Hello,I'm Cortanatokeyes, and i think halo is pretty cool. These last 2 months I have been experimenting with freebase dmt and have accumulated a small amount of experience. I have consumed, efficiently, a maximum of 150mg(i loaded about 200 on, cleared machine bubbler, with an amount of wastage), that brought me to a breaking point where I'd decided I absolutely had no business taking more than 80mg, ever again, for the rest of my life.
That trip is not the subject of this post.
I loaded roughly 35-40mg of powdery, yellow crystal onto my brillo mesh. This is a design i like to think I have practiced to extremely high efficiency, and no longer top up extra, as I am afraid I would not be wasting any more than a marginal amount, and dont care very much for being absolutely blasted by an unexpected deep space journey.
I cleared the mesh in 2 strong hits, and filled my lungs on the second hit making sure there was no longer any vapor being produced. i held these hits in roughly 10-15 seconds and blew out little to no vapor, whether or not this helps is not known to me.
I sat down my bong quickly, got into my comfort position, and placed a pillow on my chest blocking my face from any light, while also giving myself a comfort squeezy, as Im a very anxious person, and sometimes getting mindfucked is a little too jarring.
I awaited the bodyload and ear crackle I've learned to expect on this dose, but was shocked that It never came. I heard only the faintest hum, and felt extremely lucid/in tact. This alarmed me and lead to thoughts of psychosis, and so I began feeling for my chest to make sure I wasn't just getting fully sent and becoming detatched from the body. I felt my lungs. I felt my skin. I was completely present. This did not line up with what happened next.
After the first 30 seconds of initial confusion I was completely removed from this train of thought. My visuals exploaded into a bright yellow and orange room, 5 planes, one for each face. With perfect visual acuity, depth was extremely apparent. No strain was required AT ALL to understand the dimensions of this space.
Each plane was made of these hieroglyhic fractals, set in perfect symmetry, which spun and tangled and vibrated, it was absolutely gorgeous and vibrant, but not unlike previous trips.
Here's where it gets freaky.
The walls of fractsls, which formed a cube, began to bounce, like watching a water droplet splash, meeting with the surface tension of this viscous fluid. Every face started bouncing, waving and vibrating, like some massive energy was plunging and out of them. Then, the room was no longer 5 planes, assembled as a cube, instead they began to turn and topple through each other, bending and morphing into the wildest non-euclidean space I have ever seen.
"They" were spinning around my reference POV, morphing and splashing and breaking into millions of pieces, reassembling back into their original 5 planar faces and then doing it all over again, each time forming unique geometries more complex than the last, until the end of the peaks plateau.
They began to fade, and as they did, they formed into one deep and complex mesh, as single plane with great depth. Like staring into an aquarium tank full of fractals. Before this single plane faded, it formed one last unique shape. An interlaced, symmetrical row of 3d humanoid faces pushing out of the mesh, like a viscous fluid taking form. And with demonic, sharp grins, they smiled at me, as they vanished.. as if to say goodbye.
And all the while.. I never even once felt high. Why did this happen? And what can I do to attempt it again?
Hi CortanatoKeyes! Welcome DMT experiences can be very different from each other. It is unpredictable. I enjoyed reading your report and it actually sounded like a cool experience at first. Was the experience pleasant before those faces appeared? What do you mean about not feeling high? DMT always gives me a very lucid headspace and everything feels hyperreal, very different from the headspace provided by other psychedelics. Is it different for you? What was the headspace like the previous times (especially on higher doses)? And what about the cracking noise you used to hear? I have always heard the humming sound only (albeit very intense) during the comeup. Sorry for all the questions but your thread interested me and I'd like to help!
CosmicRiver wrote:Hi CortanatoKeyes! Welcome DMT experiences can be very different from each other. It is unpredictable. I enjoyed reading your report and it actually sounded like a cool experience at first. Was the experience pleasant before those faces appeared? What do you mean about not feeling high? DMT always gives me a very lucid headspace and everything feels hyperreal, very different from the headspace provided by other psychedelics. Is it different for you? What was the headspace like the previous times (especially on higher doses)? And what about the cracking noise you used to hear? I have always heard the humming sound only (albeit very intense) during the comeup. Sorry for all the questions but your thread interested me and I'd like to help! Actually, the entire experience was breathtaking, and once I became adjusted to not feeling high, I simply felt at peace and open to the unique nature of what I was experiencing. Also, despite my own interpretation of their appearance as being "demonic", their smiles actually washed me with a huge wave of calm and comfort. By the end of all my trips, there is ALWAYS some very bizzare contortion of the image as it fades. It used to scare me, because it's always a bit freakier in aesthetic than the peak, but I've come to welcome it as a signal of the end, and that it's time to open my eyes. The crackling is some I have always experienced on anything above 30mg. I hear a long electric, slightly buzzing saw wave below that,which fades into a more consistent hum of a high pitched wine or sine wave, at lower doses. Ive found this to be consistent over my last few months, and the intensity of the buzz and its distortion into an electric crackle is always in line with the intensity of my visuals. The bodyload I feel is normally a very pleasant heavyness of my skin, that works itself up into a strong vibration, and even tingling shock up and down my body at higher doses. I.e, 40-80mg, where 40 is an intense heaviness, and 80+ is an intense vibration of electric shocks, like I'm putting my tongue on a battery and its sizzling my entire body. My confusion is that i weighed out 40 mg. I cleared it with minimal wastage. Yet i experienced nothing but the extremely intense visuals of something akin to a 50mg trip, with none of the hum or body load. All of my trips have been unique, but every part of this one was different in a way I couldnt have predicted with my current set of experiences.
Hey friend. Pillow over the face sounds kind of odd. Could I suggest one of those sleep easy blindfold mask things? How did they die, overdose? Nope, suffocated under a pillow with a big cheesy grin on their face. I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.
fink wrote:Hey friend. Pillow over the face sounds kind of odd. Could I suggest one of those sleep easy blindfold mask things?
How did they die, overdose?
Nope, suffocated under a pillow with a big cheesy grin on their face. Haha, no silly. I dont put my head in the case. i just hold it on my chest for something to hug, and push my eyes into it. I have a blind, but my chest just feels so empty without the pillow 😅 Its just become a huge part of my smoking ritual, I dont feel right without it.
CortanatoKeyes wrote:My confusion is that i weighed out 40 mg. I cleared it with minimal wastage. Yet i experienced nothing but the extremely intense visuals of something akin to a 50mg trip, with none of the hum or body load. All of my trips have been unique, but every part of this one was different in a way I couldnt have predicted with my current set of experiences.
Interesting... This is what I refer to as unpredictable. Sometimes (not your case) a regular dose of DMT produces no effects, almost as if the person who smokes it was being kept locked out of hyperspace. So the fact that your experience was different than usual is strange, but still within the realm of possibility. It remains a mystery to me how these differences can be explained, but I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe next time it will go as usual. Anyway I'm glad the overall experience was pleasant. The description of the hyper-room was pretty cool. And I resonate a lot with the pillow thing, being an anxious person myself
Don't be surprised if unexpected events happen in future experiences. DMT always has something new to show you  As to why this occurred, you may never have an answer, at least not a "coherent" one. Whenever we choose to embark into hyperspace using the DMT vehicle, we are free falling into a grand mystery. Try again. When you're ready. And don't let your anxiety get the best of you. I too have high anxiety (clinical with contributing factors). Try meditating on the idea of surrendering. Find what that means for you. And if at all possible, mentally repeat the word to remind yourself to let go in the experience. Generally, it's a paradoxical situation; the more control you want to have the more you have to surrender to the experience. Do be sure to let us know how it goes next time  One love What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves. Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims DMT always has something new to show you  Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea... All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
CosmicRiver wrote:Anyway I'm glad the overall experience was pleasant. The description of the hyper-room was pretty cool. And I resonate a lot with the pillow thing, being an anxious person myself Im glad I was able to articulate the visuals well. 've been trying to work on my descriptive writing, because theres a huge language barrier with this stuff. I've had quite a handful of heroic dose LSD experiences that did NOT prepare me for the level of detail required to explain dmt, here, or to any of my friends. But I think I really nailed this one. It helped with how wildly vivid it was, I did not have to concentrate at all, as it pretty much forced itself on me. I kind of wished I had opened my eyes to see if it was strong enough to overtake my room, but I actually find that more alien than resting into the void. I hear thats different for a lot of people, but theres just something about seeing my room covered in visuals that makes me feel trapped/cornered. Like claustrophobia. But when I'm resting in the void, its like I have all the space in the world, and it's incredibly comforting/anxiety relieving.
Voidmatrix wrote:Don't be surprised if unexpected events happen in future experiences. DMT always has something new to show you  As to why this occurred, you may never have an answer, at least not a "coherent" one. Whenever we choose to embark into hyperspace using the DMT vehicle, we are free falling into a grand mystery. Try again. When you're ready. And don't let your anxiety get the best of you. I too have high anxiety (clinical with contributing factors). Try meditating on the idea of surrendering. Find what that means for you. And if at all possible, mentally repeat the word to remind yourself to let go in the experience. Generally, it's a paradoxical situation; the more control you want to have the more you have to surrender to the experience. Do be sure to let us know how it goes next time  One love Ill be sure to. I'm helping a friend through his first session tomorrow. This was kind of the answer I was expecting. Somewhere in me I hoped someone here had some ancient secret to balancing their body with the trip or something wishy washy like that, but deep down I knew it was going to be more practical like this. This chemical is seriously crazy, and is so wildly different every time. I think I'm okay with accepting the experience as a new variety into the pool of many great and unique trips to come.
I know you posed a couple ?'s near the end of your OP [I don't have much to say there really], though just wanted to echo others and say that I enjoyed reading your description of 'there'. All too familiar. Thanks for writing it up. CortanatoKeyes wrote:This chemical is seriously crazy, and is so wildly different every time. I think I'm okay with accepting the experience as a new variety into the pool of many great and unique trips to come. This is a great attitude to have I think when embarking on all future experiences. Accept what may come. CortanatoKeyes wrote:it was absolutely gorgeous and vibrant That it is. Obscenely beautiful more often than not ime [words can't even really begin to encompass this ime]. The experience doesn't seem to know it's limits when it comes to this sometimes, often easily exceeding past ideals and expectations, breaking down all boundaries previous
CortanatoKeyes wrote:fink wrote:Hey friend. Pillow over the face sounds kind of odd. Could I suggest one of those sleep easy blindfold mask things?
How did they die, overdose?
Nope, suffocated under a pillow with a big cheesy grin on their face. Haha, no silly. I dont put my head in the case. i just hold it on my chest for something to hug, and push my eyes into it. I have a blind, but my chest just feels so empty without the pillow 😅 Its just become a huge part of my smoking ritual, I dont feel right without it. Haha! I read and pictured that completely wrong. Sounds lovely! I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.
CortanatoKeyes wrote:Ill be sure to. I'm helping a friend through his first session tomorrow.
This was kind of the answer I was expecting. Somewhere in me I hoped someone here had some ancient secret to balancing their body with the trip or something wishy washy like that, but deep down I knew it was going to be more practical like this.
This chemical is seriously crazy, and is so wildly different every time. I think I'm okay with accepting the experience as a new variety into the pool of many great and unique trips to come. How did the session go? I can't help but be curious because I do guidework. As magical as it is, some things do come back to something rudimentary and simple, granted, not always. And this is actually the beauty in my eyes because it's unlikely to ever get old!  One love What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves. Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims DMT always has something new to show you  Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea... All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
Voidmatrix wrote:How did the session go? I can't help but be curious because I do guidework. As magical as it is, some things do come back to something rudimentary and simple, granted, not always. And this is actually the beauty in my eyes because it's unlikely to ever get old!  One love Unfortunately he was sick and not feeling fully confident so he decided to raincheck. I still went over to see and smoke with our friends, as a they're all roommates. But I did help my other friend through her second session, seeing as how she totally fell in love with the experience the first time. I left them my machine bong and some advice on weighing and dosing, as that thing can be gnarly efficient and deliver one hit rocket ships if done correctly. They're adults though, so I really shouldn't be trying to baby them, anyways. I just know how scary my first week experimenting was.