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Realm of pure pleasure/ecstasy Options
#1 Posted : 2/6/2021 7:12:13 AM
So, a bit of a heads up. This “trip report” is a bit... visceral and revealing.

This past Wednesday around 4pm I loaded up my e-mesh with around 25-30mg of spice, and with one hit I saw the images on my TV start to twist and warp. I then remember being in the waiting room for what seems like just a few moments before I was whisked away to what I can only describe as a realm of undiluted pleasure. All I remember seeing were intense reds and pinks, swirling images all around me. Immediately I started feeling intense warmth all over my body from head to toe, as if I were being submerged/engulfed/encompassed in liquid love/lust. The closest I can compare it to would be like stepping into a hot tub filled with gel that permeated your skin and activated every fiber of your nervous system in the most seductive/beautiful/orgasmic way possible.I actually recorded myself on this trip, from the external view I saw my eyes open a few times, each time they were rolled back. My breathing was erratic and fast. In and out 2-3 times per second. I remember when I started coming back down around the 2 minute mark, my entire right side of my body was still physically being affected. I remember saying (and confirmed from the video) “I mean... hooooollllyy shiiiiiiiit.... Hoooolllly mother Fuuuhhhh (my voice shuddering and shaking). Followed by some groaning, faster breathing, “oh my good lord” and me saying.... “it’s like being immersed.... in pure sexual energy”. The feeling was so deep and warm/hot. After reviewing the video I realized that what I was feeling intensified along with the music I had playing and that when the song ended the feeling started to fade. This was right at the 4:00 mark.

The feeling tapered off over the next 5-7 minutes after that. I sat there in my chair, recovering and catching my breath, and saying “thank you... wow... thank you”. I also spent that time yawning, shuddering, and talking to myself and the camera about what I could remember.

I can only hope someday I will get to revisit that place, but during a Pharmahuasca experience so it lasts longer than 5-10 minutes... although I don’t know if my body could take it. I was worried about my body short circuiting from the peak full body all encompassing orgasm I experienced just during the 2 minutes I remember/recorded during the come down phase.

Had anyone else every been to the place I mentioned or experienced this feeling of being swallowed/enveloped in hot, concentrated ecstasy?

I really wish I could post this in the main trip report forum so more people could see it, but even after spending days on the questionnaire I’m still stuck in noob status. Sad
Fruit is life
#2 Posted : 2/6/2021 8:18:28 AM
I think so..on a strong dose of subaeruginosa mushrooms, I lost all connection with reality squirming around in my bed being struck with lightning and union with divine ecstacy, the more reality dissolved the more ecstatic I became, the more ecstatic I became the more reality dissolved..it was.. the best, even thought it was incredible I was hesitant to do it again due to the sheer emotional intensity.

I have never experienced such ecstacy with vaporized DMT alone, only humbling otherness that fades into deep peace and Grattitude.. maybe I need to smoke more lol
The self that talks doesn't know, the self that knows doesn't talk.
#3 Posted : 2/23/2021 2:28:32 PM
I have had some sub-BT trips that are very sensual. Pink, orange, and other flesh tone colors on undulating geometry that took on the shapes of breasts and other feminine curves, like kaleidoscope porn, pulsating and rotating erotically. I could even hear the sounds of soft moans of pleasure. It was lovely.
#4 Posted : 2/23/2021 2:54:30 PM
PsychonautCX wrote:

Had anyone else every been to the place I mentioned or experienced this feeling of being swallowed/enveloped in hot, concentrated ecstasy?
I had a full body orgasm (sexual-like, but not exactly sexual) the first time I had a breakthrough experience with DMT. I had trouble inhaling enough vapor to get to the other side and the world just insisted me on inhaling. I saw a flower like membrane that kept on growing and then it bursted and I felt absolute joy and relief. This was my first strong experience with DMT. Not a bad start for a wonderful (thought sometimes very challenging) journey that has followed.

A couple of weeks ago I took pharmahuasca on top of medium strong acid trip and I felt incredible bliss I have felt a few times before on pharmahuasca alone. I was extremely grateful for that experience.
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
#5 Posted : 2/23/2021 3:10:17 PM
I had a close encounter with this realm again the other day. It was a sub breakthrough mainly because I had a hard time holding in the vapor. I remember seeing a woman, maybe two with blue hair. Anime in style. They pointed upwards. I looked up and saw what looked like an undulating morphing sphere consisting of pink and red geometry. I could feel the erogenous energy emanating from it even at a distance. In my mind I heard them say “is this what you are looking for?” I responded “yes, please I would like to go there”. To which they responded that at that moment I didn’t have what was required to gain entrance. I tried to ask them what they meant, but then then spice started to wear off. Which got me to thinking.... was there an entry fee/cover charge that I needed to be able to “pay”. What could the currency of such a place possibly be? Which lead to my next experiment...
#6 Posted : 2/23/2021 6:29:08 PM
I’m not a scientist. But I do enjoy experimenting and testing out theories. After my previously mentioned brush with the pleasure realm I started thinking about how DMT experiences happen in/via the mind and how our mind produces certain substances as a result of certain actions or circumstances.

After integrating for a while on what I was told (that I didn’t have what was required to revisit that place) I started thinking about what it could be that I was lacking.

In my original post in this thread I had a section that was a bit TMI. I have since removed it. It may be viewable if this site retains post history. Regardless I started thinking about what was different between my initial visit and this “denied entry” visit. Without going into the messy details i will just say that eventually I arrived at the concept of “arousal v orgasm” and how during the act of love making the brain produces the following hormones:

Dopamine. This is one of the “happiness hormones” that’s related to your brain’s reward system.
Endorphins. The body’s natural pain reliever, endorphins also have de-stressing and mood-boosting effects.
Oxytocin. This hormone is often called the love hormone and is associated with social bonding.
Testosterone. This hormone is released during sex to improve stamina and arousal. It’s also released when you have sexual fantasies, according to a 2011 studyTrusted Source.
Prolactin. A hormone that plays an important role in lactation, prolactin also influences your mood and immune system.

Like I said, I’m no scientist but I know that it’s likely that those hormone are produced/released in varying amounts and at different times, for instance maybe dopamine is produced more leading up to orgasm but then released at orgasm. Without extensive research I couldn’t give the specifics. Maybe someone else can weigh in on what happened when? Regardless I got to thinking that perhaps the requirement that I didn’t meet to gain access/entrance was related to those hormones. Perhaps my body didn’t have enough of what was “needed” in order for me to either 1. Be seen as “valuable” or “desirable” enough to be accepted (like a bouncer would judge someone at a nightclub entrance) or 2. Be strong enough or capable enough to mentally/physically handle what goes on in there.

So I decided to try an experiment. I decided to try “edging” on and off during the day but not achieving orgasm. This would/should allow build up of certain hormones/arousal/semen. Really enjoying the build up/journey similar to tantric sexual practice.
I then got my spice ready in my e-mesh rig, turned on my space heater (I have another theory about how body/surrounding temperatures affect your access to specific planes of existence but that’s for another post), queued up some beautiful erotic images on my phone, got nice and comfy under the covers in my comfy chair, laid back and after bringing myself to near fulfillment I relaxed, held that intense body euphoria and visualization love and lust in my mind I inhaled the spice in one hit.

I remember struggling to hold my breathe as long as I could. While doing so I remember seeing the most intense colors I’ve ever seen flashing and washing over me. I then felt my body shudder and tense up and as I exhaled I found myself in a place different that where I was hoping to be. Instead of pinks and reds, everything was black and gold. Very shiny almost luminescent. I remember feeling like I wasn’t alone but I couldn’t see any kind of entity. I just remember coming into this black and gold “room” for lack of a better term, and suddenly my body started to heat up. Like my space heater had been amplified by 1000%. It felt amazing. Like sunbathing, but without the sweating and brightness. I also began to feel a body euphoria similar to that feeling leading up to orgasm. It came in small pulses, nothing close to the level I had experienced in my original post. Then it was explained to me where I was and how I had come to be there. It turns out that my theory of “currency” need wasn’t too far off. It was explained to me that sexual energy is used as a kind of currency/key there. As if the energy your body builds up either from sexual/sensual thoughts/experienced (or perhaps it’s the hormones themselves) can be traded for entry into this place or that you have to be at a certain energy/arousal level to be able to access/interact with it. At least that was the case in this black/gold place. It gave off less of a sensual/love vibe and more of a dark sex/lust feeling. Almost like an underground BDSM place. It was still nice and an interesting experience. One that will require further exploration in the future. Once I’ve had time to replenish my energies.

This is so exciting!

#7 Posted : 2/23/2021 8:56:58 PM
PsychonautCX wrote:
I remember saying (and confirmed from the video) “I mean... hooooollllyy shiiiiiiiit.... Hoooolllly mother Fuuuhhhh (my voice shuddering and shaking). Followed by some groaning, faster breathing, “oh my good lord” and me saying.... “it’s like being immersed.... in pure sexual energy”.

Fruit is life wrote:
...on a strong dose of subaeruginosa mushrooms, I lost all connection with reality squirming around in my bed being struck with lightning and union with divine ecstacy, the more reality dissolved the more ecstatic I became, the more ecstatic I became the more reality dissolved..it was.. the best, even thought it was incredible I was hesitant to do it again due to the sheer emotional intensity.

I had a experience several weeks ago where I "accidentally" consumed what I now estimate to be the equivalent of over 20 grams dried shrooms. These were fresh mushrooms in which my initial calculations of dry equivalent were obviously erroneous. Surprised

For most of the trip I was flailing about like an autistic child having a grand mal seizure. I had no awareness of my body or immediate environment. Fortunately I had a trip sitter (my wife) who took great care of me and I had a spectacular journey. There was a period of about an hour in which my whole body was transformed into light and it matches the descriptions above. It was like having a whole body rolling multiple orgasm. Wave after wave of ecstatic bliss. I had a hard time breathing, gasping for air periodically and repeatedly blurting out "holy shit, oh my god". Looking into my wife's eyes as she cradled my head in her lap to protect me, telling me to breathe, and feeling a deeply loving connection with her. Like our souls making love in some divine spiritual realm.

Absolutely the most inspiring experience I have ever had in ordinary or psychedelic consciousness. Because of the intensity of the trip, I don't know if I will ever intentionally consume that amount again. Among other things, my wife was exhausted making sure I was safe. The experience does inspire me and inform me of what our minds are capable of.

PsychonautCX wrote:
So I decided to try an experiment. I decided to try “edging” on and off during the day but not achieving orgasm. This would/should allow build up of certain hormones/arousal/semen. Really enjoying the build up/journey similar to tantric sexual practice.
I then got my spice ready in my e-mesh rig, turned on my space heater (I have another theory about how body/surrounding temperatures affect your access to specific planes of existence but that’s for another post), queued up some beautiful erotic images on my phone, got nice and comfy under the covers in my comfy chair, laid back and after bringing myself to near fulfillment I relaxed, held that intense body euphoria and visualization love and lust in my mind I inhaled the spice in one hit.

I applaud your creativity and willingness to experiment. May I humbly offer a suggestion... that you experiment, be grateful for the experiences, then drop these practices. You are conditioning your sexual response system to require this level of preparation, expectation, and intensity. And you do not want this to become a requirement later in life. I don't know your age, but you may inevitably wish you had not conditioned your mind to these practices and erotic images. Especially by using these powerful medicines to enhance the sexual experience, you are hard coding these practices as a requirement. It takes years to undo this conditioning once it is carved into your mind (even if you're not enhancing the experience with psychedelics). I know from personal experience. A significant part of my spiritual practice is using these medicines to undo the conditioning of society and past practices. Just my thoughts. Everyone is free to make their own decisions. Smile
#8 Posted : 2/25/2021 3:58:56 PM
yes ive been there many times . Pleasure and pain are both suffering.
Behold, a sower went out to sow
#9 Posted : 4/22/2021 12:30:38 PM
Thank you for doing the experiments. And sharing it. That was very clarifying and sounds fun. Very happy

A small insight on the involvement of the song in the initial experience. The creative process of making the song holds a energy that wants to release itself. The impulse is like an irresistable unwinding of a DNA. Synonymuously sex drive has a similar tendency. I guess the involvement of the song might be more than arbritary. What music was it? Would be interesting for me to analyze..

At one point something was just stabbing at different parts in my body and producing orgasm feelings wherever it situated. It seemed to just let me know it can do that and it had fun with it too , nothing more. A few years later a similar consciousness is just throwing my mind to different parts in the room playing with it. Showing me it has absolute control over my attention. And it's very intense whirlwinding energy. The communication was that I wasn't ready to go all the way with them at that point.

It goes to show you it isn't all just sexual. It's not even sexual at all but it's Sensual and engages sensory perception to the maximum.

I like the theory of chemicals. very interesting
#10 Posted : 4/22/2021 8:24:20 PM
I appreciate your sharing. Exploring how arousal can affect the psychedelic experience was an old interest of mine. I found that such preparation for an experience can very strongly fix your mindset and rivals the strongest of intentions and having your mind and body full of such energy so wholly directed towards a certain thing can result in extremely powerful experiences. My activities generally revolved around mushrooms and various substituted tryptamines, I have no experience with the use of DMT for such pursuits.

I can certainly understand where shroombee is coming with warnings about conditioning yourself to such experiences although luckily I escaped such negative consequences in the long term.

I am no longer of the mindset that I care to dedicate such time and energy to this kind of pursuit but I do appreciate getting to hear about the experiments of others.
Things have turned a deeper shade of blue

Why you should NOT take DMT
A Single Step
#11 Posted : 4/26/2021 2:44:17 AM
That sounds like a wonderful experience. I have enjoyed the erotic while tripping and you've given me some good ideas for experiments with DMT. One person's TMI might be another's useful information -- wish I'd read your post before it was edited. I'll also be mindful of shroomies advice with regard to forming a dependency. What he is describing sounds like what porn does to us.
#12 Posted : 5/3/2022 10:44:00 PM
Infectedstyle wrote:
Thank you for doing the experiments. And sharing it. That was very clarifying and sounds fun. Very happy

A small insight on the involvement of the song in the initial experience. The creative process of making the song holds a energy that wants to release itself. The impulse is like an irresistable unwinding of a DNA. Synonymuously sex drive has a similar tendency. I guess the involvement of the song might be more than arbritary. What music was it? Would be interesting for me to analyze..

At one point something was just stabbing at different parts in my body and producing orgasm feelings wherever it situated. It seemed to just let me know it can do that and it had fun with it too , nothing more. A few years later a similar consciousness is just throwing my mind to different parts in the room playing with it. Showing me it has absolute control over my attention. And it's very intense whirlwinding energy. The communication was that I wasn't ready to go all the way with them at that point.

It goes to show you it isn't all just sexual. It's not even sexual at all but it's Sensual and engages sensory perception to the maximum.

I like the theory of chemicals. very interesting

I'm sorry i hadn't ever responded to you to answer your question about the music.

First off I want to say that i've read lots of posts of people posting what music they listen to, many saying how much they love Artists like Schpongle. I've tried listening to that stuff sober and i just can't. So usually i go with relaxing instrumental stuff. Orchestral performances i especially love.

Many people will probably laugh at what i was listening to during my initial reported experience but here it is. BTW this song combo has continued to provide some of my most energetic experiences due to the swell and build in the last 90 seconds of the song) I was listening to the Album: Disney Goes Classical by The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. The specific tracks were the end of track 13: Let it Go (From Frozen), and the beginning of Track 2 How Far I'll Go (From Moana). I had them in a special playlist in that order. Track 6: Go The Distance (From Hercules) used to be my favorite track in the album, especially the last 60 seconds or so, but i noticed a pattern during mushroom trips and Pharmauasca trips that every time it came on my mind would drift to thoughts of my dog who had passed away the previous year. At one point it cut it out of the rotation altogether, but then decided to add it back in but only as a single song in a much larger rotation.

So, yeah... LOL Instrumental versions of Disney songs. But seriously, if you listen to them (i'm sure you can find them on youtube if you don't have a streaming music service) you will understand. The power from the last 90 seconds of Let it Go (if you've seen the movie it the part where the ice castle starts to grow with the music) grows and grows. I'm considering creating a seem-less 5-10 minute loop of that section of the song, because when the song ends the effects really die down, and i find my self yelling "Alexis! Rewind 90 seconds!".

#13 Posted : 5/3/2022 10:44:42 PM
Hopefully its ok to resurrect an old thread of mine by responding to a question from someone i had overlooked.Big grin
#14 Posted : 5/10/2022 1:40:51 PM
Hope its okay to reply to it lol! I had my first "Real" dmt experience lastnight, after previously only seeing hardly active doses. Im well experienced with Lsd and Shrooms but this was in a different realm altogether lol. I weighed approx 50mg and loaded it into the Unicorn Mini, thinking/hoping it would be a good device for this purpose. It was lol. I started taking one long ass pull with pretty thick smoke billowing all the way through, and i hit it for about 20+ seconds or so and it began hitting me. I continued to pull for a few more seconds cuz it was still rollin, and the intensity began to be to much so i reached over and set it down on my nightstand. As it left my fingers and made contact with the wood, it morphed into 4, then 8, and as i turn to lay on my bed the visual hallucination all of a sudden became SOUND and just fucking Swallowed me. It hit me so hard it didnt even feel like there was a "blasting off or up", it was more like a bomb went off and boom i was elsewhere. I don't have to many specifics of physical descriptions of things i saw, this was so much more about what i felt. I could hardly handle how intense the Love of The Father is. It was almost as if my heart was gonna Overload from the intensity. Its like i had to "shield" my "eyes" from the intensity of the Love/Light of The Father. I am trying to rack my brain for the word i was experiencing, in trying to describe this "Self-Re-Generating Fountain/Flame of Light/Love" i was seeing/feeling. Something along the lines of Spiritual Awesomeness on display. The deeper i felt, the deeper it went. It was fucking Beautiful. I truly didnt know that Level of Love could exist. Im still reintegrating but doin good, focused. GRATEFUL AF.
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