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Iam new but the police send me a letter Options
#1 Posted : 8/10/2019 12:50:39 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hi everyone,
Moderator wrote:
No sourcing talk please.

I tryed to make DMT for myself but i got only few flakes and i dismiss everything. And i realize it is not the time for it (in a spiritual way).
So i throw everything away and leave this stuff.

But now the Police send me now a Letter about a invite to check about i buyed a illegal substance "in not a small dose" (250g Mimosa) and they wanna check me at 20th August.

I smoked in 2018 my few flakes but nothing else. And it was to few to feel anything.

So what i to tell the german Police? ... i think they checked also that i buyed also the other stuff for making that. So i can be honest and say i tryed to make DMT but it doesnt work so i throw it away. Or i can say "i wanna color some t-shirts" - but i think they say then "but you buyed this and this also" - so i think being honest and say "yeah i tryed for myself, but it doesnt work"
What do you think?

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#2 Posted : 8/10/2019 1:11:13 PM

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I’m confused... they said they want to question you about it? What does invite for a check mean???? If your not under arrest, or you are... get a lawyer and do not speak or agree to anything without a lawyer present. That’s my best advice except I’m still really confused on what the actual situation is. But mark my words.. cops aim to INCRIMINATE... ANYTHING YOU SAY CAN AND WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU IN A COURT OF LAW. they aren’t joking and they aren’t your friends no matter what they say. Idk where you are but check up on your laws and get a lawyer if your mixed up with the police but really I’ve never heard of the cops tracking someone down for buying such a small quantity of root bark... anyways I hope this helps
This guys ego ^
#3 Posted : 8/10/2019 1:39:12 PM

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For 250g mimosa I imagine they're gonna show to court without a case if they decide to prosecute. Always delay these things, close the door to every fast talking agent, delay delay delay.

I found this regarding your specific case, https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=33299
Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence ○ Shiva ◇ eternal Purusha.
What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.
May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.
This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
#4 Posted : 8/10/2019 1:53:14 PM

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To my understanding, Mimosa hostilis is, or at least it was, legal in Germany, but extracting anything from it is not. In other words, the only way you are going to get in trouble is if you admit to anything illegal or if they find any drugs or obvious signs of extraction. You have been blessed with a warning so get rid of everything, and read up on legitimate other uses for the materials involved and then provably use them for that. Don't tell them anything about drugs. It is going to be up to you to prove your innocence. If you mention even DMT you are going to likely get charged and make it harder on others.
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#5 Posted : 8/10/2019 2:14:19 PM

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Europe needs a movement for the legalisation of cannabis and psychedelic drugs.

Europe isn't dying because of immigrants, terrorism, or islam, like some people tend to believe. All those things are of minor importance, considering the scale of things.
No, it is dying because of stagnation. Stagnation in every way: economically, technologically, politically, and culturally.

I just don't understand how a modern country like germany could have ended up so far behind america, culturally speaking. And i don't understand why people would want to keep it that way.
#6 Posted : 8/10/2019 3:42:57 PM

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TheMemberOne wrote:
Achilles the post is very easy to understand. He ordered what he ordered online in a large quantity and the police traced it and asked to see him in court on said date. They found other things he ordered that suggest he is participating in suspicious activity and now want to question him. That's what I got out of it at least.

To original poster, you have some good advice so far. Never mention what you really intended to do. Deny all accusations and sound honest, also called lying....Find other uses for these substances. Say the purchases were unrelated and maybe you are just researching. Spend a long time planning and outlining the reasons you are truly innocent. I believe you can make your way out of this if you just think hard and act easy about it.

sorry i realized that after i posted and just didnt edit it.. my b
This guys ego ^
#7 Posted : 8/10/2019 5:08:54 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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very simple answer get rid of evidence (not in your garbage can), get a lawyer THAT YOU TRUST! don't talk to anyone but him, don't let them in if they don't have a legal warrant, DO NOT LET THEM FOOL YOU INTO ADMITTING ANYTHING!!! and honestly I would stop talking about it online until the whole thing is resolved...I know you want advice but if they could track anything don't ask it! go to a different computer where you cant be traced make a new name and keep that separate from anything else you do....get rid of everything they cant prove you extracted anything by just having bought the supplies! but still getting rid of it would be better....I wouldnt say anything but "talk to my lawyer" once you open your mouth even if your trying to explain things away that gives them a door to continue asking questions and try to trip you up at some point! just say nothing but to a lawyer that you trust!
#8 Posted : 8/10/2019 5:33:40 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Im going to venture that if they are able to pry into your transaction history to discover this "incriminating evidence" that the German police are reading this forum right now with your password...

And honestly, that you are thinking of telling them that you failed at an extraction is so adorable! It tells me you are an innocent type, but frankly that'd probably serve your needs about as well as offering them a pipe-full!

Best luck, stay silent!Wut?
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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#9 Posted : 8/10/2019 5:41:12 PM

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null24 wrote:
Im going to venture that if they are able to pry into your transaction history to discover this "incriminating evidence" that the German police are reading this forum right now with your password..

This crossed my mind as well
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“Whoa fellas, I’m feeling kinda bowling ball-ish.” -Leopold Butters Stoch
It’s got what plants crave. -Brawndo

Magic is here for us all to feel. Naming it isn’t what makes it real.
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Legarto Rey
#10 Posted : 8/10/2019 9:52:02 PM
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Be cool, and speak little. The West squirms mightily...plant medicines are a birthright. Thank goodness, the veil has slipped!

As DR concedes, the West senesces directly concordant with socio-cultural, STAGNATION.

On a pragmatic note, phyto-botanicals are generally easy to source, for now.

#11 Posted : 8/11/2019 12:22:22 AM

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What is illegal regarding mimosa in Germany? Surely to extract and very likely to import from abroad, when intended to use as an illegal drug.
NEVER EVER confess to anything. They have to prove you've done something illegal and if there is a prosecution, then the court will decide how serious the evidence is.

Mimosa is widely used for cloth dying. Anything else you've bought can be very likely used for many other things. Search the internet and find the best usages. Just in case they ask. But I would bet they don't know about the other stuff, just about mimosa. If you didn't order all together, which is very unlikely.

You are very likely invited just to clarify what has happened. This is not a prosecution, they have to act once there is a suspicion of criminal offence. Only if they confirm there was a criminal offence, they start with prosecution. You never want to get to this stage. Do all you can do to stop it before the prosecution. Again, never confess to anything. They have to act once they know there was a criminal offence, regardless their opinion.

They are not focused onto dmt but rather meth or other similar drugs. They are not very motivated to invest their energy into dmt, believe me. Just give them the right answers and you won't hear from them again.

If they invited you again (after the first visit)(unlikely), contact some specialized (in drugs crime) lawyer. You should be able to find some online. They are often free. You can just call them and ask for an advice.

Nonetheless, calm down, do your homework before the visit and you should be safe.

Acceptance of the fact that our reality is not real doesn't in fact mean it is not real. It just leads to better understanding what real means.
#12 Posted : 8/11/2019 9:08:00 AM

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Metta-Morpheus wrote:
null24 wrote:
Im going to venture that if they are able to pry into your transaction history to discover this "incriminating evidence" that the German police are reading this forum right now with your password..

This crossed my mind as well

No. they have access to your bank account information and look the payment. then they look at the shop and what they sell.
They aren't hackers. they wont crack your nexus password like that. especially this isn't a Big Case for them. maybe if there was a large distribution network they would do a bigger investigation.*
this they do if they confiscate your computer and smartphone and you have the forum history maybe.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#13 Posted : 8/11/2019 9:16:16 AM

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rOm wrote:
Metta-Morpheus wrote:
null24 wrote:
Im going to venture that if they are able to pry into your transaction history to discover this "incriminating evidence" that the German police are reading this forum right now with your password..

This crossed my mind as well

No. they have access to your bank account information and look the payment. then they look at the shop and what they sell.
They aren't hackers. they wont crack your nexus password like that. especially this isn't a Big Case for them. maybe if there was a large distribution network they would do a bigger investigation.*
this they do if they confiscate your computer and smartphone and you have the forum history maybe.

I don't even think they can access the bank account information because of 250g of mimosa before the prosecution starts. They need a permission from the authorities and 250g of t-shirt dye is highly unlikely to be enough for this.
Acceptance of the fact that our reality is not real doesn't in fact mean it is not real. It just leads to better understanding what real means.
#14 Posted : 8/11/2019 11:14:57 AM

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I would get some legal advice anyway. Just to be sure.

I think it is most likely that they are just trying to scare you. They've probably been monitoring some vendors, compiled a list of customers within their jurisdiction, and are giving all these people a "good talking to" like "we know you wanted to do illegal stuff and we're watching you", to scare you out of it.

But a good lawyer will tell you exactly what to say or not to say in situations like this.

Also...if your name is on some list now, you want it off that list. Again, this is something a lawyer will know, and if indeed, your name would be on some list right now, they could help you to get it off that list.
#15 Posted : 8/11/2019 2:19:28 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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rOm wrote:
Metta-Morpheus wrote:
null24 wrote:
Im going to venture that if they are able to pry into your transaction history to discover this "incriminating evidence" that the German police are reading this forum right now with your password..

This crossed my mind as well

No. they have access to your bank account information and look the payment. then they look at the shop and what they sell.
They aren't hackers. they wont crack your nexus password like that. especially this isn't a Big Case for them. maybe if there was a large distribution network they would do a bigger investigation.*
this they do if they confiscate your computer and smartphone and you have the forum history maybe.

Yeah, local police certainly have the potential reach to get your banking information (that's not even a huge issue to get, it's a very crude layer of information to get), if it's a big enough deal for them. Your computer/cell phone's not required in that case.

And yeah, unless they confiscate your laptop and were able to look through past sessions saved from your browser - then there's not much they can do in terms of getting your nexus login/session/s, that's not going to happen directly - that's for sure [exploiting the nexus server/s /database is highly unlikely].

Though there is the art of memory forensics, which in that case that's a bad day for said person's laptop/computer. But for LEO to break out the big guns like that it would take massive distribution on part of the person-in-question, plus local police ain't going to do that - they lack the skill/depth for memory forensics, even their investigative units.

Not sure how german law is though in terms of their resources and how much they truly care. Alot of times though the apple don't fall too far. Often times there tends to be quite a bit of crossover from country to country in terms of their laws/methods around data collection when you really get through the fine print.

On a sidenote.

When it comes to using the internet for 'your means' - you have to protect yourself. It's not difficult to do either. Be smart about things. Don't be an idiot. Or else there's a chance that you're going to get what's coming to you. Don't be ignorant to the power of the internet and the high value of data in general, especially when it comes to 'using the internet for your own means'. Data without question is the biggest commodity in the 21st century. So...protect yourself to the best of your ability to do so.
#16 Posted : 8/11/2019 2:39:33 PM

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pete666 wrote:

I don't even think they can access the bank account information because of 250g of mimosa before the prosecution starts. They need a permission from the authorities and 250g of t-shirt dye is highly unlikely to be enough for this.

I think that may depend on how they view the source material. It is quite possible that they will equate 250 grams of bark to 250 grams of DMT.

OP saying that you tried to make DMT but it didn't work is opening yourself up to charges of manufacturing and a world of pain. Honesty is not the best policy in this case. Law enforcement isn't about honesty. It's about statistics, and you will be another notch on the drug squad's belt.
Chimp Z
#17 Posted : 8/11/2019 11:23:08 PM

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#18 Posted : 8/11/2019 11:45:49 PM

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Chimp Z wrote:

Quoted for truth.

Innocent people have gone to jail for talking to the police. There is no possible benefit to be had by talking to them. I watched a great youtube vid about this some years ago, I'll dig it up now and link it. Even though it is based on US law the premise remains the same pretty much worldwide.

The nearest we ever come to knowing truth is when we are witness to paradox.
#19 Posted : 8/14/2019 4:42:55 AM

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Don't admit anything.

The Police can not prove that you in fact received the package or the material, even if it is stated in the shipping manifest. Unless they actually find and bag the substance in your home, they cannot prove anything. Sure, you may have ordered some stuff on the internet, but how can they prove that you actually received what you ordered? Again, unless they take evidence directly from you or your home.

Just tell them "chemicals for cleaning" / other stuff for "decoration" or "gardening".
Whatever, play dumb and don't mention DMT.
#20 Posted : 8/14/2019 9:35:04 PM

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If they didn't raid your house, they probably don't have anything substantial against you. If I get this right, it is a subpoena, and not a lawsuit. Correct? This means, they want you to come in and question you. Then they will try and get you to admit that you did something illegal, because they can't prove it.

If you show up there and tell them you did an extraction, you will have delivered the evidence against yourself - yourself!!!. You have the right to remain silent!

Get. A. Layer. Right now! BEFORE you go to the police! This is ultra important. If you do this, then it is very likely that that the whole thing will end up without consequences.

But if you go there alone and unprepared and start talking, you'll get yourself in trouble. It'll cost a few hundred bucks to get a lawyer, but it is well-invested money. If you don't know anyone, you can go to a headshop nearby and ask them. They should know who is to be recommended.

This should not have too many consequences for you. IF YOU GET THAT LAWYER NOW.
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