DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4 Joined: 18-Jul-2019 Last visit: 23-Jul-2019
Hi all,
I'm here because I'd like to learn as much as I can about - and speak to people with personal experiences of - microdosing the spirit molecule. Cards on the table: I'm a journalist researching for an article I'm currently writing, but I do also have some psychedelic experience (shrooms a few times and LSD once). I am genuinely interested in your community and psychedelic experiences in general. My article is about the potential therapeutic benefits of DMT, grounded in some of the studies that have started coming out recently that suggest it may help with some mental health issues. I hope the forum is okay with having me around and it almost goes without saying, but I'll respect anyone's anonymity if they decide to talk to me.
So - thanks for reading my spiel and I'm very excited to learn more about microdosing DMT and psychedelics in general.
Feel free to PM me if you'd like to chat.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 353 Joined: 05-Jun-2019 Last visit: 23-Oct-2023 Location: nammyohorenghekyo
If you're serious about the article, you might find this of interest... Brazil is giving prisoners Ayahuasca as part of their rehab.There's also a book called "LSD Psychotherapy", while not DMT, it is probably relevant in many ways to what you're looking into. Johns Hopkins has been doing some interesting research as well with psilocybin.Author of this Post assumes no Responsibility, nor makes any Guarantee of the Accuracy or Validity of material in this Post. Material Contained or referred to in this Post is presented for Entertainment Purposes Only. This Material IS Not Intended to be Inferred, or Interpreted as Information, Advice, News, Instruction, or Factual Information.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 130 Joined: 03-Jul-2019 Last visit: 21-Nov-2022 Location: vallarta
Cool! all efforts to raise awareness help.
Some tidbits that may help this conversation.
- Are you familiar with the work done at the John Hopkins Psychedelic Research Unit? - What route of administration? - DMT is the salt,fumerate, or the NN´DMT freebase in strict sense - In a broader sense triptamines as Psilocin are so closely related that even Dennis Mckenna says it´s an oral form of DMT. Psilocibyn, 5-Meo, Bufotenin have similar structures.
I´m from Mexico where currently 5-Meo is all the rage. There have been centers as crossroads where they have succesfully used 5-meo to threat serious issues.
In a personal level i have tried microdosing with cubensis, but have not stick or committed to doing it properly
Posts: 29 Joined: 23-Oct-2018 Last visit: 28-Dec-2019
welcome to the nexus! I'd like to read your article and any related data you find. you probably have already read these studies but I'll link them just in case you haven't: Psychedelics Promote Structural and Functional Neural PlasticityPsychoplastogens: A Promising Class of Plasticity-Promoting Neurotherapeutics
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4 Joined: 18-Jul-2019 Last visit: 23-Jul-2019
Thanks Twitchy. I hadn't seen the ayahuasca article before. I'm focussing primarily on microdosing, but evidence of ayahuasca providing mental health benefits is definitely interesting. I have seen the work John Hopkins has been doing. At Imperial College, here in the UK, we have a new psychedelic research centre that is doing good research on microdosing.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4 Joined: 18-Jul-2019 Last visit: 23-Jul-2019
Hey Endless, I'll post the article here once it's published. Thanks for the links!
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4 Joined: 18-Jul-2019 Last visit: 23-Jul-2019
abrelosojos wrote:Cool! all efforts to raise awareness help.
Some tidbits that may help this conversation.
- Are you familiar with the work done at the John Hopkins Psychedelic Research Unit? - What route of administration? - DMT is the salt,fumerate, or the NN´DMT freebase in strict sense - In a broader sense triptamines as Psilocin are so closely related that even Dennis Mckenna says it´s an oral form of DMT. Psilocibyn, 5-Meo, Bufotenin have similar structures.
I´m from Mexico where currently 5-Meo is all the rage. There have been centers as crossroads where they have succesfully used 5-meo to threat serious issues.
In a personal level i have tried microdosing with cubensis, but have not stick or committed to doing it properly Thanks for your reply Abreelosojos. I am familiar with the JH work - as well as some other studies including this - one - that showed DMT reducing anxiety in rats. Administration appears to be the main reason microdosing DMT is less popular than LSD or shrooms. Most people I have spoken to so far have been smoking small amounts of it on a regular basis. Can I ask how you tried MDing cubensis? I guess it's also possible to ingest small amounts of it with a MAOI (but my knowledge is not that strong on the subject yet!) How did you find MDing it and how come you didn't commit? Thanks!
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3 Joined: 06-Jul-2019 Last visit: 26-Sep-2019
I can only see DMT being useful in microdosing taken orally in the form of ayahuasca.. I can't really see smoking or inhaling it to be effective in small dosages. Keep us updated
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 130 Joined: 03-Jul-2019 Last visit: 21-Nov-2022 Location: vallarta
Hi Dorsia
I wnated to try microdosing after reading Michael Pollans book and learning more about Paul Stamets. At that time i Didnt commit and i did it lazily Without a scale. Etc. I was just doing really small doses between 2 or 3 days. Really feeling well and happy.. but without a process it was just lazy work, and decided to better commit two months to explore DMT in a few sessions, which im thankful that i have the opportunity to do so.
For shrooms u dont need a maoi. 4-aco and 4-ho dmt are bioavailable orally. Easier even to microdose on them than microdosing ayahuasca (i think). I have never tried ayahuasca or pharmahuasca. Thats why i may be biased on microdosing mushrooms.
Im from mexico and we love them. The season of fresh mushrooms is about to start. They are called teonacatl (food of the gods) for a reason. Im also a huge believer in the inmense power of 5-meo-DMT which maxes out the mystical - kundalini - life changing experience scale. Thanks to that im here and eager to share!
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 117 Joined: 13-May-2018 Last visit: 01-Apr-2022 Location: The Nexus
Welcome dorsia! I think you'll find we're all here trying to do the same thing as you...learn about this whole DMT sure to post your article when finished! "In this secret room, from the past, I seek the future..."
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 353 Joined: 05-Jun-2019 Last visit: 23-Oct-2023 Location: nammyohorenghekyo
I didn't think you could microdose DMT orally as it requires sufficient MAOI to be active? Can you microdose aya or use it sublingually? Author of this Post assumes no Responsibility, nor makes any Guarantee of the Accuracy or Validity of material in this Post. Material Contained or referred to in this Post is presented for Entertainment Purposes Only. This Material IS Not Intended to be Inferred, or Interpreted as Information, Advice, News, Instruction, or Factual Information.