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vaping under 10mgs.. Options
#1 Posted : 7/28/2022 3:54:54 AM
I never thought this would work for closed eye visuals..but found that with the right music ..
set and setting...even a tiny.. 6 to 8 mgs.. of very clean ..molecule... by itself.. is capable of producing almost the same visuals as a 10 to 15 mg dose.. only the visuals are seen while wearing a

blackout sleep mask with the right music..
before the show starts.... It takes about 2 to 3 minutes of concintration as the music puts you

on the path..then the visuals appear! ..[colorful ribbon galaxys]...cartoon carectors...like felix the cat....and other carectors appeare on a [smaller].. and more distant mind screen in your head..although [smaller images]..they are colorfull and quite detailed !

Using the black out mask.. reduces other external visual stimuli.. making it easier to observe the visuals..

And with the images... the feeling of wonder is there in full color...and on such a tiny dose!

Its like a visual meditation made easier..by the moleculs presence !

Many may think this is imposible..but ... ive found i can experiance this..even on a smaller than threshold dose...
#2 Posted : 7/28/2022 9:15:44 AM
I'm curious. How often have you used the molecule the last year? For me I don't get almost any CEV anymore. Sometimes I get to a room (that might be considered a breakthrough) but the visuals you describe was a long time ago. I always take it together with harmalas, often quite a lot, and that makes it to another experience. Might want to thy DMT alone for a change... Or if it's possible to take a small amount of harmalas just to get a bit of MAOI effect but without the rest.

#3 Posted : 7/28/2022 3:49:44 PM
murklan wrote:
I'm curious. How often have you used the molecule the last year? For me I don't get almost any CEV anymore. Sometimes I get to a room (that might be considered a breakthrough) but the visuals you describe was a long time ago. I always take it together with harmalas, often quite a lot, and that makes it to another experience. Might want to thy DMT alone for a change... Or if it's possible to take a small amount of harmalas just to get a bit of MAOI effect but without the rest.

Not shure why you are not getting CEVs but its probibly temporary... maybe you are taking the product too often?

For me ive found taking rue tea.. before vaping can get very visual...but.. [with rue first].. I can also get a lead blanket feeling all over me..[not as much ...[eye candy]..visuals]..more like a super relaxation effect]/... but the head space was a trip in its self..

Im not too much of a fan of taking ..large doses of molecule..instead i vape smaller doses but still enough to get what im after...

Im down to about two or three times a month for vaping...[some months not at all]..

The experiance ive described using 6 to 8 mgs of vaped molecule took some effort on my part by using a black out mask..and the right music..

The black out mask i used ... cut out a lot of external visual stimuli.. and made it easier to zero in on the low dose of molecules visual effects...

It seems that straight ..[molecule only vaped] .. for me stimulates visions pretty quickly and yes larger doses can force one to have stronger CEVS..and even OEVs...

I used to believe that rue taken first before vaping ..increases visuals...and this can be true in some cases..

but the molecule used by it self even in sub doses can bring on visions for me..it just took a little more effort on my part part putting self in .[a darkened room effect] with the right music and by using black out sleep mask..and the use of visualization...i observed visions almost exactly i would get from a little larger doses...

THe tiny dose i vaped .. my body could feel ..but still the dose was very small and produced the same sharp visions a bit larger dose would produce .. only i observed the ..very [colorfull and detailed] visuals on a smaller mind screen at a distance in my minds eye..

i need to try some rue tea..before the small dose to see the effects..

It was just a little experament i tryed and i learned something from it...
#4 Posted : 7/28/2022 4:00:54 PM
Interesting. Here's a curveball. How much practice would it take to see the same visuals without any dose? I'm guessing it's possible. I'm sure added substances can contribute as much in placebo as they can in chemistry.
I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.
#5 Posted : 7/28/2022 4:13:42 PM
fink wrote:
Interesting. Here's a curveball. How much practice would it take to see the same visuals without any dose? I'm guessing it's possible. I'm sure added substances can contribute as much in placebo as they can in chemistry.

I guess you could try it but ...I dont believe Getting visuals without taking any product would work as well...unless you have taken the product a huge amount for a long time every day... it would not be quite the same...

the pressence of the molecule [even in low doses]..makes a difference .. ...because the CEVs are more than just visual with spice...there is also emotion tied to the visual experiance...

Example...lucid dreaming is an awsome experiance...but without emotional content..the dreams wouldent have much meaning..emotion is tied to everything experianced in life...
Welcoming committeeModerator
#6 Posted : 7/28/2022 4:23:38 PM
fink wrote:
Interesting. Here's a curveball. How much practice would it take to see the same visuals without any dose? I'm guessing it's possible. I'm sure added substances can contribute as much in placebo as they can in chemistry.

There's probably going to be a difference in the nature of visuals from say meditation vs using a substance.

When we're on something and are experiencing visuals there's a stimulation of the visual cortex if I'm not mistaken. With meditation the visuals aren't stimulated or simulated in the same way. Something I notice a strong difference between personally.

However, if one is able to endogenously increase production of certain compounds, then it's almost like taking the drug from within, and so the visual aspect may be more aligned with stimulation of the visual cortex.

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#7 Posted : 8/30/2022 9:44:51 AM
starway7 wrote:
I never thought this would work for closed eye visuals..but found that with the right music ..set and setting...even a tiny.. 6 to 8 mgs.. of very clean ..molecule... by itself.. is capable of producing almost the same visuals as a 10 to 15 mg dose.. only the visuals are seen while wearing a blackout sleep mask with the right music..

This is extremely interesting work starway7 ! !

Lately I've been deliberately staying at the "low dose" level to keep my recovery time lower, since I'm doing lots of side by side testing of different purification methods.

While I've been doing these low dose tests, I've been trying to map out the terrain and one of the features I'm recording is presence of CEV, however I've just been shutting eyes for a few seconds in a non-dark room. Here are my tentative results:

Observations vs dose for sub 20mg:

<3mg - Trancing / Spacial effects
4mg - Euphoria, Lightness of body (7 drops)
6mg - Body Warmth, Pleasure, relaxed heaviness (10 drops)
8mg - Bliss / Rush / Silk skin (14 drops)
12mg - Body heaviness / lead suit, Deeper trancing (21 drops)
16mg - 2D CEV - Strong Trancing - Visual focus - Amazement (28 drop)
20mg - 3D CEV - patterns over 3d surfaces, some OEV (34 drops)

Ignore the drop counts, these are my equivalent tincture drops so I get the dose accurate and repeatable.

The features I'm observing seem highly consistent so far and I've tested also with some very willing guinea pigs, however I've not tried the blackout mask idea. Perhaps I should re-think how I'm measuring this.

You mentioned the 'feeling of wonder', Do you think this might be what I am recording as 'Amazement' but I'm not getting this feeling this until about 16mg (a "holy crap what *is* this" feeling Smile )

You also mentioned 'very clean' - do you mean pale colored / recrystallized? I suspect your spice is cleaner than mine (but I'm working on that and will re-calibrate the mg values)

Really great to hear your experiences starway7, and great to see others with interest in the low dose territory.

#8 Posted : 8/30/2022 8:03:10 PM
GraemeCarl wrote:
starway7 wrote:
I never thought this would work for closed eye visuals..but found that with the right music ..set and setting...even a tiny.. 6 to 8 mgs.. of very clean ..molecule... by itself.. is capable of producing almost the same visuals as a 10 to 15 mg dose.. only the visuals are seen while wearing a blackout sleep mask with the right music..

This is extremely interesting work starway7 ! !

Lately I've been deliberately staying at the "low dose" level to keep my recovery time lower, since I'm doing lots of side by side testing of different purification methods.

While I've been doing these low dose tests, I've been trying to map out the terrain and one of the features I'm recording is presence of CEV, however I've just been shutting eyes for a few seconds in a non-dark room. Here are my tentative results:

Observations vs dose for sub 20mg:

<3mg - Trancing / Spacial effects
4mg - Euphoria, Lightness of body (7 drops)
6mg - Body Warmth, Pleasure, relaxed heaviness (10 drops)
8mg - Bliss / Rush / Silk skin (14 drops)
12mg - Body heaviness / lead suit, Deeper trancing (21 drops)
16mg - 2D CEV - Strong Trancing - Visual focus - Amazement (28 drop)
20mg - 3D CEV - patterns over 3d surfaces, some OEV (34 drops)

Ignore the drop counts, these are my equivalent tincture drops so I get the dose accurate and repeatable.

The features I'm observing seem highly consistent so far and I've tested also with some very willing guinea pigs, however I've not tried the blackout mask idea. Perhaps I should re-think how I'm measuring this.

You mentioned the 'feeling of wonder', Do you think this might be what I am recording as 'Amazement' but I'm not getting this feeling this until about 16mg (a "holy crap what *is* this" feeling Smile )

You also mentioned 'very clean' - do you mean pale colored / recrystallized? I suspect your spice is cleaner than mine (but I'm working on that and will re-calibrate the mg values)

Really great to hear your experiences starway7, and great to see others with interest in the low dose territory.

Hi GraemeCarl..
I think low dose molecule as..Voidmatrix..said ... even a low dose..close to 8 or more mgs..

can stimulate the visual cortex...and i believe it effects the [EMOTIONIAL] .. part to some effect also...

I vaped mine and wore a sleep mask..that cut out the light to my eyes..i believe in the dark visuals easier to get...

My product was .[off white].. in color.and. fairly clean...but not snow white...

Also i played music i often use when tripping and it took about 2 or 3 minutes to start observing Closed eye visuals. but they were there...although they appeared a bit more distant .. some were highly detailed ..colorfull and moving...

i guess ...less product]..can give you a show .. but its a little more distant and shorter lived...compaired to the higher doses..
#9 Posted : 9/1/2022 9:14:05 AM
starway7 wrote:

Hi GraemeCarl..
I think low dose molecule as..Voidmatrix..said ... even a low dose..close to 8 or more mgs.. can stimulate the visual cortex...and i believe it effects the [EMOTIONIAL] .. part to some effect also...

Worth exploring this for sure. I've started some initial experiments with an eye mask. I've done a 2mg, 3mg and 4mg with no sign of anything visual yet (using an eye mask as you suggested)

I can feel the emotional effect, and certainly an unmistakable shift away from baseline.

Anyway, I'll continue to wind the dosage up with the sleep mask + 3 minutes of concentration and see if I can replicate your findings so we can compare dose levels. Of course this is probably highly dependent on individual sensitivity.

starway7 wrote:

My product was .[off white].. in color.and. fairly clean...but not snow white...

Thanks for that. I'm using extracts of varying purity some crystals, some oils, however I'm doing a before and after weigh in on a milligram scale. This means I'm really weighing the 'vapor' produced, so I'm assuming this should compare similarly to your 'off white' product weight.


PS. Just tried 11mg and can confirm the eye-mask makes a big difference. Previously I only ever noticed real CEV at 16mg.

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