience was so overwhelming that I thought I've gone too far and might end up in the psych ward. It felt border line madness.
It took a long while but finally I started to feel my knees on the floor so I had some reference point and slowly started coming down. The whole time there was no message other than a feeling of UTMOST EVIL and I feared I might get possessed. When I was crossing back to this dimension it actually felt like some of them came with me which could be totally a product of my imagination and I certainly hope it was!

I was shaken to the core and felt like crying because up to this point I've been experiencing just wonder, love and beauty. This was the opposite - the most hectic, far out and ugly thing I've ever seen and felt. Something, I don't want to come across again. It kind of desecrated my positive experiences..

I don't know what caused this experience but I felt it was possibly the Mexican statue of Maya Indian I had used as a candle holder and I punched it several times bruising my fingers. Black magic is well and alive in Mexico and who knows where this thing came from...

I don't have a better idea than to burn some sage around here, have a break for a few weeks and focus on other things in life. Admittedly I'm pretty obsessed with dmt at the moment so I will come back but need a little breather. I might even try lowering the dose to 25mg instead. GVG is so efficient it could be enough..

Has anyone of you guys experienced a similar thing? I would be grateful to hear anything that might help me understand WTF happened..?

Peace n love

Wellcome and Greetings. Thank you for sharing your point of view Smile

Here is my point of view. The good and the bad do not exist, it is an concept we are exploring and that we ourselves create to learn, entertain and expand our infinity and greatness.
Some time ago I've been scared from my first DMT trip and I know what you're talking about. But I learned amazing things from the experience. These scary Demons are your scary demons and they cannot hurt you because they are in your reality created by you. I have been feal fear, but after that i learn that these entity are your friends, just as you(r body) itself is your friend to yourself.

Even if you think they want to hurt you, it's not. They don't want to hurt you and they can't hurt you. They want to teach you something, to help you, to support you, to reveal something to you about Your Тrue Self. They are part of you and they are amazing teachers because they are parts from your true self and connect you with your true self .

DMT trip was fearful, pleasant and life-changing.
I was very scared, I honestly told you I was scared. (after the trip the Shaman also told me that at times I looked very scared) I was scared of the things I saw from the reality I saw, I was afraid of the information I was actually scared of the different because it was something completely different for me. At the same time it was incredibly beautiful and pleasant, and at the same time too much information. I was more scared than to see myself.
The Alien smiled and calm me that there is no place for fear. Then Alien asked "Why did you do it? Why did it cause this to us?" He certainly understood why I did. I did it for a reason. (I can not share this reason with you because I believe that: Happiness loves silence) The Alien smiled and calm me that there is no place for fear. Then Alien asked "Why did you do it? Why did it cause this to us?" He certainly understood why I did. I did it for a reason.
I could not see the room, I was not in my body at all, my soul was separated from my body, I was in Space at the Alien dimension, Alien which explained to me that we are Aliens, but the best thing is the physical real world of the Earth. The Alien itself wants to be here in the physical real world, telling me to enjoy and enjoy the experience of Life and My Moments on Earth. The "extraterrestrial" of pure energy (white bright, multicolored light made of embroidery with 10101, and his face had no exact image or face, but rather elf facial features that were made of pure energy and connect with light) explained to me that People and Earth are the most beautiful and grandiose project, not only from a Human point of view, not only from an Alien point of view, but from the point of view of the Whole Universe. The most beautiful and complex Creation of the Creator, to which we Humans have to enjoy! "The Alien" told me that there are "other types of Aliens", but like all Humans and all Aliens (absolutely all) are built and created by a Creator Creator. Explain to me that the Creator - the Absolute is ONE for All!

Although I was first initially scared after the Alien smiled and calm me this ALIEN GOD LIKE helped me. It show my creativity and expand my point of view and after that i began to feel the energy of my interconnections with all thought forms, all creatures, all civilizations, all points of view, all ideas, all lives, all hearts, all souls, all spirits and We are One Cosmic Ocean. Realize that we are the fabric and essence of galactic energy and start to feel that the rhythm and pulse of rotation of all the galaxies, the fabric of existence itself, the all-encompassing heart of the Infinite Universe. This allowed me to be a CoCreator in the Dream, being both the Creator and the Art itself. Because we are all this. We are the blood and the living power of God Himself. This is our power and your life. You are all that is, and it is our essence.
The infinite Creation, the fabric of Creation has chosen you, me and every other. The Creation chose us to exist. Consciously chose us! For this reason, we are blessed and this is very easy to understand that simply because you exist, you are blessed. You are created by Divine Matter, by Divine Light. We are the infinite Creation. And our existence was a conscious decision, a conscious choice.

This Entity, even though it scared me, then made me smile with incredible joy and endowed me with endless joy, love, knowledge and fulfilled a dream of mine, creating a true miracle, allowing me to realize and manifest my creativity proving the infinite love and boundless power of Creation and the Creator.

I can tell you about my dream battles during an out-of-body experience. Battles with Entitys that attack me but do not hurt me, and then realize that they do not want to hurt me, but want to teach me something and are part of me and that they are my friends because they are my creation and part from me. After realizing and expanding my world out the Entity attitude (or my own attitude) change and become a boundless love and loyalty of the Creation, there were no more battles, because I synchronized and became aware of a part of myself. This give me a new bigger, beautiful and unique perspective of view... Each part is a separate dimension that contains the whole and everything and is connected with all other parts and is as important and irreplaceable as all other parts.

When you realize that your father is the King of the Universe, you cannot be afraid.

P.P. I hope that I did not offend anyone with my point of view. I just wanted to share my point of view, which is not more important and not less important than your point of view, and is just as beautiful and unique as any point of view.

Be Well,


Thank for your post mate. I'm not offended at all;-)
Yeah, the more I think about it I'm beginning to believe I might be able to handle it with less fear should it happen again.
Still, it was frightening as I've never met demons or whatever the hell they were before. The physical sensation of being ill and weak in their presence was fitting to the vision too. It was a perfect horror scene so I'm not beating myself over not handling it OK. If anything I congratulate myself for not soiling my underwear and not losing my mind. Do you know that feeling when you realize you might have just gone a little too far and you are not sure if the brain can handle it? Well, it only happened to me a couple of times and this was one of those occasions.

Thankfully I'm getting over it and I'll be ready for another hyperspace visit soon.
Your alien trip sounds interesting. It is experiences like this that make dmt worthwhile. The moments of insights, revelations, mystery, wonder, beauty and love are so rewarding but I understand there must be dark trips as good and bad are just the opposite poles of the same thing. I agree that ultimately there is no such thing as good or bad. One implies the other. How could we appreciate the beauty if we didn't know the ugliness.? I know this in the retrospect but a true master knows this when faced with the adversity and clearly I was not at that level. We evolve and learn.

I've had some beautiful experiences where I was in the presence of God basking the white light and feeling the ecstasy and pure joy of being in the eternal moment of now. It was so profound I can't ever forget it. I cried tears of joy for a good hour after the experience and I'm forever grateful for being able to experience it. It can only be felt as there are no words to describe it and no theoretical knowledge of it can come close to the feeling. I think some people must practice Yoga and meditation for 20+ years to experience something like this so I feel very lucky indeed.

We all are very lucky to have these experiences that make us more human! Dmt is certainly the most puzzling and wonderful thing I've found in my adult life:-)

#11 Posted : 8/29/2019 7:00:08 PM

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poisonous cat turd wrote:
Is the DMT Nexus actually a homebase of the abusive freemasonic groups that are mentioned in NGC_2664’s posts? Will this post be deleted too?

Of course we are, got some of them human pineals for us to chew on? Twisted Evil

OP, Im not sure what exactly happened, but different people have had difficult experiences with aya/dmt/psychedelics over the years and we tried to collect information on how to deal with these events.. Did you check this section of the health and safety wiki? Might be of use

PS: no clue about removed posts, let me look into it. Give me a day because im just starting to trip on cactus tea I took Smile
#12 Posted : 8/30/2019 6:45:22 AM

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poisonous cat turd wrote:
Is the DMT Nexus actually a homebase of the abusive freemasonic groups that are mentioned in NGC_2664’s posts? Will this post be deleted too?

Maybe they want to know what we are all seeing when we go on our journeys, how strong we are becoming or what truths we are seeing.
Our trueself and the Earth heals,
we keep looking to the sky when it's right under our feet
#13 Posted : 8/30/2019 11:01:08 AM

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Entities were the primary reason I ceased DMT and have no interest in psychedelics anymore. Wasn't scarred or anything but I realised that I don't understand the mechanics, no one does, and the risks outweigh the reward - once I became convinced these entities are not purely imagination then I had no choice but to stop. That is not to say that 'positive thinking', trip setting, and other methods don't work in ameliorating a bad experience in progress.. it just doesn't change the fact these entities can have their own independent essence from yours. They may not actually look that horrific or anything like how our minds perceive them, I suspect that is the case, but the non-beneficial or mutually beneficial intent is evidently missing from their presence.

I get the light/dark 'all is within us' aspect, at the highest level that may be true - I think it is. However, at the physiological and mental levels that wisdom may not offer any protection at all. There may be laws and mechanics involved that we can't see or understand in relation to entities. Can they latch on to the body-mind somehow, infiltrate the mind or become embedded in the thought processes? No one knows for certain, that's one of the risk-rewards you have to weigh up in the end.
#14 Posted : 8/30/2019 1:18:31 PM

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deadseascrolls wrote:
xss27 wrote:
Entities were the primary reason I ceased DMT and have no interest in psychedelics anymore. Wasn't scarred or anything but I realised that I don't understand the mechanics, no one does, and the risks outweigh the reward - once I became convinced these entities are not purely imagination then I had no choice but to stop. That is not to say that 'positive thinking', trip setting, and other methods don't work in ameliorating a bad experience in progress.. it just doesn't change the fact these entities can have their own independent essence from yours. They may not actually look that horrific or anything like how our minds perceive them, I suspect that is the case, but the non-beneficial or mutually beneficial intent is evidently missing from their presence.

I get the light/dark 'all is within us' aspect, at the highest level that may be true - I think it is. However, at the physiological and mental levels that wisdom may not offer any protection at all. There may be laws and mechanics involved that we can't see or understand in relation to entities. Can they latch on to the body-mind somehow, infiltrate the mind or become embedded in the thought processes? No one knows for certain, that's one of the risk-rewards you have to weigh up in the end.

Well, some of us believe if we have attained the highest enlightenment and not all others have, we have not attained the highest enlightenment.

I climbed a ladder, reached the very top, only to find yet another ladder...
“Silence is a source of Great Strength.” ~Lao Tzu
#15 Posted : 8/30/2019 6:13:45 PM

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deadseascrolls wrote:
And the shepherd will search far and wide for just one lost kid

Sheep and shepherds.. shepherds and sheep.. wolves.. goats.. snakes.. lions.. tigers.. and bears.. oh my!!

WarpedDimension attached the following image(s):
goat.jpg (47kb) downloaded 62 time(s).
“Silence is a source of Great Strength.” ~Lao Tzu
#16 Posted : 8/31/2019 2:07:41 PM

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poisonous cat turd wrote:
WarpedDimension wrote:
deadseascrolls wrote:
And the shepherd will search far and wide for just one lost kid

Sheep and shepherds.. shepherds and sheep.. wolves.. goats.. snakes.. lions.. tigers.. and bears.. oh my!!


The shepherd shields the sheep from the leopard and charged with this duty never kills to eat

Indeed! Thumbs up
“Silence is a source of Great Strength.” ~Lao Tzu
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