ghostman wrote:He blamed Katrina on the gays. He's no better than that Westboro lot. Despicable.
Oh, not only on just the gays....oh no, it was the gays, lesbians, devil worshipers (so many of them, but what are you gonna do right?), and PAGANS...
Yes, those fun loving, tree huging, peacful pagans are the reason a bunch of Saudi's bombed the US. It has NOTHING to do with our strong alliance to Israel or our foreign not at all, it was the PAGANS!!!
This guy is just a serious tool. The main problem I have with him is that he's still on the air after so many hate filled years. That means that PEOPLE ARE WATCHING THIS TOOL....
If our good friend Pat was a muslim he'd be fined for inciting hatred, kicked off the air and branded a terrorist. To be fair, he's not that far off from a radical muslim. He calls for a type of jihad, just again the pagans, gays, and lesbians that are obviously going to BURN IN HELL!!!
This pissed me off on so many levels. I've got a neighbor that follows this type of nonsence. He goes down to DC and "proclaims" (while leaving his wife to work AND be a full time mom). He has no job. He terrorizes people that happen to walk by, "are you saved...can I talk to you for a minute about Jesus? Did you know that the end times are near, let me quote you some scripture so you can understand why we're all about to die"....yeah, he tells his wife that we need to be "saved". His poor embarssed wife's response, "from what?".
This holier than thou guy, has no job, leaves his wife to hang out with another woman and "proclaim". Their marriage is in tatters and the wife is thinking about divorce...god told him that he's about to get a great job, so he doesn't worry about looking for one, god will provide he says. ACK!!! He's got a son he never see's nor wants to, the daughter he and his wife have together he hardly interacts with, but my wife and I, who have a strong marriage, a wonderful son, both of us work, pay our bills and taxes, WE need to be saved....good stupid.
Religion has always rubbed me the wrong way...maybe that's why I chose a religion that does not have a strict dogma, nor puts down ANY religion, and never requires "recruiting" or whatever fancy name they want to give it. *sigh* Crazy Christians.....and don't get me wrong, there are crazy muslims, crazy Jews, crazy Hindu's, crazy Taoists....but in America I mainly encounter the crazy christians. I'm so glad I don't live in America's bible belt.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.
I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.