"Metta" is Pali (language of the Buddhist suttas) for Loving Kindness.
It was basically by accident that I discovered what I call "Metta + NMT" in 2019 while trying to extract Acacia confusa & Mimosa hostilis barks. It took me a month or two of intense effort after that discovery to figure out more or less how to reproduce the extraction. My first experience with it was heart-meltingly mind-blowing, without requiring any kind of ego death that would normally be required in order to get to that type of cosmic love.
When I later tried MDMA, I felt that same divine love force, although in a more generic form, whereas Metta + NMT seemed to be a "transmission" from some type of "love alien energy beings." UPDATE: I just discovered (Oct. 2022) that Metta + NMT is actually just as generic-lovey as MDMA, and the psychedelic component with the love aliens came from another tryptamine that often comes out along with the cloudy NMT but which solidifies quicker while the NMT remains gooey, and has very powerful effects even at 5mg vaped when used with Metta + NMT (I have yet to try it alone). I will call this one the Empowerment Trypt, since it feels like you are receiving some divine empowerments (like the power to beam loving kindness at any distance). This Empowerment Trypt likely explains why some people felt the combo was more like DMT than MDMA, since it is easy to vape too much Empowerment Trypt and get really zonked due to its potency. Not knowing that my NMT also sometimes contained the Empowerment Trypt, I was sending different combos to different testers.
Aside from working primarily on the heart chakra, the differences between MDMA & this are that this Metta + NMT appears to only work via vaping, and thus it is a short experience (usually 15 minutes to an hour depending on how much one meditates), but most importantly, nobody who has tried Metta + NMT, no matter at what dose, has found it to have the narrow therapeutic index of MDMA (i.e. high doses won't kill you, and you don't feel like crap the next day). It might be possible to use it orally at lower doses--more experimentation required, but at 10mg of metta, I was getting pre-seizure brain zaps.
Intro to TEK:
Basically, there are some molecules aside from DMT in Acacia confusa and Mimosa hostilis that are of interest here. The NMT identity has been confirmed by Benzyme via LCMS:
graphThe other main molecule of interest appears to not yet be named, so I'm calling it the "metta" molecule (
metta meditation was recommended by the Buddha as being helpful for opening the heart). The reason I'm calling it this is because I find it to be very heart-centered. It brings out the beauty of life at a low dose even without adding the super boost of NMT (but let's not forget the
First Noble Truth).
Here you can see the fairly pure Metta
crystal LCMS. Please note that there is also apparently (based on my subjective self-experiments) other stuff aside from that one molecule which produces an entourage effect, so I am calling it all together the "
metta complex" (not including NMT which also is required for the best effect).
The metta complex (
LCMS graph) only has much effect if you are on a nice strong dose of harmalas + NMT. So the simplest approach is to make a combined chrunga with all that (dissolve metta + NMT onto crushed rue seeds, they work better than freebase harmalas). Although metta by itself seems to be an instant nausea and diarrhea cure (opposite from DMT).
My "TEK" for extracting this all:
This is the "proper way", but the simpler method I'll explain after:
Acidify your kilo of ACRB with vinegar or whatever pH 2.5 acid. Heat it overnight so it helps the bark to break down. Now basify your ACRB. pH 12 with Sodium carbonate works but gives low yield. Lye is really preferred here if you can get it safely. Potash should also work ok. I'd use half lye by weight (compared to bark). Make sure your consistency is a thick mud, fairly hard to stir unless warmed up (no excess water).
So once I pull out the DMT + NMT + other random alks with hot naphtha (the lye heats it up fine), assuming the naphtha is all yellow, not red (red = metta), I then put a liter of acetone into a kilo of the "spent" bark. Mix it up, leave it to warm for a while (at least an hour), then pour it off into a jar. Pull one more time with another liter of acetone. Optional but messy: Get some latex gloves (not nitrile--incompatible with acetone) and a hemp fiber nut milk bag and squeeze the rest of the acetone out of the bark.
It seems if the pH is high enough and temperature hot enough, acetone is not necessary. You'll know simply because if your naphtha turns red, it has picked up the metta complex.
The red naphtha and/or red acetone you will put in the freezer. The red liquid (containing the metta complex) falls to the bottom after some hours (actually, more like minutes usually). Siphon that off and dehydrate it. You can sun-dry it outside to avoid any fumes in the house, tho I put it in the dehydrator on maximum overnight, as oxidation seems to be no issue, tho if you are more watchful, you might be able to salvage the delicious-smelling aroma that I only managed to get a few times. Once you are able to dry the metta complex red acetone, collect the metta complex goop and dissolve it in Everclear (some sediment will not dissolve; that can be discarded later).
As for the DMT + NMT initial pulls, The NMT tends to not really precipitate but remain as a cloudy layer at the bottom of the naphtha. But, most of those cloudy layers are not NMT, so there is a lot of experimentation required to get the right stuff. I am not even 100% sure of the molecular identity of it, just going off the opinion of one chemist (Benzyme) who tested it one time with LC/MS. I have definitely found this NMT in Mimosa hostilis root bark. It is apparently not in every batch of either root bark, and it seems to come out after a number of NPS pulls in some of this bark. The Empowerment Trypt has definitely been found in some MHRB and I believe I also found it in ACRB initially. As mentioned, it seems to come out along with the cloudy NMT stuff, but after dehydrating, when you leave it at room temp or lower to crystalize, the Empowerment Trypt crystalizes much faster than the NMT goop and it often pops up like little pimples from the goop.
At this point you have NMT and maybe some Empowerment Trypt in a usable form, and you have Metta complex in Everclear. Now what I do is dissolve NMT + metta in a 1:1 ratio in acetone and then dissolve that mix into vodka and dehydrate onto whole rue seeds (3 parts rue to 1 part NMT + metta) for the most gentle heart chakra effect, or onto rue seed powder (not extract) for a more psychedelic full spectrum effect. This works way better than using pure harmalas even though those will also work. Using this formula, a dose would be something like 50-100mg of the "chamnha" product.
Addendum: Another note on "the wrong NMT": I found that there seems to be some other molecules which I occasionally found in my NMT that destroyed the metta experience, turning it dysphoric, or else just not synergizing at all to produce the magic love. This "wrong NMT" feels almost just like NMT by itself, altho I notice it sometimes makes the room turn a bit yellow with a weird sort of "ugh" feeling if I vape too much. I've found this "wrong NMT" in Acacia confusa as well as in recent high-NMT batches of Mimosa from Brazil and Mexico.
I separated out that bad NMT batch and no more dysphoric experiences ever.
Strangely, when I did the crude Acacia extract, I guess the good NMT canceled out the bad NMT because it worked well. If you check my
post on the acetone separation of NPS-extracted alks, you'll see the 3 alks aside from DMT and NMT which I was confusing for NMT.
SIMPLER EXTRACTION but not recommendedOk so this one worked for me when I tried it, tho it gave me a little headache because I didn't remove DMT. Some people are extremely sensitive to mixing DMT with Metta NMT, so I do not advise doing this for most people.
Boil your confusa bark powder in vinegar for an hour (2L vinegar to 1L confusa powder or so).
Add sodium carbonate (washing soda) slowly. When it stops foaming, you've added enough to basify it. Now add more sodium carbonate (or pickling lime) to make sure it's as dry as possible, while you stir it.
Once it's all dry and basified, heat up the pot of bark, ideally with heat mats, although I put it in the oven on low heat with door open. Once the bark is nice and hot, add 2L acetone and stir it well for a minute.
Take all that mix and throw it in a hemp nut milk bag and squeeze out all the acetone.
Put that acetone in the sun to dry out. Once dry it should not smell like acetone. It should leave a red goo.
The red goo contains metta complex, NMT, and DMT (as well as something else which is not worth talking about here).
You can then mix the goop into syrian rue seeds (crushed for max psychedelia or whole for gentle heart warmth) to make what I'm gonna call "chamdnha."
The "chamdnha" ratio should be something like 3 parts acacia goo:9 parts syrian rue seeds. Use just enough warm alcohol to dissolve all that stuff into a little dish and then leave it in the sun or dehydrator until ready to smoke/vape it. 50-75mg should be a dose.
I personally love using the genius pipe to easily smoke/vape stuff without harsh hits. I get it cheaper from China (a mini one is like $5 on dhgate).
I just discovered another quite similar love drug in Mimosa hostilis!
UPDATE: it's no longer present in the most recent harvest I got. MHRB has a seasonal mix of alkaloids. The Feb. 2020 Chiapas harvest has a nootropic tryptamine and a crown-chakra tryptamine as well as a few others that I'm throwing into the category of "jungle" because I don't really know how to talk about them nor do I find them to be extra-special, just trippy.
MimoLove is definitely not the same molecule nor neuropathway because at this point I'd developed a bad tolerance to Metta+NMT, but this "MimoLove" BLEW ME AWAY just like my *first* Metta+NMT experience (tho not the same level of visuals). Here's an LCMS
graph of MimoLove in the purest form I could get it (which is not my
favorite form).
I've also tried combining the 2 and I think there's a lot of synergy actually. But, I've developed a tolerance to both now.

Here's my Tek for extracting MimoLove, assuming you have similar Mimosa hostilis:
Add half lye by weight to the mimosa powder and mix with just enough water to form a thick mud. Let it sit an hour or two. Add NPS like heptane to pull out DMT+NMT. Now use acetone to pull. Leave the acetone in the bark mud (stirring of course at first) preferably in a warm spot (I use 3 heat mats on top of each other under the pot), overnight, then pour off and dehydrate that acetone (which should be red) in the sun or in a dehydrator in a well-ventilated area.
The top layer once dehydrated seems to be the jungle spice, the middle layer the NMT, and the nearly bottom layer is the MimoLove (very sticky), which seems to be a combination of some kind of opioid-feeling molecule that looks like a goo, and a tryptamine which will form crystals in that goo if left to sit for a few days at room temperature.
I mix the MimoLove sticky stuff in some DMSO + harmalas just enough to get it to be a thick liquid for the vape cart. (Beneath that sticky mimolove layer is an even stickier layer that won't dissolve in DMSO unless it's very warm: this layer contains other interesting psychedelic tryptamines, depending apparently on the harvesting conditions of the bark, and they vape at higher temperatures, which can be done by not sucking as you vape).
CRITICAL point when vaping is to use the high voltage setting on your pen (if it's a cheapo pen, it may only have one setting which is already the high voltage setting) and SIP the vapor SLOWLY. I don't know why it doesn't work when sucking it like normal. I can suck and suck and suck, but unless I slowly sip, I don't get the magic love!
SECOND UPDATE: I found that one can vape whole syrian rue seeds and then DMT to get a heart chakra healing. Not quite as good as Metta NMT but still quite good and doesn't seem to have the tolerance issue that metta NMT has. I posted about it at:
My first experience was the most intense of all (it must have contained the Empowerment Trypt), and almost slipped me into ego death very lovingly, but I wasn't interested in that, so it let me go slowly. Since then I've developed a tolerance such that this is no longer very psychedelic for me. More like just love and bliss.
The value I think is more in low doses of this which are very helpful for opening the heart and metta meditation. Folks who have broken thru to the metta+NMT ego death told me that it was a) the result of using too much NMT, and b) did not feel different from ayahuasca ego death.
I've now heard from dozens of people who have tried Metta+NMT, and it seems like maybe two thirds of them have glowing reports, sometimes even with life-changing benefits, while the rest don't notice it being special or different from DMT. I'm not sure if that's because they are more sensitive to DMT residual traces or if they just are incapable of feeling the metta + NMT effects, and I haven't yet found a pattern that might obviously explain the different effects for these people. More study is required.
A number of people have reported that the metta has an opioid-like feeling, and in fact at least one person has had it give a lot of physical pain relief for about 1.5 hours.
I have tried taking the metta molecule itself orally with harmalas, just one drop of it, and it was lovely except that it produced fairly frequent brain zaps which I don't generally get with psychedelics. The zaps were not exactly painful but just ... jolting. I was afraid to go higher on the dose after that. Someone told me that the brain zaps were indicative of seizure threshold being lowered.
I have tried NMT orally with harmalas, and that was also quite nice, no brain zaps, and strangely, it seemed to block the effects of vaped metta.
I have tried NMT vaped without metta molecule. It's hypnotic. If I pre-dose harmalas, vaping NMT is actually quite an interesting experience, very feminine energy (and I'm not the type to say that), but there's not enough warmth to that experience without the metta molecule. Like being cuddled by the Mona Lisa or something.
I and others have also tried combining Metta + NMT with DMT, and
I can't say I recommend the combination with DMT. Altho it did give me lots of apparent insights when I did it, I also got a headache, which I never get, so that was a signal that this is not a healthy combo. Also, one guy vaped a LOT of DMT and then wanting to go further in hyperspace, he vaped some Metta + NMT-- BAD MOVE- he then lost consciousness multiple times, became delirious, ran outside in the rain to try to breathe, and so on for hours, but luckily he survived tho he couldn't remember what he was experiencing mentally for the most part except that it was "way beyond anything" he had ever experienced from anything else.