So, this came to me mind, as a hypothesis.
Like, maybe many more plants than we think of actually have dmt and other monoamine goodies.
Thing is, they might be degrade fast because of mao (monoamine oxidizer) activity, or alike enzimes.
Maybe try to grow hidroponically some grass with syrian rue tea?

Maybe put syrian rue into our mushrooms substate spawn and dunk the cakes in syrian rue tea?
I dont know just giving ideas

What do you think??
Actually this might even be dangerous, i dont know what this could cause, im just throwing ideas out disregard everything i say.
It came to my mind as i was watching this video about this dude explaining how most of our cells if not all have monoamine oxidase enzymes. And how when you take mao inhibitors like the betacarbolines in syrian rue, you stop or slow down the activity of this enzymes so to not have a buildup of dopamine or serotonin in our body, wich long story shor would provoke a disfunctional effect. This also allows for dmt to not be broken down and make it active, and longuer lasting.
For example excess dopamine would provoke "delusional" type halucinations
And excess serotonin sounds great, but pretty much sure you wouldnt be functional if you felt like all day you were high on mdma. People that have taken ssris know best about that.
Anyway, i would like to experiment with that, any ideas you can give me? or propositions of experiments or whatever?