do i go about extraction jungle the same way i would nn?
i have 100 grams soaking with one final pull left of nn using 100ml naptha. it should be pretty stripped by now, i think this is my 5th pull of naptha. i thought the other day..."why throw away perfectly good bark if it still contains magic?" so i bought some xylene.
i'm thinking about pulling off all the naptha and replacing it with 100ml xylene and letting it sit for a day or two to go to work.
when i pull off the xylene, do i then just evap like i would otherwise with naptha, do i wash it, do i freeze precip, or just evap and scrape?
i've searched for teks on this, but it seems relatively low profile. any help would be great for me and for future searchers. thank you very much nexus.
to get raw jungle spice, simply evap your xylene. all my posts are random generated and can not be evaluated as distinct ideas Evening Glory wrote:This is a medicine, remember, not some video you can watch inside your head.
Evapping xylene is nasty, stuff wreaaaks.
I wish you could freeze-precip but it's out of the question.
I wonder if theres anyway to crash things out.... hmm....
once swim put his jungle saturated toluene in the freezer. something peciped out, just a lil bit all my posts are random generated and can not be evaluated as distinct ideas Evening Glory wrote:This is a medicine, remember, not some video you can watch inside your head.
after initial naptha pulls SWIM did a experimental xylene pull, solvent was left in solution over night and separated the next day. xylene was evaporated with a fan and a clearish oil like substance was left. this was left over night for further evaporation, apon returning to experiment the next day small circular xtals were forming in the oil at many small points, experiment was left for another day in cold dry air, one day later and small circular xtals have expanded/grown greatly and almost all oil has now been converted to xtalls, experiments smells like the most delicious jasmine perfume SWIM has ever smelt. SWIM has not yet bio-essayed xtals. SWIM was under the impression that "jungle" was oily and syrup like, SWIM is left with slightly waxy but very much xtals, odd..... Sometimes the lights all shining on me, other times I can barely see....
Why not just salt the goodies out of the xylene with vinegar and leave that to evap? This way you don't have to evap stinky xylene and you can reuse it.
Ive just pulled the left over goodies with xylene, evaped and was left with some really smelly xtals. I dissolved this in acetone and left to evap. Smells alot better now, im still to test the goodies out.
honestly, if you guys can find limonene, get that instead.. it pulls the other alkaloids just as well, and its worlds of difference: while one smells like the devil's gas station, the other is like heaven's orange garden... 
all right, SWIM's been convinced, limonene on the way, xylene is just easier and cheaper for SWIM to acquire locally, but thats no excuse.... xylene extracted xtals scraped up, quite a bit more than SWIM thought would be there, and tested, smoked on some mint leaf, very active, but definitely different from pure spice, quite enjoyable though.... Sometimes the lights all shining on me, other times I can barely see....
i just did my xylene pull and i have a yellow substance. i'm assuming dmt or oxide. where's my red stuff? help me out here please, i'm very confused.
perhaps a warm water bath for the jug and heat some solvent for the next pull? ive never used xylene. does it evaporate cleanly?
I am waiting for someone to smoke or eat this jungle spice and give a good descriptive report.
xylene pulls lovely fluffy pure white spice and loads of it - the only draw back is that its stinky check out my tek for using xylene to extract spice - wrote:...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...
...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".
Quote: ‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell Quote: ‹xtechre› cheese is great He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.
Carry on pulling Black, that's n-oxide. Dreamer got the same happen from post-naphta xylene pulls, but he had already thrown his potion away, so he didn't get to the jungle  N-oxide is quite nice, don't believe the horror stories... it's like white spice visually but lacks the wow feeling but still has the mmm, good to mix the two together with the proportion depending on how much wow you feel like. bio- xy def evaps cleanly if you've got the right stuff, do an evap test first. Horrible stuff though, use d-lim instead... and keep xylene outside it's not good for you and no seal seems to be tight enough. Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change: End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.