Here are some things that come to mind:
- Cold acetone extract cleanup, try to remove chlorophyll with ion exchange resin instead of solvent washes.
- |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | complexation for oral administration. Combine with carboxilic esterase enzyme blocking plants (e.g. thymeleaved sandwort).
- More results for enhanced tinctures (non-|
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |).
- Extraction results from new plants (e.g. glutinosa).
- |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | Vaccum dry of cleaned up extract (e.g. cation resin flushed with volatile salt or acetone protein crash) for complexation that allows having a stable concentrated powder. Use this for extraction of liquid cultures or spawn.
- Figure out what possible new compound our melashrooms made.
- Feed mushrooms mexamine and see what results.
- Verify mescaline boost when cuttings are stored in the dark.
- Mescaline yield analysis for grafted vs planted cacti.
- How to trigger flowering.
- Cation resin tests for new extraction.
- Harmalol extraction, may need to form a complex with |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | for stability. Some psilocin techniques may apply. Would sprouting the seeds boost Harmalol while leaving Harmine/Harmaline unchanged in the seed shell?
- Reduction check during long acidic boils.
- Form |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | complexes test nebulizer method. Consider eye drops with safety in mind (avoid blood brain barrier).
- STB: test sulfites as a path to break down lignin in bark in low alkaline (more user friendly) conditions.
- Gibbs triangle for fumaric acid, acetone, and naphta.
- Homeade Raman spectrometer with red or infrared laser to avoid the fluorescence we saw when we built a green laser based Raman spectrometer here at the Nexus. Our Raman could identify raman acetone peaks, but DMT was too fluorescent.
- Quality videos of established procedures (endlessness). Not research per se, but a great project for accurate and easy to follow harm reduction steps.
Thing is, there are already threads for most of these. This is just a list of my favorites. There is a lot of stuff to look into for anyone who wants to jump in. I'll can add links if anyone is interested.