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DMT and Aroma therapy Options
#1 Posted : 12/28/2018 2:54:39 AM
Has anyone attempted a study on how different essential oils interact with/ influence DMT experiences?

My hypothesis states: Aroma therapy (by drop of undiluted distilled oil directly under the nose) acts as a powerful stimulant and can majorly influence both mood and overall experience of one's trip.

*EDIT: Fellow psychonauts, due to some concerns raised by member(s) of this forum, I am by no means implying that you should go apply essential oils topically. PLEASE inform yourself from credible sources before you experiment.*

Just prior to my latest trip (first break through) i applied one drop of Ylang Ylang essential oil just below the opening of my nose. Ylang Ylang is a distillate of the Cananga tree flower, commonly found in the following areas around the world: Malaysia, Philippines,and Indonesia (1). This stimulant can boost energy levels, boost moods, and aids in overall relaxation (de-stress) (2).
Never have i ever experienced such a beautiful thing in my life. My trip was so amazing. I came down to earth feeling i have just received 20 years of therapy.

If there has been no such study, any idea on how to start one? A general questionnaire should be answered in order to begin collecting data. I realize there are a ton of factors that will come into play. Any ideas welcomed.

**Please cite your sources as it makes it easier for the rest of us to conduct further research into your contributions.**

Safe travels,


(1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cananga_odorata
(2) https://draxe.com/ylang-ylang/
Th Entity
#2 Posted : 12/28/2018 6:14:43 AM
Im happy to see topic like that since i absolutely 100% love essential oils i remember when i frst started to use them they had powerfull effect on me, very first night i applied lavender and lemon essential oils on my bed/pillow i felt so relaxed and i fell asleep fast and i never felt so refreshed in the morning i had tons of energy and i felt awake instantly. Ive been using them since, placeebo or not they work for me. Looking forward to this post.
#3 Posted : 12/28/2018 7:14:23 AM
AviNavi, welcome, I don't doubt you had a wonderful experience, but (see forum rules) it is irresponsible and potentially dangerous to recommend anybody applies undiluted essential oil to the skin, particularly on the face, where it could easily migrate to mucosa (nose, mouth, eyes) as well as being at risk of developing further phototoxic effects (such as occurs with many citrus oils).

I attach the relevant table from "Essential Oil Safety, 2nd Ed. 2014" by Robert Tisserand et al*

*[Do not take any advice on essential oils from anybody who is not intimately familiar with this reference text]

You will see that ylang ylang has an established dermally-safe maximum concentration of 0.8% so recommending its use at 100% (a factor of 125x) is indefensible. A key aspect of sensitisation is that it is usually progressive: low or no effects on first exposure, but rapidly increasing effects with subsequent exposures at the same site.

Many practitioners (myself included) have suffered severe, long-lasting adverse skin reactions as a consequence of our activities, and it should not be overlooked that ALL essential oils, even the 'calming, soothing' ones are considered FIRE medicines in traditional systems (eg. ayurveda) due to their method of production and potency.

Use a few drops, in a safe vaporiser or diffuser, out of reach. Don't take risks, especially when blasting off into a period of incapacity, with a high chance of eye/face rubbing. The established treatments for atopic dermatitis are generally ineffective and unpleasant, and I experienced a full year of debilitating, severe symptoms, which pushed me to the brink of suicide, until I found an effective TCM practitioner.
Chan attached the following image(s):
Skin Sensitization Tisserand.jpg (2,805kb) downloaded 130 time(s).
“I sometimes marvel at how far I’ve come - blissful, even, in the knowledge that I am slowly becoming a well-evolved human being - only to have the illusion shattered by an episode of bad behaviour that contradicts the new and reinforces the old. At these junctures of self-reflection, I ask the question: “are all my years of hard work unraveling before my eyes, or am I just having an episode?” For the sake of personal growth and the pursuit of equanimity, I choose the latter and accept that, on this journey of evolution, I may not encounter just one bad day, but a group of many.”
― B.G. Bowers

#4 Posted : 12/28/2018 8:29:25 AM
I've taken Lemon EO orally in a capsule daily for like 3 years now, i absolutely love it. Back in 2016 i think it was when i still had a few oral DMT/Aya experiences in me i took it with the Lemon EO in the mix, and i definitely noticed some interesting alterations but i only had a few experiences with it and the Lemon EO so i look forward to trying it out again at some point in the future as i'm currently on a break from Psychedelics.

The same also applies to many herbs or even supplements as well, hence the whole admixture plant thing and sometimes having multiple plants in one concoction, the admixture plants flavor the experience in many different wondrous ways. I'm a big fan of Lemon Balm tea, 3 to 4 grams of dried Lemon Balm leaf steeped in hot water for 15 minutes covered with a lid, then filter it through a coffee filter, sweeten or not, and drink. Usually takes about 15 to 30 minutes for the Lemon Balm to really get going, but i've even consumed it at the same time as my Acacia teas and the come up hit within 15 minutes and it was so relaxed and gentle and still powerful just not intense which i like, much smoother come up, i highly recommend Lemon Balm. I'm sure it'd come in handy with smoked DMT as well, likely in tea form, but maybe also included in Changa perhaps, or enhanced leaf.
#5 Posted : 12/28/2018 2:33:45 PM
ShamensStamens I also drink Lemon Bee Balm (also planted it) and reccomend it! Also have a Monarda (which is Lemmn Bee Balm's name) essential oil which I use on my humdifier. I love the smell. After the tea I often lay in bed with the humidifier on, weither on shrooms or changa session; These things are very pleasant.
Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence ○ Shiva ◇ eternal Purusha.
What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.
May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.
This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
#6 Posted : 12/28/2018 5:07:55 PM
This makes me think of the use of perfumes in Amazonian shamanism.
Agua florida is actually a mixture of essential oils and alcohol, which
is heaviely used in Ayahuasca - ceremonies, probably due to its power
to increase synesthetic effects and to protect.

As tryptamines like DMT and Psilocybine can increase synesthetic phenomena, the
technique to use odor to influence possible effects is widely used in shamanism
in the form of fumigations, perfumes and incense.

A modern relique to these techniques is probably the use of stroboscopic lights
in rave-parties, where the focus is of course on visual interactions rather then
olifactory ones.

I use some incenses in Ayahuasca-rituals lile Menthole-crystals to stop bad situations
and orthodox incense for concentration (I don't know what is actually inside but I love
the smell).

These techniques are farely more widespread in Ayahuasca-rituals than in smoked spice of course, but there is absolutely no reason to it: a better understanding of ritual can only be profitable for integrated experiences.

Graham St. John wrote about the absent of ritual in modern DMT-consumption. I had experienced that proper preparation and the integration of Aroma-therapy (in a more widely sense than indiluated essential oils) is really useful to avoid disturbing experiences.

I love refreshing myself with rose hydrolat, which is far more safe than pure essential oils. As I do distilling hydrolats myself, there is a lot of playground to experiment. And a lot less risk.
Arthur Dee was one of the greatest alchemists of all time, not likely to his dad, I forgot his name, this small James Bond sorcerer working for the queen of a... Hail Arthur!
#7 Posted : 12/28/2018 9:30:43 PM
Chan wrote:
AviNavi, welcome, I don't doubt you had a wonderful experience, but (see forum rules) it is irresponsible and potentially dangerous to recommend anybody applies undiluted essential oil to the skin, particularly on the face, where it could easily migrate to mucosa (nose, mouth, eyes) as well as being at risk of developing further phototoxic effects (such as occurs with many citrus oils).

I attach the relevant table from "Essential Oil Safety, 2nd Ed. 2014" by Robert Tisserand et al*

*[Do not take any advice on essential oils from anybody who is not intimately familiar with this reference text]

You will see that ylang ylang has an established dermally-safe maximum concentration of 0.8% so recommending its use at 100% (a factor of 125x) is indefensible. A key aspect of sensitisation is that it is usually progressive: low or no effects on first exposure, but rapidly increasing effects with subsequent exposures at the same site.

Many practitioners (myself included) have suffered severe, long-lasting adverse skin reactions as a consequence of our activities, and it should not be overlooked that ALL essential oils, even the 'calming, soothing' ones are considered FIRE medicines in traditional systems (eg. ayurveda) due to their method of production and potency.

Use a few drops, in a safe vaporiser or diffuser, out of reach. Don't take risks, especially when blasting off into a period of incapacity, with a high chance of eye/face rubbing. The established treatments for atopic dermatitis are generally ineffective and unpleasant, and I experienced a full year of debilitating, severe symptoms, which pushed me to the brink of suicide, until I found an effective TCM practitioner.

Thanks for your input Chan! I am by no means an expert of essential oils and purely going off of my own experiences. Perhaps i need to amend my initial post as there appears to be some misinterpretation of what i have written. I'm not saying everybody should go and apply undiluted essential oils topically, nor that it is safe or unsafe to do so. Just because it has worked for me for years, doesn't mean it will work for your body. My question simply states whether or not anybody knows of a study that has been performed that focuses on the effects of essential oil aromatherapy and DMT trips. It also states my hypothesis on this topic. By all means i'm open to alternate methods of essential oil administration, which you have provided in your response, thank you!
#8 Posted : 12/29/2018 3:40:10 PM
Chan wrote:
...until I found an effective TCM practitioner.

There is so much knowledge to explore relating to body/mind-issues and natural plant sources... it's simply incredible
And incredible how much time someone has to afford but I would really love to go further into this...
My TCM practitioner studied western medicine and went to Asia for about a decade to learn their practices and therapies, it's incredibly amazing what he is capable of in some health aspects, especially when it comes to chronic diseases like "Morbus "xyz"" and such things... really really old and useful knowledge - I love it!
It's the job that's never started as takes longest to finish. - J.R.R. Tolkien

How long will this last, this delicious feeling of being alive, of having penetrated the veil which hides beauty and the wonders of celestial vistas? It doesn't matter, as there can be nothing but gratitude for even a glimpse of what exists for those who can become open to it. - Alexander Shulgin
#9 Posted : 12/30/2018 3:28:48 AM
Ive been collecting rare and hard to get essential oils for many years some are definitely highly toxic on your skin. What I do to enjoy these fragrances is to apply the essential oil to a Swatch of cloth and pin to whatever I'm wearing. It's portable, disposable and keeps it safe. You can get pre cut swatches of cloth at any Cabela's just look in the gun cleaning section.
"It may be that my role in the universe is, to question my role in the universe."
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