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What Color is DMT Hydrochloride? Options
#1 Posted : 12/16/2009 2:51:24 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 210
Joined: 25-Nov-2009
Last visit: 10-Jun-2013
I would assume white, but....

I had a glass container that had a bit of DMT (base) left in it that needed to be cleaned. Water of course does not dissolve DMT base, so I was going to use an acid to clean the container. But I decided to do an experiment instead. I added just a couple of drops of diluted (3M) HCl and swirled them around in the container to dissolve the DMT. Then I set the container aside so the excess acid would evaporate (which is why I used HCl). Once the excess acid evaporated, I was going to place the remaining liquid (since I realize most DMT salts are hygroscopic) in a container full of desiccant to finish drying. However, when I checked to container a few days later, it looked like the liquid had turned black. Later I held it up the the light and find that the liquid is actually a very dark blue/purple, and has become thick.

I'm assuming that I do not have DMT hydrochloride any longer, and that maybe some type of oxidation occurred. But I thought DMT hydrocloride was relatively stable in air (despite being hygroscopic). Any thoughts?


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#2 Posted : 12/21/2009 12:57:18 PM


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hmm thats very interesting could you take a picture by chance?
it reminds me of psilocin oxidation
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#3 Posted : 12/22/2009 12:10:15 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 210
Joined: 25-Nov-2009
Last visit: 10-Jun-2013
I dried the liquid in a bottle cap, placed in a sealed container with anhydrous magnesium sulfate as a drying agent. Here is what I scraped off into a bowl:

Incidentally, within a few minutes of being in the dish the crystals had already absorbed enough water from the air to all become stuck to the dish. Even though the humidity in the room is under 40%.

I touched one of these crystals with a wet finger and licked my finger - it tasted more sour than bitter (did not swallow).

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