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Christmas Surprise! (Trip Report: Cannabis, pFPP, and MDMA) Options
#1 Posted : 12/27/2009 10:33:22 PM
This is a copy of a report that I just submitted to Erowid (first one, hopefully it gets accepted!) about a trip I had Christmas night. For those of you who don't know what pFPP is, it's a piperazine (common type of adulterant in ecstasy pills), and it's pretty much the only one that can get really psychedelic. It is a very common chemical in those "mescaline-based tabs" people talk about (although the trip is much more like LSD). As stated in the report, mixing piperazines and MDMA is very bad! If I had known it was a piperazine at the time, I wouldn't have mixed the pills! Do not attempt!

10:00 PM - 1 bowl, smoked, Cannabis
10:39 PM - 1 tablet, oral, pFPP
11:44 PM - 1 tablet, oral, MDMA
12:59 AM - 1 tablet, oral, pFPP
2:34 AM - 1 tablet, oral, MDMA
2:40 AM - repeated bowls, smoked, Cannabis
9:30 AM - 1 bowl, smoked, Cannabis


It was Christmas evening, my parents had just gone to bed, and I was planning to get really high and roll really hard all night. I had gotten four tabs from a friend, two of which were red tabs that I know to have been tested and verified as clean, pure MDMA, and the other two, blue tabs that had been described to me as "just a speedy roll", so I figured it would be a fun, easy night.

Around 10:00 PM, I smoked a bowl of some good Cannabis in my new acrylic bong. After letting the high peak for a bit, I decided to get things rolling.

10:39 PM - Took one of the blue tabs to see if it had real merit by itself before taking one of the red tabs. I had been eating all day because it was Christmas, so I figured it would take a little while for me to notice any effects, but about an hour in, I was definitely feeling good, grinding, etc.

11:44 PM - Since I knew that the blue tabs weren't bunk, I decided to take one of the red tabs to even it out. It didn't take too long for the real rolling effects to kick in - sensual ecstasy, feeling the music move through you, all the things that made me very happy to have real MDMA tabs in this experience. I got lost in songs for a while, and then I noticed something odd. Things that were directly in front of me looked about half as big as they normally should, but everything behind them was perfectly normal. This was very concerning to me. I don't mean to say that there was some kind of perceptual change, I really mean that things were just half as big; I could see the texts I was sending and receiving on my cell phone perfectly, but I had to strain to read the tiny print. I took off my glasses and saw that, although blurry, things looked perfectly normal. I decided that I was just experiencing some extremely strange eye effect from mixing the stimulants, and that it was just causing my prescription to be off, so I figured it would just pass when I finally returned to sobriety.

12:59 AM - Took the other blue tab and continued listening to music for some time. After a while I was rolling really, really hard, and I didn't notice that it had been more than an hour and a half since I had taken the tab. My memory starts to get a little fuzzy at this point; my short-term memory was really starting to fail, but I was also feeling my high be overtaken by the roll, so every now and then I would feel a little more clarity again. I spent most of the time between this tab and the next calling most of the people on my contact list and telling them what great friends they are.

2:34 AM - A friend of mine, R, and his friend J, who I had smoked with before, were headed over to smoke out of my new bong with me, as I kind of wanted to bring my high up some more. As soon as I got off the phone with R, I took the last red tab. R and J arrived a few minutes later and we went out on my back porch and started loading bowls around 2:40 AM.

We were all starting to get really high, and I noticed that I had become the life of the party, if you can say that about three friends just casually hanging out. I was making all sorts of witty remarks and walking with confidence. As R and J were just high and nothing else, they were laughing pretty much constantly. We went inside to get drinks, and when we went back out to smoke another bowl, I noticed that I was becoming somewhat dissociated. I would start explaining something, and I would hear myself talking, but I wouldn't feel connected to it, and I would start thinking about something else. As a result, every few seconds I would have to stop and ask what I was talking about, and I ended up explaining the same things over and over and over.

Eventually I gave up talking, and when R's and J's laughter died down, I noticed the silence creeping up on me. That familiar, ambient, trip sound was surrounding me, and I told them that we should go inside, because this was about to turn into something much more than a roll. As soon as I layed down on my couch, it really hit me. The roaring presence of an acid trip was all around me, and the walls broke out into moving patterns. At first I thought I might be having an acid flashback, since this was entirely unexpected, but I quickly noticed that, while very similar, the geometries I was seeing were distinctly different from the kinds of things I've seen on acid. Soon enough, the trip took a different turn, and I knew this was a new experience for me.

I assured R and J that I would be fine just riding this trip out, and told them that they should probably leave, as my parents didn't know they were over, and it was around 3:30 AM. They left and I went to my bedroom to lie down with the lights out. I figured, if I'm going to be stuck in an acid-like trip, I might as well try to enjoy it. At this point, it occured to me that I have never been really high, rolling, and tripping all at the same time. I was starting to notice some very interesting effects. I didn't have any music playing because I didn't need it; whenever I would move my body and feel the sensual effects of rolling, different musical patterns would play, and by moving certain parts of my body in conjunction I could hear the most amazing psychedelic songs.

A couple hours in, I was getting a little worried. Both my trip and my roll were continuing to grow in power, and I knew that that shouldn't still be happening. The walls, just barely lit by the Christmas lights around the outside of my window, were melting all around me. I was seeing flowing textures similar to the kinds of things I've seen on Dramamine (dimenhydrinate) and Unisom (diphenhydramine) trips. Layers of these textures started flowing a foot or so in front of my face, and I could easily push my hands through them, but if I rose my head, they rose along with it. Things around me began to morph into other objects, again, like in deliriant trips, only rather than being based on every day things (like seeing a tissue box turn into a cat and hiss at me, one of my favorite Dramamine hallucinations I've had), objects in my room would become abstract creatures that looked like ancient religious figures, similar to things I've seen in CEVs on DMT and mushrooms.

The power of this trip was really starting to overwhelm me. I was stuck in an acid mindset, and I knew that it probably wasn't good to be seeing deliriant visuals. At one point I decided that I may actually die, but it didn't bother me. I accepted that I had taken a drug that I didn't know anything about and mixed it with other drugs, so all I could do was wait there and see how I come out of it. Eventually I started talking to myself (still feeling dissociated and unconnected to my words), but I quickly noticed that my talking had also fallen to the level of delirium. My heart rate had gone up to frightening speeds, and I was starting to become very dehydrated.

After this, the rest of the experience is mostly a blur. The full trip lasted until around 9:00 AM, and I finally got up to go to the bathroom and felt like I'd actually pulled out alright. The one thing that really still concerned me is that the whole eye effect thing was still happening when I put my glasses on. I smoked a bowl of Cannabis around 9:30 AM and some visual effects returned, such as walls breathing and some deliriant-like static effects, but I was able to fall asleep. I woke up around noon and all the effects had worn off, including the eye thing, and I was finally back to baseline (aside from a lingering high).

I did some research on this, and I've come to the conclusion that the chemical in the blue tabs must have been para-Fluorophenylpiperazine (pFPP), a pipe that has mildly psychedelic effects that are described to be like a small dose of LSD mixed with an antidepressant. Further research found that pFPP is also a metabolite of niaprazine, a hypnotic antihistamine. Coupled with the fact that many piperazines can be used as antihistamines, I felt that this worked along with the Dramamine-like visuals, since Dramamine is an anticholinergic antihistamine. As for why the trip/roll got so intense, I've found that pipes and MDMA are broken down by and inhibit the same enzyme, CYP2D6. This means they actually potentiate each other, in the same way that MAOIs potentiate amines by inhibiting their metabolization, but in the case of stimulants, this can be very dangerous (the same reason mixing MAOIs with MDMA or other stimulants is a very bad idea). Knowing all this, I feel very lucky to have come out of this in good health, but I am very thankful for the experience.

I highly recommend against mixing MDMA and piperazines, don't put your life in danger! I will most certainly never again be taking another tab that I haven't tested or verified. As for the after effects, other than a bit of a headache (common with pipes), there's not too much to talk about. The next day I met up with the dealer who my friend had gotten the blue tabs from (although he didn't know about this trip), and he warned me that while these tabs looked exactly the same as some speedy tabs that had just gone around, they were actually "mescaline-based", and that I should think cautiously about deciding when to take them. Great, that would have been nice to know, but at least the mystery has been solved.
DISCLAIMER: Nakamashi❀ᴇxtract (a.k.a., Nakamashi) is a fictional character created by a lonely internet browser with an overactive imagination and egregious amounts of free time. References that he makes to himself or people that he has known or interacted with in no way pertain to real individuals, and any information or personal anecdotes that he presents should be dismissed, along with any of the aforementioned references, as fabrications of an absurdist mind.
Senior Member
#2 Posted : 12/27/2009 11:02:51 PM
wow please be good to your body!

stick with the entheogens....
#3 Posted : 12/27/2009 11:23:34 PM
makes me feel ill
"once youve locked yourself into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can..." - hunter s. thompson

~~~~~~~~...You are me and i am you, i will always be with you...~~~~~~~~IAmUsWeYouMe~~~~~~~~
‹maxzar100› YOU are like acid
‹mattimus› dosesdosingdoses
#4 Posted : 12/27/2009 11:37:40 PM
psychosisdoses wrote:
makes me feel ill

It definitely wasn't very fun.

۩ wrote:
wow please be good to your body!

stick with the entheogens....

Yeah, I like the party scene and all, but this has kind of put me off that. I think I'm going to stop exploring and stick to becoming more experienced with Salvia, DMT, and mushrooms for now.
DISCLAIMER: Nakamashi❀ᴇxtract (a.k.a., Nakamashi) is a fictional character created by a lonely internet browser with an overactive imagination and egregious amounts of free time. References that he makes to himself or people that he has known or interacted with in no way pertain to real individuals, and any information or personal anecdotes that he presents should be dismissed, along with any of the aforementioned references, as fabrications of an absurdist mind.
#5 Posted : 12/28/2009 2:15:18 AM
Stick to the plants- Peyote, San Pedro, Salvia divinorum, Iboga, Ayahuasca, etc.

I am Teotzlcoatl, older cousin of Quetzalcoatl. My most famous physical incarnation was Nezahualcoyotl, but I have taken many forms since the dawn of the cosmos. In this realm I manifest as multiple entities at a single time. I am many, I am numbered. I am few, but more than one. I am a multifaceted being, a winged serpent with many heads. We are Teotzlcoatl.

"We Are The One's We've Been Waiting For" - Hopi Proverb
Extreme Chemical expertChemical expertSenior Member
#6 Posted : 12/28/2009 9:28:28 AM
Thanks for providing warnings about potentially dangerous combinations. People need to be more aware of such things.
#7 Posted : 12/28/2009 4:01:09 PM
burnt wrote:
Thanks for providing warnings about potentially dangerous combinations. People need to be more aware of such things.

My pleasure, I wouldn't want anyone else to have go through this mentally and physically exhausting trip, especially not by accident like I did. I'm sure the pFPP trip can be interesting when taken individually, but pipes really aren't that good for you anyway, so I still wouldn't recommend it.
DISCLAIMER: Nakamashi❀ᴇxtract (a.k.a., Nakamashi) is a fictional character created by a lonely internet browser with an overactive imagination and egregious amounts of free time. References that he makes to himself or people that he has known or interacted with in no way pertain to real individuals, and any information or personal anecdotes that he presents should be dismissed, along with any of the aforementioned references, as fabrications of an absurdist mind.
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