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Kabbalistic glyphs control dmt visions Options
#1 Posted : 12/22/2009 3:25:35 AM


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second or third article down.

Just an example of the power of belief. Please, no debunkers.

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Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung


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#2 Posted : 12/22/2009 5:07:36 AM

analytical chemist

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no need to debunk
most beliefs debunk themselves in the grand scheme of things.

a christian lady who was mentioned in 'DMT: The Spirit Molecule' claimed to have seen jesus in her experience.

could've just as easily seen Krishna, or like Iggy Pop, Buddha.

the moral: your psychedelic experience may be influenced by what you/your culture believes
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#3 Posted : 12/22/2009 8:42:13 PM


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What do you have against Iggy Pop?????? Very happy

Anyway. You ehoed my point. The power of belief can allow one to see whatever they want. The power of the mind filters through ones cultural beliefs(Operating system, per McKenna) and Voila! Jesus, Buddha, Iggy.

But glad we have a bullsh!t sniffing bulldog doing his best to bark at anything on the other side of the fence. Letting everyone know he's there.
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#4 Posted : 12/23/2009 4:32:23 AM

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One thing that intrigues me even more is the amount of non-believers that have some kind of full-blown traditional religious experience (seeing the Net of Indra, being crucified, etc.).

I have a book full of Aya accounts, where one man was introduced to an Egyptian diety and given a name. He researched this and was shocked to find it was real. This theoretically could still be some kind of cryptomnesia... but also intrigues me.

The power of belief, yes...

And the powers BEYOND belief!! Very happy
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#5 Posted : 12/23/2009 7:05:41 AM

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from wikipedia abotu Indra's net..
"Indra's net has a multifaceted jewel at each vertex, and each jewel is reflected in all of the other jewels"

Wow!..definatily been there many many times..
Long live the unwoke.
#6 Posted : 12/23/2009 8:24:25 AM

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Quote from article
"When I find it necessary to pursue mystic paths, though being a physical materialistic atheist myself, I find it most satisfactory to fall back on kabbalist paths as they require the least compromise of my daily conscious beliefs."

William Burroughs was one of the first modern DMT trippers to get his ASS KICKED by the molecule! Set and setting took its toll, a filthy run down apartment/flop house is no place for your first high dose attempt at Hyperspace! It was this very experience/trip that coined the term "DMT the Horror Drug".

Why would one need to debunk a true psychological/philosophical statement as that? Not meSmile I say when in Rome behave as a Roman. One could substitute any philosophy or belief system in place of the words "kabbalist path" The quote is a very wise statement in my opinion I sometimes feel it necessary to purse mystical paths with a open mind mind. You could say Einstein was a mystic that never prevented him from looking past preconceived notions to make one of the most important and dangerous scientific discovery's in man kinds history.

I will go out on a limb to say there is very much to learn from the transpersonel aspects of human conciseness. Many of our thought patterns and universal archetypes are way to similar to be a coincidence. This seems to point to a couple possibilities both are amazing. We exibit these psychological transpersonel aspects of humanity as a "instinct" meaining the information is somehow present in our DNA. The single cell zygote already has ALL the information needed to live and reproduce another generation of humans or alien/human hybrids(if that is your cup of teaWink )

The other possibility is we are indeed all just subsets of the main ultimate "SET".
And since we do not even fully comprehend our place in the sub set of humans we can not possibly understand the meaning of the original "SET". It feels like we may all be one and the sameShocked Shocked can not denie that perception that blows me away on a regular basis when ever I go seeking it manifests on a regular basis. Of course a single mans perception can not nor should it be truth for others of course.

But yep still waiting on the BIG answer to the BIG question. Is the brain concisness???
I really do not care if I am mortal or will live forever I just want the truth so I can plan me and my faimlys futures. Because in my view the truth is neither good or bad its not cool or hot it is just the truth nothing else is needed to properly define it. In fact some say the truth can never be defined and that may be true but we can most certanily prove and exibt that which is false to be what it truly is.


#7 Posted : 12/24/2009 1:18:11 PM


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Thanks you MV. THAT was more of what I was looking for in an answer instead of someone using a post as an excuse to be glib.

I too would like to know the truth. I would like to think that my human mind could be cranked up, with help of course, to a level of consciousness that would allow comprehension of the answer.

Are we just a zoom-in on a tiny branch of a great Mandelbrot set? And if so, does the rule - as above, so below apply?

Is the truth within us, being a replication of the whole? Holographic in nature? Complete in and of ourselves?

Either way, I hope it isn't ZA that tells me the truth!!! That thing sounds scary!

Wait! I think I see him!
Espiridion attached the following image(s):
beholdergreen.jpg (28kb) downloaded 70 time(s).
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#8 Posted : 12/24/2009 4:23:00 PM

analytical chemist

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if there's one thing the dmt experience shows, it's that beliefs are subjective.
kabbala isn't even a distant thought to me, neither is any mythical figure.
the experience shows me the power of synaptic resonance in the visual cortex.

searching for spiritual meaning behind the experience is up to you, but it isn't mandatory, nor is it necessarily inherent
to the experience itself.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#9 Posted : 12/25/2009 11:22:27 PM


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The only spiritual belief I have is do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

If I keep my thought pure, I have better experiences with spice.

Just because I find a fraction of an article interesting and feel it would be good topical fodder for the Nexus does not mean I wholeheartedly stand behind it. I feel it necessary to put disclaimers on my posts to keep those that would undermine the beliefs of others, subtly or otherwise, from putting their cut and dry OPINIONS in the way of simple chat. I think we all know where you stand, Benzyme. I agree that nothing matters, every thing is just illusory vibration, morals are relavent if they exist at all, the cerebral cortex is simply an evolution of thermodynamics, blah,blah,blah.

Let us kids have our fun and you can get back to your newspaper and pipe by the fire.


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#10 Posted : 12/25/2009 11:33:22 PM


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And as for psycedelic experience. I am aware that the prevailing theory on the subject is the fact that feedback loops occur in the brain. One need not subscribe to any cultural, religious or otherwise biased belief past reason and experiment. I agree with this theory, but knowing any or all of the nuances of the brain/mind cant explain everything. If more than one person sees a tentacled beast in their head the reasonable man throws down the 'archetype' card. I take it you , Benzyme have never met this aforementioned mythical figure. Neither have I. But lets not take away the significance OF the archetype by simply calling it an archetype. Instead of rationalizing and categorizing, why don't you share your theory as to WHY it is showing up now and throughout the past. Show me your brilliance. Here is your chance.

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#11 Posted : 12/26/2009 1:05:14 AM

analytical chemist

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I honestly couldn't tell you, because I can't call it.

it eludes description, as does mapping the psychedelic exprerience. Neuroscientists have pinpointed 5HT2A receptors as usual suspects, but that's only part of the whole. fact is, scientists have no idea exactly what elicits these 'spiritual' manifestations in the mind.
I'm noone to knock it, but I know it can't be attributed to any one belief system...hence, my original response.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
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