So, I've been extracting for a couple years now off and on. Honestly, never had any problems until now. Ive been using Cybs Hybrid Salt tek everytime I've ever extracted and its always worked great.
Now tho, I've ran into some problems. Not sure if theres anything I can do about it and would like some insights.
So I followed it to a tee, all the measurements were exact. During the pulling step, it was super milky, which had me pretty excited. Anyways I put it back in the freezer and waited about 15 hours. The freezer was definitely cold enough, its not a refrigerator freezer but a stand alone freezer.
I quickly took them out one at a time, emptying the loose liquids back into my pull jar to do another pull today. After that, I put both of them upside down for a few minutes to let remaining liquids fall as the tek instructs. I then put the 2 pyrex dishes in front of 3 fans and let it sit for about 30 min like usual.
The crystals looked to be there, but upon scrapping them they immediately turned into a white dense liquid like in the pictures. Not only that, but the yield seemed to be fairly low compared to previous attempts. Ive had the bark for quite some time, and ive never had this issue. Could the bark go bad?
Also, im really tired of all the crystals collecting on the side of the dish. Is there anything else I can use as a vessel that you guys can recommend so it collects more in the center?
Now im left with a brownish thick liquid. Im not sure what happened. If anyone could help that would be great..
Sorry for the huge images, its hard to edit this stuff on my phone. Also doing another pull rn
What do you guys think? Ive had this bark for about a year or so now. I only do an extraction or 2 a year. Kinda disappointed. Is this recoverable? Should I just scrape and dump it back into the naphtha im using for this current pull?
"David will reborn. David will reborn. David. Who the fuck is David?"