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Obtusifolia Q's- age, bug killed tree, sulfuric? And more thanks <3 Options
#1 Posted : 9/28/2018 1:27:31 PM
Hi all it would be much appreciated if you guys could help me learn a more about acacia as I injoy learning all the diferent type and have started growing them as well thanks

I have been reading these forums for a while and I'm 95% sure I found obtusifolia. I have found a lot of small (.5-2m) there's just a problem there are only two trees that are above 3m tall, they are both next to each other but one has died due to grubs.

I just have some questions
1 - would an acacia this size be producing DMT

2 - there a quite a few small obs that are dead there seems to be a grub problem with most of the when I peel the bark off its got channels we're he grubs have been eating the wood under the bark, i even found some wriggling when I feel bark off the tree they were small long white grubs.

2a - would that affect the bark in any way? I can just peel it off in big pieces its just falling off.

3 - Was going to use the DMT hand book for my extraction but use sulfuric acid for the base?

3a - would use bicarb soda to rise ph up if is drops I tested the sulf acid in 2l of water at 6.5ph and two drops dropped it to 2 so Just in case and to make it easier?

4 - is there any other species of acacia that had the hard resin line around the edges of the leaves and have the red colour on the tip on the leaves, also they seem to grow spread like a bush not like longfolia that just grow strait up?

Thanks all Thumbs up
I will attach some photos of these plants soon as don't have PC atm

#2 Posted : 10/8/2018 3:31:44 PM
I would leave the little ones alone as it is not a fast growing tree.. as for the grub eaten ones its very possible that it may still contain alkaloids but its hard to say .. it seems people have had success with completely dead material before but the yields are probably lower. I would go for it and see if it gives anything.

Sulphuric acid is a super strong acid to use and is really completely unnecesarily for extracting alkaloids like dmt. Simple white vinegar is perfect and you don't even need much of that (if any at all imo.. )

bicarb soda is probably not strong enough as I understand dmt precipitates best around 11-12ph .. sodium carbonate or sodium/potassium hydroxide are reliable

if I were you I would just simmer your dried and ground plant material for 1h x 3 .. combine liquids, reduce to a third of the size (4-500ml is a good workable amount as it fits in most vessels and is less liquid for the solvent to mix with.. and less solvent required)

filter meticulously through coffee filters cotton buds or some kind of cloth.. optionally defat with solvent, then add base to bring ph to 11-12 and pull 2-3 times (depending on solvent you may only need to pulls once) .. evaporate solvent and allow to dry for a day or two
#3 Posted : 2/2/2019 11:43:37 AM

Was woundering what's the best acid to use because I have already got sulfuric, hydrochloric, citric, and vinegar already at my disposal.
to extract 1k of dead acacia obtusifolia bark in either hydrochloric or sulfuric and just follow the DMT handbook should work?

did you mean just let it air evap or freeze?
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