150mg harmaline/harmine fb is my sweetspot for inhibition being somewhat high for my bodyweight I am inhibited on 130mg aswell but havent bothered testing lower for oral dmt administration. I got a lb of black caapi brewed it 12hours in 3gallons of acidified water(lime juice). I reduced these 3 gallons to 2.5gallons over the 12 hours and further reduced them to 350ml of black fluid. Yesterday starting at 9am I began drinking the solution in 40ml increments every 30min. After the 1st 80ml (102.4g) I ingested 2ml of a 5 parts dmt to 1 part nmt fumarate solution took a bite of croissant and went on a walk. Felt nothing aside from harmaloid stimulation beautiful clarity of mind, sharpness of vision, and euphoria but no dmt. 1 hour post ingestion I resume drinking 40ml,60ml,40ml,and 50ml(243.2g) of tea I wanted to drink it all to ensure the dmt works but could not because of intense rolling euphoria being very satisfying at this level. I drank another 2ml of dmt/nmt fumarate solution 1 hour later, I ate a croissant the dmt never hit me, I fasted throughout the whole duration. My chaser was pomegranate juice throughout I only drank when drinking ayahuasca. Right before drinking the last 2ml of dmt/nmt solution the 1st doses of ayahuasca were already washing through me and being purged as diarrhea. I plan to recook my vine and will nexttime mix with modest harmaline/harmine fb but would love some insight into why this experience unfolded as such. Each 2mls of fumarate solution was enough for a strong trip so I would like to minimize future loss when working with this wonderful medicine. Thank you for any and all wisdom.
From what I gather, sometimes that is just how it happens. fwiw, Jonathon Ott noted that harmala alkaloids can have a blocking action on the serotonin receptors that can attenuate the visionary effect of DMT. The other thing I'm wondering about is the concentration of your tryptamines fumarate solution. What makes you say that 2 mL was enough for a strong trip? Have you previously tested it with extracted rue alkaloids, or is it based on the experience with an equivalent amount of vaporized freebase? Did you drink each subsequent dose of "xmt" fumarates accompanied by or shortly after some of the vine brew? “There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work." ― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
I know you say you've felt "harmala-like" effects but, is it at all possible your caapi was not really caapi?
I say this because for a while some years back, there was a "black caapi" on the market which was actually Alicia anisopetala and did not contain harmalas, but rather unknown compounds, and did not work as a MAOI.
Not saying this is necessarily your case but just something that occurred to me.
Another possibility is simply that it's very weak caapi.
Another thing that calls my attention i you seem to say you brewed it one time only? Doesnt matter how long you brew it, always brew at least 3x. So that's another possibility, inefficient extraction of the harmala alkaloids.
When you talk about your DMT/NMT solution, how concentrated was this solution. 2ml = how many mg of DMT/NMT ?
2 weekends ago I ingested 150mg harmine/harmaline fb followed by 2.5ml dmt fumarate solution half of my planned 5ml dose. I peaked for 3 hours puked for 1 hour tripped another 7 hours, during the peak I was in a domed area made of yellow flowers turning in the wind which I was also made of and there was a black entity off to my side whispering incoherently and almost pulling light from the flowers into itself. I did not take my full 5ml dose and have since added 1lb of acrb to the mhrb derived dmt fumarates changing the color from translucent yellow to opaque red. I am certain that the new concentration is more than enough for me to feel strongly at 1ml. Downwardsfrom0 can you please direct me to where ott explores this blocking action? I spent 1 12hour session brewing it but changed the water 4 times if that is what you mean by time not mattering and the actual amount of brewing mattering endlessness? I plan to repeat for another 12hr and run gibran2' easy caapi vine extract. I have heard of alicia anisopetala, the pre-shredding caapi had a similar cross section to photographed caapi cross sections on here. It was marketed as the strongest caapi vine but discounted so I wonder if maybe it was improperly cured or otherwise prepared poorly. It looked like yellow caapi I have had from the same vendor but I have not had much caapi 1.75lbs total through my life, so yes it could not be caapi my limited palatte cant differentiate vines yet. I want to extract the harmalas if any to quantify content then enhance some changa. Something that I found amusing I'd like to note is the limonene must have pulled a flavoring agent from the acrb because my fumarate solution became sweet.