So I noticed something intersting and made me curios of a possible solventless extraction tek.
So when I extract I basically do a dryer a/b mix then once it's base jar my mud/mulch paste thick with little water as possible... The consistency that needs escaped out of the jars later. Anyway I usually let that sit for 48 hours before adding the rest of my water usually hot and do my pulls.
This time it ended up being like a week due to life.
So when I was removing my cake from the jars I started seeing hundreds of little round white pearls. I'd add a bit of water to help break up the jars and they float on water. They smelled strongly of dmt when I pulled them but I decided to continue with the tek and pull like normal.
Anyway I'm using food safe extraction ingredients and im wondering even if they are not 100% pure it could be possible to rinse the heck outs my bark and collect the pearls at the top maybe?
Has anyone else seen or pulled the pearls out of the water?
I attached a pic of a partially dissolved one. There mostly no bigger then airsof pellets
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