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Cannabis - Reducing Usage. Options
#1 Posted : 12/14/2009 7:10:33 PM
Hi, i have a little problem that i could use your help for.

I like to slow down my cannabis usage but i noticed that it's harder then i thought.
I don't smoke that much anymore, i used to smoke over 25 gr. a week, when i stopped smoking tobacco it was easier to smoke less joints, eventually i only smoked 5 gr. a week (pure), and later i slowed that down to approximatly 1 or 2 joints a week.

I take a few tokes untill i'm good and i leave the joint 'till i want to smoke some more, this way i can do a week with one joint (0.8 gr. pure).

Although this isn't much at all i still smoke every day, now it's been 2 days since i last smoked but it's very hard to continue like this, the urge to smoke is pretty big, i try to keep myself busy and all, but now that i'm trying to relax it's getting hard for me to restrain from smoking.I naturally have a high stress level, i meditate but that doesn't seem to be enough.Confused

What i need is some advice from people who understand my problem, i'd love to hear how you deal with it, and how long that it takes for the urge for weed to fade a little.

My goal is to smoke only once a week, i perfer saturday, i do this because i like to feel a little fitter in the morning/week, and when you toke in the evening it's always a little harder to wake up ofcoarse.Razz
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#2 Posted : 12/14/2009 7:16:45 PM
Do not smoke for a month..honestly..I HAD to do this a few months back because I was smoking all day and coulnt not stop..and it was giving me anxiety attacks.

I didnt smoke for like 5 weeks..and by that time I felt like i didnt care about it at all...and my psychedelic experiences went up a notch and my dreams were more vivid.

Now I smoke like every 2 weeks or less..I smoked 3 times 2 nights ago with my best friend on the beach and was blasted all night..it is always VERY psychedelic now with lots of benificial mental effects..FAR FAR superior to anything it could do for me when I was addicted to it..

It's hard to cut down..I tried many times and the only thing that made me stop craving it was to go a month without it..you loose all tolerance and it gets you so high that it's like a different experience..not something I would like to repeat often.
Long live the unwoke.
#3 Posted : 12/14/2009 7:27:13 PM
Ouch, a month!
That's gonna be HARD.Razz

I'm aware that it normally takes 30 days for a habbit to form, so i know you are right, when after 30 days nothing changed it's no use to continue trying, but 30 days is usually all it takes, but damn, this is gonna be so hard!

I dunno if it'll work, but i'm willing to try it.

The main problem is that almost all of my friends smoke weed, plus i'm growing it, so it's in my face all the time.Confused

Man, i don't have that much discipline at all, plus i'm unemployed just recently.

Do you think the urge will drop anytime soon?
#4 Posted : 12/14/2009 7:40:43 PM
I agree with fractal. I used to smoke every day all day for years. Then i decided to quit so i did.After two weeks the cravings went down a lot and after a month or so i had no cravings at all.Now i only smoke a few times a month, but when i do it gets very psychedelic.A little goes a long way now.You have to really want to cut back and then its easy.
Senior Member
#5 Posted : 12/14/2009 7:43:36 PM
i recently stopped for two weeks and that was the longest i've been able to go in the past 6 years.... Confused

tell you what spiced- i'm in if you are. i'll stop today and not use cannibis until the 15th of january. i have tremendous discipline....just never seem to apply it to MJ. i love the stuff immeasureably....HOWEVER, it has gotten to the point where the comedown from weed is starting to be not worth the high.

i've noticed that i have been consistently irritable and anti-social for that couple hour window when coming down.....this is not cool on any level....

anyways, i'm gonna do it. FE's post has inspired me. i'm actually thinking about spending this next month not smoking SPICE either!! can you believe THAT???? in truth-i'm actually almost done with a DMT fumarate extraction so i think i'm gonna spend the next month learning the ropes with pharma...

hope it helps you to be strong and step away from the weed for a spell....if you need any words of encouragement/support/understanding as you go through this, feel free to PM me bro.

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#6 Posted : 12/14/2009 8:10:32 PM
Yeah it is sort of trippy to go for days without tripping at all..even with cannabis..I didn't smoke DMT or take any entheogens for about a week when I stopped smoking weed..and then when I did go smoke some DMT it felt very special..then I started doing bufo experiments and was doing an experiment every second night so I had 48 hours of sobriety inbetween and my facination with tryptamines deepened and my desire for cannabis seemed to fade away.

I was smoking all day for a long time..2 ounces a month sometimes.. tryptamines dont create the same cravings for me at all..they are completely facinating..but I feel fine taking days or a week away without tripping at all..then I can trip every day for a week and simply stop for a week without feeling psychologically addicted. With cannabis I was smoking even when i didnt really want to becasue it was just what I did..

I know what you mean spiced..all my friends smoke weed all day as well..most people didnt think I would be able to do it because I was like the biggest stoner of them all..

I also grew 2 plants the whole time I wasnt smoking..it didnt really bother me..I was happy to have them their..cannabis is a teacher plant for me..I just approach it different now and it's an occasional thing. The only time I ever care to smoke is with my best friend..every few weeks on the beach at night is how I like it.

Good luck you guys..just think about the deep mental trip she will take you on when tolerance is not an issue. I think mentally it's on par with LSD when used this way.
Long live the unwoke.
#7 Posted : 12/14/2009 8:36:13 PM
I used to smoke all day every day... but I made myself a rule that I only smoked after 9pm, that seemed to help me reduce it alot.

I am Teotzlcoatl, older cousin of Quetzalcoatl. My most famous physical incarnation was Nezahualcoyotl, but I have taken many forms since the dawn of the cosmos. In this realm I manifest as multiple entities at a single time. I am many, I am numbered. I am few, but more than one. I am a multifaceted being, a winged serpent with many heads. We are Teotzlcoatl.

"We Are The One's We've Been Waiting For" - Hopi Proverb
#8 Posted : 12/14/2009 8:53:49 PM
I like to slow down my cannabis usage but i noticed that it's harder then i thought.
I don't smoke that much anymore, i used to smoke over 25 gr. a week, when i stopped smoking tobacco it was easier to smoke less joints, eventually i only smoked 5 gr. a week (pure), and later i slowed that down to approximatly 1 or 2 joints a week.

I take a few tokes untill i'm good and i leave the joint 'till i want to smoke some more, this way i can do a week with one joint (0.8 gr. pure).

I,d say look how far you have already come.it must have taken ALOT of will power.

just keep on keeping on Cool .

i'm sure you'll get to where you want to be with lady jane eventually. good luck.


I'm the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to.

#9 Posted : 12/14/2009 9:45:37 PM
pinche wrote:
After two weeks the cravings went down a lot and after a month or so i had no cravings at all.

Yes, my girlfriend just told me the same thing, after two weeks it gets easier, she quit smoking weed without any reason, she feels much healtier and more focused then when she was smoking, i kinda need that, i'm pretty dazed most of the time, and i kinda had it with that feeling.

antrocles wrote:
tell you what spiced- i'm in if you are. i'll stop today and not use cannibis until the 15th of january.

Wow man, you simply can not believe how happy that makes me, that will actually be a HUGE support for me!
Your'e a very special person, i guess many people here told you this before, but it makes me feel happy to know that there are still some people like you left on this planet, good people with good intentions, and the heart at the right place, i don't see much people like that anymore, but it seems this forum gathers plenty of them!

antrocles wrote:

i'm actually thinking about spending this next month not smoking SPICE either!! can you believe THAT????

Hardly. Razz
Are you getting tired of spice?
Or do you see it as some kind of test?
I'm interested in your motivation.

I understand perfectly what you mean when you say you feel irritated after smoking, i have the same problem, usually i wake up with a bad temper, it goes away when i'm a bit more awake, but it takes me a long time to feel awake, that's the main reason i want to quit, or at least take a break.

But ok, if you're doing it, i'm doing it, we have a deal!Very happy

I actually made some sort of a countdown callender before reading these posts, i have 28 days to go, but i hope it won't feel like that all the time, i just wanna live without any urge for cannabis, i need to do this for myself and my environment.

Buster wrote:
I,d say look how far you have already come.it must have taken ALOT of will power.

just keep on keeping on Cool .

i'm sure you'll get to where you want to be with lady jane eventually. good luck.


Thanks Buster, i'll need a lot of willpower indeed, and discipline, but i guess i can grow me some discipline in stead of wanting it. Very happy

Thank you all people for your support, i appreciate it tremendously, you have no idea!
#10 Posted : 12/14/2009 9:49:48 PM
One of the hardest things to get used when quitting is all the spare time that you suddenly
have on your hands.

When stoned, one doesn't recognize the warning signal "boredom"

Like what are you gonna do with all the time you where usually stoned?

I suggest you go to the gym for 4-5 days a week, getting someone to show you how to
work out the different muscle groups on different days, what to eat etc.

If you go to the gym you'll get more energy, after a while you'll start to eat healthier (If you are eating "stoner food", most stoners do=) ) and when you have gotten in to the rythm, looking back att
the stoner couch will only turn you off...at least til the weekend =)

It's hard when you're unemployed though...been there myself...more than once
#11 Posted : 12/14/2009 9:59:11 PM
Yea, sure is hard, even stoned it's kinda hard to fill the entire day, well, i do have a lot of time to read, i love that, i also do lot's of push-ups and i'm gonna lift some weights again, i kinda quit doing that cause i had a pretty full working day, but now i have plenty of time, so i guess i can best use it for personal growth.

Ofcoarse i can't read all the time, and the list of things that i needed to do for a long time shrinks every day, but that's no reason to just sit there and be stoned.

I must say, i eat healty though, lot's of fruit, very little fat, i avoid eating stoner food too, i just eat fruit when i'm hungry, or bread with honey, or jam (maybe that's kinda stoner food but not really)

And i do Tai Chi once a week, not that it's much like working out, but ok, it keeps me busy. Razz

Thanks for the tips man!
#12 Posted : 12/16/2009 11:41:18 PM
It is difficult, but much easier to say no when it is being offered to you all the time.
My dreams are back! I feel more aware, and less foggy. MJ has become a much more meaningful experience.
The "craving" doesn't go away, but for as much benefits as smoking does have, there are just as many for not smoking.
Good luck! And safe travels.
I can create anything with my mind. Including fiction, which this is.
Senior Member
#13 Posted : 12/17/2009 12:14:30 AM
Just thought I'd throw this out there...

When I drink caapi I feel absolutely no desire to smoke cannabis, and I am a heavy daily smoker.

If I wanted to quit, I would drink caapi often :]
#14 Posted : 12/17/2009 1:07:02 AM
ILPT was 11 years addicted. Now he is already third week sober and he already knows he never would start again. He HATES IT KNOW, FUC*ING WEED , IT`S SHIT !!!!!!

Reducing usage doesn`t work IF YOU CAN CONTROL IT! JUST STOP SMOKING IT !!!! I mean FULL STOP !!!!

This is the way, how ILPT does it :

1,Start to prepare yorself psychicaly! Prepare that you never ever would smoke again . Pick all things you hate about smoking ganja(harshness of smoke on lungs and trachea, paranoia, anxiety, munchies whatever)
Think about days before you ever started smoke weed, think how grear you felt and think about how bad is marry jane for you and associate it with all bad things you can even imagine. Think about that stinky sticky carcinogenic horrible black tar which cloging up your airwaves, about canabinoids make you dump, slow, clumsy and forgetting things...etc.
Psychic preparation is very important. You have to start with that first. You can even still smoking weed at this point, but start to making very negative attitude towards this horrible stuff, until you start to really hate it.
Brain is not your boss it`s not suppose telling you what to do. You tell your brain to fuck off when it ask for weed, you are boss of your brain no other way around!
I`m not crazy, autosuggestion is very powerfull tool, more then majority people would ever think. Read some John Silva`s book if you not quiet getting me. He wrote plenty about self control and mind control.

2, Get some of the smokable herb ,which does something but not really get you as high or stoned as weed does. E.g. pedicularis, wild dagga, marihuanilla etc. Later on, when you get craving or just fancy to roll up something, you can always roll some of this herb without spoiling the whole process of giving up. Sometimes is just the habbit of rolling up and smoking some fumes (not actually addiction) what drag you back to smoke weed. Just make sure you cover this one and have some herbs handy.

3, Order some THH.HCL or highest concentrated caapi extract and have it handy.It`s important that this harmalas mixture will be high in thh or best if it`s just thh because otherwise it`s not guranteed it will work !!! In following week or two after giving up you can have days or moments when your mood will drasticaly dropp down and you will need to have something like this and use just little bit sublingualy at the time to get you back on the track and uplift your mood.

4. Pickup some more powerfull psychedelic ally. ILPT highly recomended mescaline(impure acetate extract from 69ron`s limo tek is good, or even resin should work) or DMT(less recomended as it`s very short acting ,but it could do the job as well) Shrooms, or lysergides are not recomended as tolerance is building up very quickly

NOW DAY D. Pickup the day when you stressed the less and just give up. Eat some mescaline acetate (150-200mg of impure acetate do the job) or drink weaker aya/pharma. During experience anytime your mind start thinking about weed it should turn to think badly about it (if you`ve done 1st step right) Enjoy your trip think possitive about life and negative about fukin weed. Think how good you feel without weed and think about weedless future
Anytime you fancy rolling or smoking(shouldn`t be often if autosuggestion were done right) just roll up some of the herb you prepared in 2nd step and smoke it.
Don`t worry and have some little mescaline next day as well and do the same.(Mescaline is really very suitable as it doesn`t run strong in lower dose and one can perform as good as sober)
Third day try not to take mescaline or other psychedelic(unless you don`t feel very shity) , but have harmalas mood uplifter on you all the time in case of mood dropp
Following day you can have psychedelic or not. If you having day off or you don`t have any responsibility or important things to do you rather take mescaline as it keeps you happy and tripping and you wan`t even think to get high on skunky weed.
Carry on like this for two weeks at least
Do not underestimate the sneaky addiction wht weed gave you. Canabinoids lingering in body for ages. Whole this time you under their influence. BEWARE.ather tripp thjen even think about how cannabis make you feel good.
Don`t worry about gettin addicted on mescaline. If taking often in this period of time things will get hairy on mescaline and you wouldn`t enjoy it as you did your first time.If it`s too much for you just have day or two break and have your THH handy.
Carry on like this and in two weeks time you should be cured if everything was done right.

THIS IS EXACTLY HOW ILPT STOPPED SMOKING WEED !!!! He gave up on tobacco very easily, he gave up on alcohol with help of the weed fairly easily but he couldn`t give up with weed until he went trough this procedure. After this he could stay even whole week sober without feeling depressed or aphathetic. It`s cool. Power of mescaline and thh is great. He still has some of the wild dagga blend and he not even fancy to smoke it It`s very cool not to be addicted
Now he using occasionally(once a week or so) mescaline, mushrooms, aya/pharma or smoking dmt(lesser as he really dislike to smoke anything)
His friends still smoking weed around him, he still have loads of money for it and dealer`s numbers but he don`t buing it and don`t want it anymore. HE IS CURED Smile Wink Cool
He is new Man !!! Addicton free. Very good feeling !

He still aware of weed and he knows he cannot touch it anymore, only one hit will get him back to addiction and all this hard work will be lost.

Hope this will help you or anybody who wanted give up with this nasty habbit. Just keep in mind you have to undertake step one completly. You already know that weed is not good for you and probably wanted stop smoking it, but you have to come trough step one and get to that point when you start to HATE WEED !!!

P.S. My english is fairly weak I`m sorry for gramar mistakes etc. It took me whole hour to write this but I don`t regret it I really hope that this would help you my friend(s) that`s why I writting it.


God bless ya all !
As a kemist I never met ILPT in physical form and never talk to him. He share his wisdom, trough my mind, telepathicly only. Please don`t prosecute me, for his possible illegal activities. He is bonkers about chemistry and doesn`t even exist in this primitive reality !!!
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#15 Posted : 12/17/2009 1:23:09 AM
yeah I feel you kemist..I was so happy when I stopped...I have NO cravings for it all anymore. actaully I have a bit of a negative association with it now...once or twice a month at the most I can handle(like 1 hit)..but only with my best friend...and if he didnt smoke I probabily wouldn't smoke at all anymore..

I really dont have any use for it at all anymore..once I stopped I realized how pathetic it was making me feel all the time but I was addicted and tried to tell myself over and over it was like brain food or something..

It also fucks with your lungs..maybe it doesnt cause lung cancer but it made me caugh and hack all the time and after 2 weeks or so without it my lungs and sinuses cleared up alot.

I used caapi and bufotenine every second night or so and my interest in cannabis was gone quite quickly.
Long live the unwoke.
ModeratorSenior Member
#16 Posted : 12/17/2009 1:33:40 AM
It all comes down to moderation.

SWIM used to smoke everyday, but after mnay different eye opening experiences throughout SWIMS life up til now SWIM only smokes usually twice a week.
And on top of that SWIM bought a vaporizer and hasnt looked back ever since. No smoke. No cough. Very different high..Very clean, straight, euphoric experience. The tiring comwdown is wiped virtually to zero. It's very refreshing quite honestly.

After vaping for 4 or so months SWIM one day decided to pack the ol' trusty bowl. The smoke hit SWIMs lungs..instant piercing cough...immediate effects although the "smoke" high has many "dragging down" qualities about it whereas just getting THC is very uplifting and clear.

On top of vaping, SWIM is very active in running and lifting. 5x a week. Very avid swimmer as well; love the water. And this is on top of working 40 hours a week plus full time school.

Enough about SWIM...basically it all comes down to your intentions and how mentally sound you are in controlling yourself from tokin it up everyday.

For an avid stoner, its very hard to get into these sorta habits, ...It's much more of an experience and much more rewarding if you moderate substantially.

It'll be much more of a "gift" than a "habit"
#17 Posted : 12/17/2009 1:41:28 AM
fractal enchantment wrote:
yeah I feel you kemist..I was so happy when I stopped...I have NO cravings for it all anymore. actaully I have a bit of a negative association with it now...once or twice a month at the most I can handle(like 1 hit)..but only with my best friend...and if he didnt smoke I probabily wouldn't smoke at all anymore..

I really dont have any use for it at all anymore..once I stopped I realized how pathetic it was making me feel all the time but I was addicted and tried to tell myself over and over it was like brain food or something..

It also fucks with your lungs..maybe it doesnt cause lung cancer but it made me caugh and hack all the time and after 2 weeks or so without it my lungs and sinuses cleared up alot.

I used caapi and bufotenine every second night or so and my interest in cannabis was gone quite quickly.

Glad to hear that fractal. Your story was well known to ILPT as he had the same anxiety issues as you did.

He already stopped a year and half ago with DMT as an ally, but he didn`t undertake 1st step propery and then he got girlfriend who`s was baddly hooked up on weed and she dragged him back to this hell.

He knows he need to be strong as this could happened agai and cannot wait for trip to netherland next year which will probe his attitude towards weed. But he will stronger then ever now Wink and he believe he would cope easily.

He can still feel this mental fog and clumsiness a little and remeber 69ron`s post claiming that it could take over year for body to free itself from all traces of canabinoids and get brain function back to normal Crying or very sad

Looking back weed took thousand times more then ever gave him , but ILPT doesn`t regret it. Everybody does mistakes and so did he

Head up to face a new life, an addiction free one HAPPY HAPPY Smile Smile Smile

As a kemist I never met ILPT in physical form and never talk to him. He share his wisdom, trough my mind, telepathicly only. Please don`t prosecute me, for his possible illegal activities. He is bonkers about chemistry and doesn`t even exist in this primitive reality !!!
#18 Posted : 12/17/2009 2:10:12 AM
I must ask, how long has it been sence you quit smoking tobacco??

I am a heavy smoker of MJ, not that i smoke alot as in grams, i like bowls and bongs rather than joints(Waste of weed to me). I usually smoke when i wake up, and smoke a few times through the day, staying high all day. Though i to realise how hard it is to control how many times i smoke. I don't like staying high all day because it makes me very lazy and lack of motivation, as well as others reported anxiety and less willing to communicate in social situations.

I have a hard time cutting back, but as far as quiting, after 3 days without smoking mj i care absolutely nothing about it. In fact i'm not smoking now because i'm getting clean to get a new job and will be tested to get on. It has now been about 2 weeks and like i said, its no bother at all, and i'm completely sobar, i don't even drink or trip or anything, but i smoke tobacco still, and thats another story, you could be feeling the effects from quiting smoking tobacco, mj helps kill the urges of tobacco for some people, one of my friends just quit tobacco and as he said "Used mj as a crutch". But you can feel tobacco urges for years, not as strong, but you still want one bad sometimes.

Mj is not chemically addictive, so the urges should be simmilair to quiting something you like to do rather than something your addicted too, i'm thinking its the tobacco messing with you, and your just wanting a source of smoke in your lungs.

I still love mj, and plan to start back, i just want to use it rather than abuse it. Like Coatl said, i only want to smoke after all duties of the day are gone, like around 6:00pm untill i smoke, i go to bed early(10:00-11:00) most days, so 9:00 is to late, also when i get high and go to sleep shortly after, i wake up with a headache.
They say that shit floats, but mine sinks....why?? I guess i'm just into some heavy shit!
#19 Posted : 12/17/2009 6:15:18 AM
Spiced wrote:

What i need is some advice from people who understand my problem, i'd love to hear how you deal with it, and how long that it takes for the urge for weed to fade a little.

(keep in mind i stopped smoking cigs a month before i quit cannabis. i smoked 2 packs of marlboro red a day)
i recently had to stop smoking cannabis altogether due to UAs after a 5 year daily habit. i was edgy, irritable, had great difficulty with sleep, etc. but something that helps me get through it (cant smoke till May btw) is that i think about being high more like being 'low'. i dont really know how much weight i smoked everyday because i never really paid attention to it but i would go through a pack of swishers everyday and a pack (32) papers every week, not to mention bong rips. when you are super high 24/7 it really loses its luster. when i had to quit, at first i had huge cravings for mj but then i started thinking as sobriety as a high itself and weed as a low.Rolling eyes also i got some of those melatonin pills at my local health food store and they helped somewhat with the sleep problem. also when i quit smoking weed i noticed that my 'friends' disappeared. it made me feel like shit because i realized they only hung out with me to score some bud. but at the same time im glad i had to quit because if i didnt have to i would still be smoking weed 24/7 with those 'friends' i thought i had. i love using cannabis dont get me wrong, but having to quit has certainly changed the way i think about it, and when i do get high in May, it will be a high, not a low, because i will be appreciating it more.
"I'm creeping back to life, my nervous system all awry, I'm wearing the inside out. Look at him now, he's paler somehow, but he's coming round. He's starting to choke It's been so long since he spoke, well he can have the words right from my mouth. And with these words I can see, clear through the clouds that covered me, Just give it time then speak my name. now we can hear ourselves again" Pink Floyd- Wearing the Inside Out
Mogascreeta is a pathological liar and should not be taken seriously under any circumstance.
#20 Posted : 12/17/2009 6:49:44 AM
I spent a few dark nights with Cannabis. When it was an adiction, it came to a revelation that I *had* to quit cold turkey, and I stopped for some time. That worked. I know that bit of experience may not be too much help.

If you find yourself missing the act of smoking--enjoying the quiet night outside, breathing fresh, cold air, sitting and staring up into the stars, reflecting peacefully, with a distinct taste in your mouth without the heaviness of eating--yeah--it can be nice!--I would highly suggest looking into creating your own floral smoking blends. Blue lotus tastes like birthday cake, opens the heart and has euphoric qualities; wild dagga flowers are QUITE psychedelic on their own; Calea Zacatechichi tastes like mint and dish soap, but brings intense dreams; passionflower is fantastic for meditation on a full moon. Other herbs can be added for flavor, lavender, rose petals, mexican tarragon, chamomile buds--check the (ha ha) spice aisle at your local health store for some of the latter herbs!

Floral cigarettes are great for social situations, too, where you may be inclined to habits with friends.

Do not forget to address the inner issues. Definitely spend time reflecting on the problem in a way you find best. I recently came out of a more social/emotional addictive situation, and what worked to break the rut was three days straight of meditation, fasting, prayer, and nights with Mama Aya--until the ROOT of that missing something in my soul was addressed. Once I was able to heal the cause, all the problems that were repeat manifestations of the root cause ceased to be. Introspection is tough work, but it is rewarding.

When I am going through tough times and find myself behaving unconsciously, I try to simplify everything in my life, clean up my diet and surroundings, and make time every day to do something positive for myself (say, 20 minutes of yoga), until I find "the answer." The idea is to eliminate all outside interference and to strengthen myself, because the answer is within, and that seems like a clever way to tune into it! =)

Wishing you peace!
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
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