people have said they see playing cards in dmt hyperspace
I dont do dmt
but can anyone illustrate or tell me what those playing cards look like?
I want to either find a premade deck or make my own deck
of playing cards that are as close to real hyperspace cards by design
especially neon playing cards!
someone named K Koz on youtube said this in a Sleepee / Sleepyee video comment (sorry I spelt his name wrong)
I know this has been on here a while but it kind of startled me to read.
interesting that people had experiances.
During my greatest breakthrough I encountered a jester with a neon skull for a head.
He didn't speak to me but smiled and gestured me to follow him down a super trippy spiral staircase
during which time "neon playing cards swirled and spun all around me."
I put that last bit in quotes
does anyone know how to describe neon playing cards
or playing cards that they see in hyperspace
for someone who would design a dmt hyperspace deck of cards?
like maybe they are regular bicycle cards like a king of spades
but with a bunch of trippy shapes on them?
what about joker cards with a jester on them?
or a trippy fool tarot card??
nexushornet2021 attached the following image(s):

(339kb) downloaded 99 time(s).