Okay I finally extracted some fairly pure harmaline (4x Manske, 2x pH separation with ammonia). Due to circumstanes, I had most of the harmaline as free base and some as HCl salt.
I therefore disoolved all the harmaline in 5% acetic acid, then added 8 grams of zinc powder (approx. 1 500 mg per gram of harmaline).
I kept this on strong stirring for 24 hours (9 hours should be enough but I got to it later). As expected, the solution changed colour slightly and the zinc formed chunks. What suprised me was tiny bubbles coming from the zinc like if it was still reacting (!):

The solution became opaque with the addition of 10% ammonia and obtained this weird burgundy color (totally unexpected):

I added more ammonia until no more precipitation took place (most precipitation formed between pH 6.0 and 9.0, which is very weird) and I filtered everything (notice the burgundy filtrate):

I remember my last THH extract was brigh white color. There was also lots of it, a thick layer, not corresponding to the amount of harmaline. I washed the powder in 3% ammonia and filtered again. Now the filtrate was yellowish and the powder lost some of the burgundy color:

I took three fractions based on pH precipitation. The left one precipitated before pH 9.0, the middle one between 9.0-10.5 and the right one when pH was pushed to 13.0-14.0 with NaOH:

Note that there should not be any metallic zinc as I used Celite to filter it out before adding base.
I marked the left one as "low ph" fraction and the right two as "high ph". I dissolved these two in 7% acetic acid and checked the UV fluorescence against control (harmine in the small ebaker).
You can see the faint blue glow of THH compared to radioactive green of harmine, indicating that we really have THH:

I combined the THH solutions and added about 200 mL of 5% sodium bicarbonate. I saw absolutely no precipitation. The pH was still acidic (excess acetic acid), but there was no reaction even when pouring in the carbonate:

Now I added lots of 25% ammonia but still no precipitation took place even at pH almost 10.0 - the solution became slightly opaque though:

I then added about 100 mL of 50% NaOH and stirred for quite some time until I finally noticed precipitation:

I filtered the solution, washed the filter with 3% ammonia and dried the powder.
I was left with about 2.25 g of tetrahydroharmine free base. I am totally confused about the weird coloring, initial early precipitation, then no precipitation later, and the loss of product.
Any theories on what could have happened? Could the chlorine ions from dissolved harmaline.HCl affect the reaction?