I suppose my definition of Ego is pretty similair to byallmeansart's defenition of it.
But it also includes the story of "you" as Curiouskid defines it.
Perhaps these 2 are possible to combine into 1 defenition; The story that is "you",
the accumilated memories of an individual, is indeed a true story. But this is
where it get's "cancerous". This story, this accumilation tends to become a false
identity. A self-image that becomes superimposed over your true self, so much so
that it tends to completely overtake and obscure your true self; This leads to
illusions, spiritual/mental restlessness, Manias and destructive behaviour.
It allways ends in Misery. Madness. Harm to self and others.
This defenition is mine of the Ego. And it perfectly combines both byallmeans's and
Curiouskid's defenitions.
In the end I feel more inclined towards byallmeansart's approach; Destroy your Ego.
Destroy your Self-image so you can once again experience your true, humble self, which
is characterised by Peacefullness, Gratefullness, Joyfullness, Awareness, Wisdom & Compassion.
If your self-image is destroyed, or significantly reduced, it no longer obscures your true
self and you can experience all of it's virtues once again.
Usually, after an attack on the Ego, the Ego tends to regrow and reimprison the true self again over time.
For me it has allways been the challenge to break my Ego down as much as possible, whenever it gets too big
and makes me restless, fearfull, aggressive and deprives me of my inner peace. Too much Ego/Self Image makes
people completely insane. Delusional. Dangeriously so.
That is why I cannot allow my Ego to ever grow too big. Maybe I'll have to accept it never really dies,
but I must indeed take control over it. Otherwise it will take control over me and ruin my life and those
of others within my social circle. "Taking control" of my Ego, for me, comes down to grinding and tearing
it into small pieces, destroying as much of it as possible in 1 go.
This has allways been the Primairy reason for me to use Psychedelics; As an Ego-cide to destroy the
Self-image/Ego that obscures my true self and keeps me from experiencing inner peace and beauty.
I find these discussions very interresting, but.....What exactly is the purpose of this
Topic? The title, the poll and the 1st post don't exactly make sense. The Ego-Discussion
that follows makes ALOT of sense however.