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Acacia floribunda extraction Options
#1 Posted : 7/2/2019 12:14:44 AM
I'm extracting home-grown Acacia floribunda, the low-branching (bushy) form.

I pruned 300 g (fresh weight) of twigs with phyllodes. The seed was sown in March or April 2018, so it's a bit over a year old. It's growing very fast and has proven hardy to at least -6C.

I boiled it with vinegar (pH ~5), in a small amount of water, just to cover the plant material, and only twice. Then reduced it to ~500 ml and did Cyb's Max Ion tek (with salt and lye), but pulling with a cold mix of limonene and sunflower oil instead of naphtha. The mix was roughly 1 part limo to 4 parts sunflower.

It was intended as an experiment to see what's in the plant, rather than extract all the goodies (if there are any). So I only made 3 pulls and kept the basic soup for later, should the results prove promising.

The pulls were salted with distilled vinegar and washed with vinegar water.
The combined washes were reduced, based with calcium hydroxide and evaporated.

Then I proceeded to pull it with IPA. I pulled it twice and I'm doing FASI precipitation. The clouding takes a long time to settle, so the process is slow and I'm filtering to speed it up.

I've already collected some precipitate. It's off-white and when I dissolve it in water, the water turns milky. Could this be a good sign?

Come to think of it, since the material I was pulling with IPA was already coming from NP pulls, there was no need for IPA pulls and FASI; I could have washed it with dilute ammonia just to remove the oil residue and excess base from the potential freebase alkaloids?

I'll be sending this for testing as per Endlessness's offer and bioassays may ensue before the results are in. Will keep you updated.
#2 Posted : 7/2/2019 1:29:15 PM
The picture shows 290 mg of FASI precipitate collected.

More precipitate to be collected from the drying of the water used to dissolve the precipitate I couldn't get out of the jar and filter.
Jagube attached the following image(s):
flori.jpg (342kb) downloaded 191 time(s).
#3 Posted : 2/1/2023 7:24:50 PM
Any updates on your floribunda extraction? I'm currently growing a floribunda at home and wanted to try the fresh phyllodes as a tea with Syrian rue. Have you experimented with this at all?
#4 Posted : 2/1/2023 11:56:31 PM
How old is the floribunda? I've got a few that are over a year old at various sizes, and one growing hydroponically now. None active so far (Although I have a theory that I will be testing over the next few months).
#5 Posted : 2/6/2023 11:34:49 PM
Hopefully that is what your after! Yield seems suspiciously high for floribunda.. I did once yield a soft circular crystal from floribunda that didn’t seem to contain dmt. Hopefully yours does though. Yield from phyllodes is generally around 0.3-0.4% .. around 0.4-0.5 in bark.. very nice plant to work with
#6 Posted : 2/28/2023 8:58:23 AM
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#7 Posted : 2/28/2023 10:08:14 AM
..this was i believe the floribunda extract tested by endlessness recently

First up, Jagube, thank you for this report.. great work that you've grown this species in a new environment...and gotten an extract tested!
I was slightly perplexed at the data given by endlessness which showed that the extract was not 80-90% or more alkaloids...a 'straight' A/B extraction of tryptamine acacia, including phyllode, really should be 90-98% crude alkaloid..So I'm concerned at what else is in the extract...definitely there can be a different alkaloid profile in very young plants (less than 3 years), but if they have alkaloids that's what the extract should mainly be ...There are some possible oils but only in small amounts, there a possible other classes of biological compounds/actives but I would either have expected them to show up in the tests, or remain in the polar phase. (it's important any extraction phyllode are dry for this to hold up)

The IPA/salting phase isn't needed, and adds complication..I'd recommend for Acacia phyllode/twig in this context doing a straight Cyb's Max Ion tek with just NP solvent (limonene, naphtha etc)...I wouldn't recommend a sunflower oil tek in this context...As for what else could be in there, one possibility is, if it hasn't been sufficiently filtered at the acid stage, fine plant material/sediment/fibre (lignin etc)...filtering, while it can be slow, is recommended..Other wise I don't know and wonder if something is attaching itself between the sundlower oil and the salting ..

The actual alkaloid profile was very interesting, and fits the young plants showing a different profile scenario...I'll comment more on the alkaloids in the Acacia Analysis Thread when time permits...

Those are my general impressions - I'm very glad you've done this experiment and grown it, and encourage you to persist...this kind of growing really rewards the patient after a few years
#8 Posted : 3/12/2023 10:05:14 PM
Aside from the above points re: maturity of plants, extraction method .. I think that maybe we are looking at a bit of a 'maidenii' scenario with Floribunda. It seems pretty clear now that this is a species in dire need of botanical revision.. it is just so variable area to area.

As an example (or many) there are forms with more stiff glabrous and leathery phyllodes, papery phyllodes with appressed hairs, narrow phyllodes, broad phyllodes.. short and bushy/prostrate growth.. long loose flower rods.. tighter and shorter flower rods.. shiny grey trunk.. brown to orangy trunk. Small seed.. longer oblong seed.. an impressively long list of variablility to be all be lumped as one species without any recognition of sub species within. Just as trees like Acuminata have recognised sub species I think Floribunda probably should too... !

And its anecdotally evident from many tests that certain forms seem to be inactive while other forms are highly active. Whether that is due to environmental factors or whether it is to do with genetics I don't think anyone is 100% sure .. and many give up on Floribunda because it doesn't come across as reliable as other species.. but I'm now leaning pretty strongly towards it being probably genetic If that is the case I think people should try to source seed from confirmed active varieties.. this is more difficult for people to do internationally I understand (although I would be happy to share small amounts of seed from confirmed varieties with anybody on here who would like a bit to experiment with)

Lastly with all that said.. at a young age it is really difficult to know what variety of Floribunda you have.. and as it is not yet split into differen't recognised forms.. all seed is simply sold as Floribunda. It tends to all look pretty generically the same at a young age too before it starts exhibiting the traits of its 'type' with maturity..

Floribunda rant over .. very cool experiment here Jagube Smile

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