So I wanted to start this thread since other people seem to be having success with bufotenine and getting interested..and also due to the fact that many other people seem to not be able to reach the desired level that has been spoken of..
Also this would be a good place to help map out the bufotenine universe based on our experiences..and it can be like a sort of bufo users guide and reference point..bufotenine is still basically a fringe tryptamine and I think there needs to be more written about it.
Bufotenine for starters is a tricky one to learn to work with at does such a good job at hiding might take patients and a period of time working with the molecule to have that place of visions open up to you..butonce you get there it seems that you can reliably go back..
It's not in your face at all like DMT lets you go into the experince at your pace..when you are is very relaxing usually and it requires that you relax into it and lay back in the dark to really enter the bufotenine universe.
The visions are nothing less than stunning when you do really get there...nothing like DMT really..simialr to psilocybin in some ways but totally diffeent in's a world unto itslef..totally unique..and it feels older and wiser in many ways than DMT does..
DMT for me is all about takes me to the very centre of that which is has spirit..but for the most part DMT is about me and the universe..bufotenine is not like that..not so far anyway..bufotenine is like an ancient old man that has had enough of all that other stuff and decided to set up camp eons ago on his own terf and never left..DMT hyperspace just sort of formed around this old man..bufotenine definatily feels like a very masuline and ancient being/experience..more like working with a guide than DMT..neither are really a substitute for the other. Something about it feel very shamanic.
It's also not like DMT in that you can smoke it over a 5-10 minute period and the effects continue to build..and it is best this way due to the nausea..though I have no experince with pure is also best taken with harmalas in my experience..
The more you work with bufotenine the more it seems to let you into it's world...dedication seems to pay off in the end..I would never had taken a second look at the stuff after getting violently ill many times if it were not for my facination with visionary states and the reports of people like 69rons SWIM..
There are levels to the experience..the first one is the sickness..with the impure stuff anway..tension in the neck and arms, legs etc, accompanied by a feeling of euphoria, consistant with tryptamines..if you take enough a sort of visual static becomes apparent as solors become enhanced, and a peculiar strobing effect follows...once this kicks in I try to smoke some more of it quickly and than lay back..darkness is necessary to really go into it..
At first with eyes closed there is a sort of formless static..and a sense of movement is sometimes present..this will quickly give way to these geometric objects that move through my visual field, alot of the time they are giant spheres and at times there is a big energy gris thing present as well..
If I have taken a high enough dose I will sort of fly into these is that sense of movement again and the gemoemtry becomes rediculousily intricate and very arabic..and also reminds me alot of ancient chavin and incan becomes colorful at this point as well..very rainbowy and lazerbeamish..
Then ifthe dose is higher still this space continues to transform and opens up into this space that I am calling the bufotenine room..or bufo this point the patterns actaully form into a circular geometric field like a dome that i am looking up at, very intircate and beautiful..and the space feels very 3d as if I am actaully inside it looking up at this ceiling..but if I move of sit up I am still connected to my laying down not moving is the best.
This state is very consistant at a certain dosage level for me..I feel I can go back again and again..and something interesting always happens..out of the geometry, which still has retained an electric/static nature, starts forming andless objects...form after form after form..rapidly one after the other..thousands of these things will flash before me within like 2 or 3 minutes it seems..its amazing..confounding..
I have yet to hold onto this state for more than a few minutes though..but every time I get the feeling that this is really only the beginning of what bufotenine can really this place is the actaul gateway into the bufo universe..and it probabily gets very interesting once you pass it..I have yet to though..but I plan on it. the time I wrote this I think this was the farthest I had gone..I later went even deeper and this state I call the "bufotenine universe"..I wrote about reaching that place here..
But once this state fades a bit, I usually enter another fase of the trip..where I become very relaxed and content with everything and I will start to have true visions. This is where I encounter entities and hear voices and things like that..always with a very dreamlike quality..I have sort of fallin into dreamlike sequences where I am not really as if a part of me is asleap..this is not like ego death with DMT though..totally different..more like you just fell asleap but the bufo keeps going..
I once had a vision of my mothers funeral at this level..until I realized what was happening and that she was not dead at all..then I simply opened my eyes and it was like a normal bufo experience..another time I was a little girl crawling out of a window trying to find something that was lost..her grandfather I's very strange, I dont know what else to say about this stage but I think it may have something to do with the fact that you get so relaxed and that I take it in bed..the harmalas might help bring this effect out as well..
There is also this ringing sound in the ears that seems to come along with bufotenine..and recently I started taking it in silent darkness and listening to the ringing..opening up to starts to sort of take over my body and eventually direct the visuals..and I get the feeling that I can actually view the sound and information incoded into a ringtone or something..or when you listen to it it's like tuning into the dialup code of bufotenine..maybe ESR of the molecule or something I dunno..but it's interesting..
Humming or singing icaros is also very pleasurable with bufotenine and really helps me to drive through a sea of visuals..and there are sounds voices singing..I once thought I could hear all these children singing to me from some far away space..
I have come up to these membranes with it as well..sort of like liquid veils filled with color and geometric motifs imbedded within them..looking to be a few inches thick..but I have only passed through one was emminating bright white light and I was flying towards it and once I passed through it I saw a bright flash that seems to fill my entire head in an instand and then faded just as quick and I was in some sort of geometric room..
I have encountered shadow entities as well a few times..sometimes I can only percieve them in my periferal visions and other times they come right up to me..I can never see their faces though they are always sort of this ambiguous shadow..not threatening though they always seem to be very playful and interested..once they were all lined up on this membrane waving at me to the left of my visions and I sort of willed myslef to move through the visions to where they were and then they kind if peeled back the membrane and suddenly I could see in 360 degress with eyes was very odd..
Another time I felt I was in some sort of space ship..I could see the walls and everything and things outside of the windows..this female shadow person came up and stuck her hand into my head and started putting energy into my head and I was filled with euphoria like she was gicing me a healing or something..when she was finished she left by flying away off into what looked like space..
Well thats it for now my hands hurt and I dunno what else to's facinating stuff though and definatily worthy of further investigation...I know that some others have had success with it lately so it would be good to hear more reports reguarding the makeup of the place..
Long live the unwoke.