SWOM< someone who IS me> and a friend did a experiment with a icaro on you tube from don marcial. And a big difference was noticed in the experience with regular music. My friend told of a universe opening up with floating snakes and a lot of other stuff he forgot about. But he tought it was different experience. Could feel a sort of healing property. Realizing he was part of the"ritme of everything". I think this is worth experimenting with. I participated in 2 ayahuasca ceremonies an was a sceptical beliver of the icaro's. But i also noticed a very physical interaction ... From that moment on i know what is meant by a healing.... different icaro's with different properties.. Soon another experiment... I have to proces the last 2 experiences.... 1 was total blisss and awe..... the other was very difficult < for the first time> It was like a warning trip to respect or something like that... there was a lot love though and afterwards a very positive experience. I was already beginning to wonder if dmt is oonly bliss and awe and no learning from difficult experiences..... but no... there it was ... happily ever after.. rgrds
After reading your post and some ayahuasca info about shamans/icaros, I decided to try it.
4 of us were in my dark living room, we played rainforest sounds in the background, with a 3-4 minute icaro at the beginning.
We started them both at the same time each person started to toke (we each went after each other).
I can't actually say how the Icaro effected me, just that this DMT trip was crazy intense. After blast off it was all black, I could only see the DMT manifested in beautiful colored patterns, I could see from the molecules point of view, flowing down my throat as a tangible pattern of color, it took up all the space in my throat and I felt a struggle to get oxygen.
After that I wasn't me, I wasn't anything, I was everything. But as I started being put back into body and ego I could see the patterns flowing into everything around me. But I suppose it was actually the patterns leaving. I have no idea why, maybe I exhaled and saw an effect...but I started manipulating the patterns.
Depending on how heavy, loud, etc my exhalings were, I could control the colors and patterns to a certain degree, then I started hovering my hand and moving it above my torso up and down, which seemed to help.
I did this for a while, but then it all faded and I came back, and when asked to explain wtf just happened, I could only giggle, until further reflection.
I want to meet a real ayahuasquero and do this the real way, but until then...I'm going to keep experimenting with Icaros.
Oh btw, the one played was a "Spiritual Protection" song.