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How does your "launch site" look like? Options
#1 Posted : 1/12/2022 6:33:48 AM
Hi fellow Nexians. I recently moved the location dedicated to do my journeys. While doing so, I wondered how other's trippy places look like, so I did a quick search for an existing thread on this topic. Since I couldn't find one I decided to create one.

Anyway I'll make a start. So far I only traveled outdoors when it comes to DMT. This is the best idea I could come up with using material that I already had.

It would be interesting to see other ideas and setups.

Long days and pleasant nights!
Fridge attached the following image(s):
IMG_20220112_080620_resized_20220112_080655817.jpg (2,876kb) downloaded 239 time(s).
...no need to worry...
#2 Posted : 1/12/2022 5:30:10 PM
I mostly get down in my bedroom. I (usually) start by picking up, tidying the space. This helps me feel better in numerous ways before I blast off. I have several fun psychedelic quilts and blankets, I will usually lay one of these on our California king. I have a 50w UV floodlight on my nightstand which I love for blacklight fun with L and mushrooms, but for smoking dmt I usually just light a candle. I have a couple candles there for this purpose. I have a small Bluetooth speaker which the speaker itself lights up with pulsing multicolor LEDs, was less than $20 at a big box store, love these things.

I have another spot out in livingroom where I like to smoke sometimes. I get all nice and comfy on the couch, there is a tie-dye tapestry which belonged to an old friend who recently passed away. I will sit on the couch and be grateful for every moment, and go for it.

I will clean up a little today and photograph my humble little place. Maybe I will even have a smoalk. I like the idea of this thread Fridge. Very beautiful spot you've made for yourself buddy, I bet that's really nice, having an experience there.
olympus mon wrote:
You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be!

"Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix

"We have arrived at truth, and now we find truth is a mystery- a play of joy, creation, and energy. This is source. This is the mystic touchstone that heals and renews. This is the beginning again. This is entheogenic." -Nicholas Sand
Sky Motion
#3 Posted : 1/13/2022 12:35:36 AM
UgraKarma wrote:
Already missing my go-to launch pad. Can't wait for the warm days again . . .

this is literally dangerous.
Welcoming committeeModerator
#4 Posted : 1/13/2022 12:53:29 AM
UgraKarma wrote:
Already missing my go-to launch pad. Can't wait for the warm days again . . .

Yes. Water and out of body experiences are not a good combination. Please read this, maybe the most tragic thread ever to appear here if you balk at the admonition to not smoke around bodies of water. Honestly it’s almost common sense. Probably not a thing we want to promote here
EDIT: IDK why the link embed function isn’t working and it’s not a day I want to be screwing with finding out why. Go here! URL: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=34293
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
*γνῶθι σεαυτόν*
Welcoming committeeModerator
#5 Posted : 1/13/2022 12:57:47 AM
I tend to either journey at the altar shown here or on my bed, which a picture of the view from wouldn't be worth sharing. Just some art, my plants, my desk, T.V., an LED strip...

One love
Voidmatrix attached the following image(s):
Altar1 - Copy.jpg (2,760kb) downloaded 182 time(s).
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
Welcoming committeeModerator
#6 Posted : 1/13/2022 1:04:22 AM
To answer the question. I smoke where I smoke. Could be outside, could be at home, could be at a friend’s home. Basically through trial and error though I’ve learned that it needs to be safe, secure and preferably quiet. I love tripping in nature and sometimes find home provides too many distractions although I always crave being there when I come down.

Setting is setting, as long as it’s considered thoughtfully and fully, and all necessary precautions are taken I have found that different environments can provide different things, all of which have something beneficial-as long as the above is in place. I like exploring and finding spots out in the woods that are good little holes to hide out in and partake.

EDIT: share your spaces, please., they are great to check out. VOID I did the flouro-altar. I’ll have to share pics of mine once it’s established, I’m in the process of moving currently and all my pieces are in flux. All of em.

DOUBLE EDIT: again to void- the view is in your head right, so a blank walk isn’t a blank walk anymore is it?
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
*γνῶθι σεαυτόν*
#7 Posted : 1/13/2022 9:39:41 AM
Good morning! It's very interesting to see how the places of fellow travelers look like. Very different so far, but all awesome.

I sometimes wonder how it would be like to smoalk indoors. I guess I will find out when it's winter over here...

Yesterday evening I enjoyed a mushroom tea with 2 gram Natalensis on what I have come to call my "magic carpet". We currently experience a heat wave combined with gale force winds here, which causes a few cool effects like gently lifting up and down the hanging chair while it's swinging in the wind. This coupled with the sound of the leaves above me made up for a marvelous experience. Closing my eyes gave me the sensation of actually flying... and I don't even want to start raving about the cloud formations...
But it's also such an improvement when it comes to smoking changa. I liked sitting in the brushes in my camping chair, but this is so much more comfortable!

Null, I was thinking of trying changa in one of the nearby nature reserves one day. I am just a bit hesitant as I don't want to come back open my eyes and see a worried stranger. Smoking in my garden excludes this possibility. One day I will still do it.

Tony, I like to clean up too before I trip. Outdoors that's not an issue but indoors it's very important I feel. Cleaning is actually something I really like to do on the day I trip. It prepares me of whatever is about to happen in some way.
Oh and I need to get myself some blinking lights too!

Edit: Void, I saw you caught the covid. I wish you (and also DT) a speedy recovery!

...no need to worry...
#8 Posted : 1/15/2022 3:39:45 PM
Fridge wrote:
Hi fellow Nexians. I recently moved the location dedicated to do my journeys. While doing so, I wondered how other's trippy places look like, so I did a quick search for an existing thread on this topic. Since I couldn't find one I decided to create one.

Anyway I'll make a start. So far I only traveled outdoors when it comes to DMT. This is the best idea I could come up with using material that I already had.

It would be interesting to see other ideas and setups.

Long days and pleasant nights!

Oh man...Fridge that looks great! It's so fun to be in nature when you blast-off because, Idk about you but I really feel the energy of the trees and even find that I can communicate with plants. They are intelligent. This is a great post btw, and I love the term "Launch Site" that's good lingo, so good on ya, and wishing you all the best in your journey.
The more you try to know, the more mysterious life gets..
Welcoming committeeModerator
#9 Posted : 1/15/2022 6:39:10 PM
null24 wrote:
EDIT: share your spaces, please., they are great to check out. VOID I did the flouro-altar. I’ll have to share pics of mine once it’s established, I’m in the process of moving currently and all my pieces are in flux. All of em.

DOUBLE EDIT: again to void- the view is in your head right, so a blank walk isn’t a blank walk anymore is it?

Ooooo, enlighten me, what's a flouro-altar?

It both is and isn't lmao. What's funny about you saying that is that on the wall behind my altar, at about eye level when I am kneeling or sitting at the altar, there is a single black dot. I sometimes ride the come-up for DMT with my eyes open and enjoying staring at the dot until it's not there anymore.

fridge wrote:
I sometimes wonder how it would be like to smoalk indoors. I guess I will find out when it's winter over here...

Most of my journeys have been indoors, and my room is kind of my sanctuary (though with having covid, it doubles as a sort of cell), so I'm an advocate for smoalking indoors. Also precludes anyone bothering me that I don't know while in the experience.

fridge wrote:
Edit: Void, I saw you caught the covid. I wish you (and also DT) a speedy recovery!

Thank you kindly Love

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#10 Posted : 1/16/2022 11:21:59 AM
Guardian wrote:
Oh man...Fridge that looks great! It's so fun to be in nature when you blast-off because, Idk about you but I really feel the energy of the trees and even find that I can communicate with plants. They are intelligent. This is a great post btw, and I love the term "Launch Site" that's good lingo, so good on ya, and wishing you all the best in your journey.

Thanks Guardian Smile, it's interesting that you mention feeling the energy of the trees! I loved nature since I was a little child, but mushrooms and DMT have allowed me to bond with nature in ways I would have never been able to imagine.
For example during the first few DMT experiences I had plants communicating directly with me telepathically. I also established a relationship to the tree you see in that picture. Whenever I travel below that tree and things get a bit too much I just lean back, open my eyes and just look into the crown of the tree. I feel a sense of calming reinsurance actively radiated by the tree.

Voidmatrix wrote:
Most of my journeys have been indoors, and my room is kind of my sanctuary (though with having covid, it doubles as a sort of cell), so I'm an advocate for smoalking indoors. Also precludes anyone bothering me that I don't know while in the experience.
One day I will try and see the difference. Twice I have been surprised while being in hyperspace. Once by my wife who wasn't aware that I was tripping and once by our dog who jumped onto my lap. Both times I got a fright, but both times I found my way back to hyperspace quickly. So that's indeed a downside of choosing to travel outdoors, but I love my garden and it's very pleasant to open my eyes to this sight just after returning.
...no need to worry...
#11 Posted : 1/19/2023 10:44:07 AM
Just thought of coming back to this thread, because I made myself another happy place and wanted to share.

P.s.: By now I have journeyed indoors too, but it feels better outdoors.

Edit: I see my last post was made just about 1 year ago. How the time flies...
Fridge attached the following image(s):
IMG_20230119_123322.jpg (4,311kb) downloaded 79 time(s).
...no need to worry...
#12 Posted : 1/19/2023 1:08:23 PM
Beautiful plants you got there Fridge
I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.
#13 Posted : 1/19/2023 1:20:00 PM
fink wrote:
Beautiful plants you got there Fridge

Thank you, fink Smile.

On the right it's a Malawi Gold x Afghani #1 F1 cross made by me and on the left it's a Bruce Banner x Deluxe Sugar Cane made by a friend of mine. I'm really curious to see how they'll turn out. Flowering should start one of these days.
...no need to worry...
The Sofa Traveler
#14 Posted : 1/19/2023 3:28:14 PM
Depending on the season, I travel indoor or outdoor. I love both, even if the travels are quite different for each. Indoor, I usually lay on the unfolded sofa (hence my pseudonym) with very little light, with the double stereo & subwoofers sound system playing discreetly ambient music in background. Breathtaking view of the wall made of old stones and which contains an incredible bestiary, each time different. The bestiary unveils only when on psychedelics Big grin Happens usually by night, in the cold season.
Outside the setup is simple : with the zero gravity deckchair under a tree, somewhere around the house. Sometimes a wireless speaker with background ambient music hangs from the tree. Happens usually by day, in the warm season.
I'll try to provide a picture from the indoor spot soon. For the outdoor spot it's not the good moment to take a picture, it's core of winter here, so the place is not as sexy as it should be Smile
Anyway, indoor or outdoor, it's always at home, I don't like to consume spice elsewhere (even if it happened a few times).
Humanity has invented gods, the reverse remains to be proven.
#15 Posted : 1/19/2023 4:15:37 PM
Looking forward to see your indoor setup Sofa Traveller Smile!

Luckily here the climate allows to journey outdoors most of the time. I find once you find yourself "over there" it doesn't really matter were ones physical body is
, but I like to open my eyes to a natural environment when returning.

I am actually intrigued to smoke a low dose of enhanced leaf in one of the surrounding nature reserves, but I think I would always feel someone surprises me during the process...
...no need to worry...
#16 Posted : 1/19/2023 7:41:43 PM
I lay down on my back and stair at a few RGB bulbs in a chandelier that fade between rotating colors. It makes for a great chrysanthemum until everything else in the room fades away.

I always practice sitting and laying before my session so that when it's "point of no return time" I am sure that when I lay back I will be in the right comfortable spot.

Very envious of these beautiful outdoor locations. A shaded, vine encased grotto would certainly be lovely.
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"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness." - Terence McKenna
🙌 "Dang, that's really impressive for a first extraction. Those xtals are nicely resolved." - Benzyme 🙌

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