Sharing this survey on behalf of the researchers behind it, and because it's a topic I find interesting. http://www.surveygizmo.e...3/NDE-Psychedelic-SurveyQuote:The NDE & Psychedelic Survey Welcome and thank you for your interest in the Psychedelic & NDE Survey - a scientific research project on the psychological effect of psychedelic drug experiences and near-death experiences (NDEs). The Psychedelic & NDE Survey is a project being run by the Psychedelic Research Group at Imperial College London, led by Dr Robin Carhart-Harris in collaboration with the Coma Science Group at the University of Liège (BE) led by Professor Steven Laureys. Its aim is to understand the psychological effects of people who have had two significant experiences, namely a psychedelic drug experience and a near-death experience (NDE), using online questionnaires. The data we collect from this study will help to advance the scientific understanding of the psychological impact of encountering both types of experiences. We greatly appreciate your participation in this project. The data you provide is very valuable to us. We will not collect your IP address and your personally identifying information will remain completely confidential, that is, your identity will not be revealed to anyone outside of the study. To take part, you must be at least 18 years old of age, have a sufficiently good understanding of the English language, and have experienced (at least) one near-death experience AND (at least) one psychedelic drug experience. You must also be willing to provide us with a correct email address. There are no risks associated to answering the present survey. If you decide to take part, you should indicate your agreement to the online consent form (next page). All information can be found here. Completing this survey might take up to 50 minutes. Try to relax and read every question carefully.