"Can you tell me what you see?"
"This is my first time here.""What do yo mean?"
"I mean this place. This existence. It is
alien to me.
I can't make sense of anything."
"Are you frightened?"
"No. I am uncertain."
"What are you uncertain about?"
"Whether I am smiling right.""Can you tell me what you hear?""I hear
static. Like
smoke in my ears,
it's choking me, keeping me from the richness of breath."
"What are you doing?
"Crying.""Are you with anyone?"
"Shades.. or something.. ghosts of people. It's hard for me to believe
any of it is real.
They have no names."
"Are they saying anything?"
"Create.""Create what?"
"I don't know.""Is that why you are crying?"
"Yes..""I want to taste the fruit that blossoms from a tree I've grown.""I take another step.""I am aware.""Aware of what?"
"That I will never walk on the surface of the Sun."
"Are you certain?""No."
"I will ask.""Ask?"
"To walk on the surface of the Sun.""To touch the mind of the Planet; to show me the colors we vibrate; to
teach me."
"Who will you ask to do this?"
"I don't know her name."
dances in the shattered light of
"Is she familiar to you?"
"Yes. She knows what I want, and what I need.""Are you certain?""No."In most cases, the furthest you have to go for help is the nearest human being.DMT: The Spirit Molecule a film by Mitch Schultz
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creator; shattered diamond
eyes and serpent veins of
Quote:I'm scared to death that I'm living a life not worth dying for.