SWIM decided to have a present for Christmas, so SWIM completed her first FASA.
Here are some questions, if someone could answer SWIM will be happy
1) Do you actually wash xylene pulls with high basify water (NaOH till pH 13)?
SWIM usually performed STB with naptha, doing this step.
But SWIM is wondering if it's good with xylene.
Good=necessary or at least not counterproductive.
SWIM first pulls seem cloudy (as saturated naptha in the fridge) but after the basify-water wash the xylene appears clear, without clouds.
Do I lost some spice?
SWIM's yield is actually quite low (0.8% *-fumarate, quite low for a xylene extraction )
2) Reusing xylene.
After drop wise FASA xylene becomes light milky.
After several our SWIM found 0.6% spice on the bottom.
But the xylene was not clear, it was a pale yellow light (really light) milky.
SWIM allows to settle for two days but nothing appears. Adds more FASA but nothing so SWIM concluded that all the spice crashed out.
To be sure to catch every mg of spice SWIM made two FASW pulls too.
But the xylene remains light milky.
Not clear at all.
Is this right?
SWIM thought that the xylene has to appear clear after the FASA.
May the spice be with you.