Hello to all,
OK, well, I guess i'll get right to it.
My first experience in Psychedelics was at 5 years old.
I accidentally ingested a fatal or nearly fatal dose of methaqualone, Tripped for 3 days while in the ER having my stomach pumped with charcoal.
Thought it was a dream for 25 years.
Until my Mother, after hearing me recount the dream, broke down in tears and told me the rest of the story.
After some research, it would appear that one must take a fatal, or nearly fatal dose of methaqualone to have this effect.
At 5 years old, and less than 40lbs, the 400mg (Approx) that I ingested was akin to a full grown man taking over 1400mg.
What I saw was to me, absolutely real. Imagine all of this, from the mind of a 5 year old.
_Now for My Story_
One night in an old farm house in the suburbs of Chicago, Fall of 1983...
I was sent to bed hungry, and being a bit upset with my mother, I went into her room instead of mine and found what I thought was candy on her nightstand. I then took the pill into my room, and down the hatch it went.
Though it tasted badly, I remember that I basically thought nothing more of it and went on to bed. Falling asleep as normal.
Some time later, I don't know how long, I awoke to a feeling of dread, fear, and utter confusion.
Sitting up in my bed, I looked out the window next to me, and saw two neon apparitions phasing menacingly through the wall and reaching for me.
TERROR gripped me at this point, and I tried shouting for my Mom. But, for the only time in my life the fear was so strong, I was unable to make sound. It took my voice from me and I couldn't scream for help. Only air came out. No vocal sounds at all.
So, I ran back across the hall into my mother's room seeking her help while still struggling to scream out her name. When I got into her room it appeared empty with a made bed and the lights off.
The apparitions then flew to her window from around the corner of the house and again tried to phase through it, reaching for me even more menacingly than before. Moving much faster now.
To escape them I ran down the stairs almost tumbling head first down them and watched as the laundry room doorway at the bottom of the stairs began to fill with pairs of disembodied eyes. Thousands of them. All on me now. Following my every slight movement with vicious intent.
Gripping the wall, slowly sliding down the last few stairs, I inched around the corner into the living room, just feet away from a doorway now filled floor to ceiling with pairs of eyes of all sizes and types. The eyes were just started to stack on top of each other and add to my confusion, as I rounded the corner fully and lost sight of them.
When I entered the living room, I was immediately confronted with hundreds of cats, hissing and backs arched, all over the living room. Growling and staring at me. Clearly annoyed at my presence and meaning to do me harm.
As I started to crawl on the ground trying not to anger/aggravate them further, I then made the terrible choice to look up at the ceiling...
Instantly, I was catapulted to the height of fear as the ceiling became one gigantic web, and millions upon millions of spiders were descending unto me from all sides. One of my greatest fears at that time.
I passed out at this point and vomited, according to my Mother.
She said she rode with me to the ER in an ambulance, and my stomach was pumped with charcoal for nearly three days before I became fully conscious again. With, at the time, little to no memory of the event. Not until over a decade later did I start to re-live it. In vivid Nightmares, every few nights, like it was stuck on rewind in my subconscious. However, It would be almost another decade before I thought to ask my mother about it...
After this event, I experienced a long period of many other EXTREMELY vivid dreams and mostly nightmares, until I was 16/17 and started smoking herb. Which seems to nullify my dreams. Preventing me from remembering any I might be having. So I started smoking every night.
And Poof! No more Dreams. Problem solved right? Well. Sort of.
This helped me to focus again, after years of depression and anxiety from the constant and extremely vivid nightmares. Going from almost a straight D average to graduating with honors, in a matter of about 1 and a half years.
Another side effect of this event, was a high comfort level with large doses of Psychedelics and little to no fear of them in general. Though I didn't know exactly why until I was much older, and had the eye-opening conversation with my mother about the "Dream" I thought I had. So, this of course has lead me to be an explorer for a very long time. Still trying to make sense of and integrate that experience from over 35 years ago.
So, here I am. Still on my journey. Doing my Travels. Which has brought me to this interesting little corner of the interwebs of mankind.
Though I have only just begun my research here, I am certain it will take many years to learn all I wish to know. But hey, you gotta start somewhere right?
Thus far I have blasted about 8 times, and I have much to share and many new/old questions.
Hopefully this is the place for me to do that. It seems that it is.
Thank you for having me here. And for reading my Story.
P.s. The above is not a work of fiction. It is my true to life events, as closely as I can remember them. I have never written this down anywhere else. Nor opened myself to scrutiny in such a way. Until today, only my mother, my best friend, and my girl, know that this happened to me. Feel Free to ask me anything. I'm an open book here.
Next Stop Hyperspace - "ALL ABOARD!"