I’m equally fascinated and grateful of the existence of this community, I hope my first contribution to it is deemed of interest.
I want to specially thank Endlessness’s contributions, as I found the frequency and quality of the content a great baseline from which to get introduced to this community.
Here I attempted a dellosperma extraction, however I should start first disclaiming that my training is far from the area and the plant was only labeled as “succulent” (photo attached). And also that the motivation for such is my personal lack of success souring MHRB or ACRB, I had tangential confirmation of all easily available sources are bogus at best, and for personal reasons all sketchy sources are particularly dangerous.
There is reason to believe psychoactive tryptamines are ubiquitous in plants outside “Trout’s notes” so I wanted to share my exploration on this area.
A common problem reading this type of extractions seems to be related is the formation of problematic emulsions and product in form of a “goo”[1][2]. My first test explored the use of oils as a method to avoid emulsions and it yielded a crystalline product (data not shown) but deeper analysis showed that was heavily contaminated with sodium acetate, as is highly soluble in EtOH. This is a problem I seen sometimes ignored in relevant posts [3] [4]. As a result of the method I decided to use all of the following (except analysis) is food grade easily to perform anywhere.
All pH measurements are taken with full range pH paper (Sigma). So be mindful of the lack of precision.
Weight measurements were taken with a jewelers scale with .01g precision in “Dixie cups” as disposable weighting boats.
Volume was roughly estimated with common kitchen measuring devices.
1. 80g Dellosperma (fresh and wet plant material) + 40ml water.
2. Food processor, juices show pH 5.
3. Paste and juices are moved to a borosilicate double boiler setup.
4. 20g (104mmol) of anhydrous citric acid are added, now pH is measures between 1 and 2.
5. 80g of coconut oil (solid) are added, melts in the heat and the floating layer protects from atm and excessive water loses.
6. Double boiler water level is maintained and paste gently stirred periodically for the next 2h.
7. Next 44g (415mmol) of anhydrous sodium carbonate were added, very slowly, CO2 is produced during the addition making a foaming that can easily boil off. In the end the clear brown paste that has been developing turns into a dark green with a pH measured between 11 and 12.
I. Calcium hydroxide was avoided to avoid unnecessary precipitates.8. After the reaction has and visible changes ended, contents where continued to be carefully stirred in the double boiler for the next 1h.
9. Meanwhile a 2% solution of citric acid was made by mixing 16g of citric acid with 800ml of hot tap water (104mM) -this will prevent the coconut oil from solidifying too quickly- yielding an again measured pH of 1-2.
10. Once the hour has passed the oil is decanted into a glass container with 200ml of the warm citric acid solution and stirred vigorously. The oil separates instantly, and is then decanted back to the double boiler whilst the citric acid solution collected into a large container.
II. Container selection is highly important to be effective in decantations. 11. The previous step is repeated twice more leaving the oil 30 min in the double boiler in between. The collected aqueous phase pH is measured at 1-2 still.
12. Unless you are pretty much super human in your decanting skills or you use a separation funnel, you will find the collection jar contains a noticeable amount of oil droplets in both the walls (at least on soda lime glass) and floating on top. Refrigeration at 4ºC will solidify the coconut oil so that in the following 2h can be easily filtered or strained away. I did both of those yielding an absolutely clear solution.
13. 600ml of the acidic solution it was then poured into a glass pan and 7.5g of calcium hydroxide (169mM after complete dissolution) was added, enough to neutralize the solution back to pH 6-7. Because of the low solubility of calcium hydroxide I decided to totally overkill it by adding additional 7.5g, to a total of 15g. That created massive precipitation brought the pH all the way up to 14 according to the pH paper. Note there is no purpose in adding the hydroxide in two steps, I just did it for the academic purpose of showing the neutralization of the citric acid.
III. The use of sodium carbonate was considered but I selected calcium hydroxide because of the lower solubility of it’s salts, given my previous problems with sodium acetate and that EtOH-Water mixtures will be used later. Shoud be brought to attention that although trisodium citrate is not soluble in pure EtOH, in my experience it enjoys a significant solubility in water mixtures. 14. The pan is now left to dry in the oven at minimum temperature with the door open overnight. (Temperature of the pan never surpassed 35-40ºC). A thick white paste is obtained.
15. 400ml of 95% Ethanol is added to the paste creating a milky suspension. This was next passed though 3 standard coffee filters supported by a metal mesh strainer, yielding a thick paste on the filters and a clear filtrate.
16. The same process was then repeated, first with 200ml of EtOH and then 100ml. All the filtrates where combined, re-filtered in a single coffee filter and poured into a glass pan with a fan gently blowing on top overnight resulting in a thin layer of crystalline material with a sweet smell with grass like notes.
17. Crystals where then re-purified by redissolving in EtOH, filtering -resulting in a perfectly clear but with a very noticeable green/yellow tint solution- and drying again. Learning from previous attempts done in the final container, EtOH drying of the substance yielded a product very well bonded to the glass, hence this time drying was done with the intention of scraping it with a blade in the end.
18. ~50mg of a brown wax is obtained which represent 0.06% yield of the net wet mass. It’s been second hand reported that 700g dry into 20g [5], and 350 into 10g[6], a consistent 35x reduction, by those numbers yield is around 2%.
TLC analysis was done in reference to caffeine, obtained from a 200mg commercial pill source, crushed in a mortar, extracted with 5ml of methylene chloride, filtered, vacuum dried, redissolved in 15ml 100% EtOH and filtered again. This yielded a clear solution that was diluted in more EtOH to a final concentration of 2.5mg/ml for the TLC spotting.
A sodium hypochlorite oxidative stain for tryptamines was performed by spraying a diluted 1:5 commercial concentrated bleach in 0.1M NaOH, and placing in a 100ºC plate for 3 minutes[7]. Previous reports in the nexus can be found.[8]
The selected TLC solvents are 100:2.5 MeOH:NH4OH for it’s ubiquity in nexus reports and 4 well reported in the literature for the separation of bands they offer. [9] This was also previously reported in the nexus.[10][11]
The results are not consistent for the MeOH/ NH4OH based solutions. I have to note that errors of using EtOH instead of MeOH could be possible and that my NH4OH is so old and rarely used the labeled concentration of 14.5M might be very off. I don’t usually doubt so much of my results but I feel is warranted given the appreciable difference to other caffeine reports.[12][13]
Bands on the other solvents seem to fit expected rf values, but caffeine reference is meaningless in that context.
Fluorescence bands are present under 365mn light before any staining. They seem to fit the Peganum harmala reports.[14]
Bands after staining are inconclusive due to the presence of the other bands but generally fluorescence seem to appear where is expected tryptamines to be.
Although MeOH/ NH4OH bands were inconclusive I deemed the results good enough to be tested.
The substance is clearly psychoactive with an initial onset comparable to THC, followed by soberness mixed with LSD-type visuals at 15-30min (patterns, flow and movement), and ending with euphoria at ~50min. This was consistent with the reports for dellosperma goo.[1][2]
Dreams after that were extremely vivid. Usually I do not recall my dreams.
I have to note my dreams are always invariably boring, everything that happens could happen in a normal day, and this was no exception I just happened to remember all of it and experienced a huge degree of control in it.
Day after was remarkably hard to wake up and my head hurt in a similar way to a “weed hangover” if someone has ever smoked that much weed in a single setting.
I’m unsure on the potential of this species as the efects clearly do not fit DMT, but I do feel the current sourcing situation is precarious at best and I’m afraid that changes in political environment can make it much worse. I can only hope this work is of help for further progress in untraceable plant sources even if this was a negative result.
https://www.dmt-nexus.me...osts&t=66736&p=5The75thFlower attached the following image(s):

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