Ulim Presents
BROWN OIL OFF TEK You all know the quality of MDMA you often find, brownish chunk with a strong smell of safrole. Which has a sweet spicy smell which is of a class of its own. This mdma is often sold with fancy names such as "Cola" MDMA. Basically selling trash as gold.
While that MDMA might be pleasant it is not what a psychonaut wants as this mdma is not pure.
Safrole itself is toxic for liver and kidney so its best to reduce exposure.
This tek can also be applied to pills to some extend.
My tek employs the solubility of the impurities and MDMA in 3 different solvents for a removal of any unwanted products.
This tek will not magically purify MDMA that has heavy cut as some compounds like other amphetamines will not be removed by this tek.
THIS TEK DOESNT MEAN YOU DONT NEED TO TEST THE MDMA I recommend reading the Tek in one sitting and not using it as a recipe while doing it.
Rather read and understand then attempt. Because there are different variations to the tek.
Also this tek has no measurements because it details what you should look out for for the quantities and in most cases accuracy is not needed.
Step 1: What is neededStarting off you want to aquire distilled water. Acetone and Isopropyl alcohol in the driest condition possible.
Also needed is anydrous Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) or anhydrous Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) to ensure dryness of the solvent.
Also some sort of glas beaker with a notch to pour off the solutions. You dont want to spill anything so this is pretty mandatory. Dont use plastic as hot solvents are used. Steel works fine too.
Step 2: Prepare the SolventsAdd your dry MgSO4 or CaCl2 to the acetone and to the ipa. I like to to throw in some good sized chunks. Cover the solvent jars and then put them in the fridge for a day or so to make sure it is dry and cold.
OPTIONAL Step 3: Dissolve the MDMA or the Pill in distilled WaterIf your MDMA can be powdered you can skip this step. If your MDMA is brown and oil or in a pill continue here.
Add the MDMA to a dish and cover it in distilled water.

The solublity of MDMA HCl is high in water so it should immeadiatly dissolve into a brown solution.
Now for a pill its gonna be more tricky. Most of the aviable pill mixes are actually all not water soluable so if you have a pill you need to filter after this step. Just pour it through a coffee filter and rinse with some distilled water so no MDMA gets stuck in the paper filter.

Bye Bye MDMA

After it is sure there are no more solids in the MDMA you can begin reducing the solution by simply putting the heat to 100°C and waiting. MDMA is heat resistant so its okay if you heat to dryness unless your stove is well over 100°C in temp. Im using a lab hotplate so i have accurate temperature control.
Just make sure the water doesnt boil while reducing.
If you have lots of time you can also let it evaporate on its own.
After some time crystals will form. At this point I took it off the hotplate and let it cool.
I did this step to make sure the MDMA is homogenous as mine came as a powder mixed with solid clumps that were to hard to break apart.
Step 4: Powder the MDMAThe freshly cristallised and warm MDMA can be powdered quite easily with a spoon. I just crush the crystals between the spoon and the dish.

This step is one of the most important ones so take your time and make sure there are no visible clumps. The bad MDMA I had did stick a to the glass a lot but thats no problem for the next step.
Step 5: Removing impurities with AcetoneFor this step it is critical to ensure the MDMA is dry and the dish is cold.
And also this is the first step involving the solvents.
This means:
Work in a space with lots of air circulation and no open flamesYou can work inside but work with a respirator.

I was working with a strong draft pulling the fumes away from me and out the window.
THIS IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT FOR THE STEPS LATERAlso this is the reason we put the solvents in the fridge this reduces fuming and the solublity of the MDMA in the acetone reducing loss.
Add the cold dry Acetone to the MDMA and start mixing it around. I spend some time also scraping the walls and grinding the MDMA in the acetone.
The amount you want is so it is covered but also not a lot. So you just want to easily swish around the MDMA in it but not more.
Then carefully remove the acetone without pouring off the MDMA

Yellow acetone

I put it onto my hotplate and turned the heat to 40°C to make for a fast evaporation of the rest of the acetone.
I also kept the acetone that was poured off to check for loss. There was nearly no MDMA after the acetone evaporated so make sure to keep and evaporate the acetone in case something went wrong and you miss high amounts of mdma. In case you find lots of mdma in the evapped acetone you need to dry your acetone further and start anew.
This is a picture of the acetone shortly before it was fully evapped. No crystals formed at all but it was deep red from impurities like safrole and some oils floating about.

If you got a result you are happy with you can stop here. But if you want truly pure MDMA crystals you need to continue.
Step 6: ReX the MDMA from hot IPAAs you read from the step title this deals with HOT IPA. Which means you will have tons of fumes. So much even they will start to hurt your eyes and the place will smell like you just tried to shower using hand sanitizer. It will smell like a hospital during flu seasons so make sure
NO OPEN FLAMES AND RESPIRATOR + GOGGLESIPA is toxic so its best not to inhale fumes as they will give you a headache quick too.
Add the dry cold IPA to your MDMA so it is just covered.

I put the heat on my plate to 100°C and waited for it to start to boil. If the MDMA does dissolve you used enough IPA. If not add some more to it.
In this step it is crucial to use low amounts of IPA or you will loose a lot of MDMA to it (dont worry you can always evap the solvent removed to recover it)
Now the tricky way is to determine when its finally time to stop reducing the IPA.
You can sometimes see the MDMA crystals on the ground. A tiny white haze that sticks to the walls. This a good thing. This means the solution has a high conc of MDMA.
Video of hazeI pulled the heat up and all the crystals on the ground dissolved.
Then I filtered.
This filter is to remove lint and possible salt contamination in the MDMA because salts dont dissolve well in the dry IPA.
Afterwards I continued to reduce the MDMA solution by half. Then I left it to cool and many nice looking crystals formed.

I placed it in the freezer (-18°C) and after half a day I poured of the IPA.

I then repeated this step 2 times till many tiny needles formed. (Omitting the filtering step the next to times.
Step 7: Filtering the MDMA and last cleanup stepLast thing was to get the MDMA out of the jar and out onto a filter paper.
I simply prepared a filter and transferred the MDMA crystals to the filter. Then i washed the dish with cold acetone and poured everything through the filter.

After the solvents dripped through I washed it one last time with icecold dry acetone and then left it out to dry. (Keep all solvents)

After it had dried for a day I transferred it to a jar which i left open since a faint solvent smell was still present.

After this procedure i was left with 3,4g off white MDMA with faint smell of safrole making for a 62% yield. It is dry and crunchy and not an oily mess and doesnt stick to glas.
Now many ppl might say this is too low for them but they forget this is the PUREST MDMA of it all.
The worst stuff is the one pulled from the first Acetone wash. Discard this or use as smell oil as the safrole is mostly in here.
The second quality is in the first IPA. Usable but still sticky i discarded it.
The third quality is in the second IPA. I kept this.
The fourth quality is the last IPA. I kept this
These "MDMA fractions" knock up the yield to an 86% yield only taking third fourth and last.
Now what I plan to do with these is simply add them into the next cleanup as I will personally only use the highest quality.
Now some MDMA crystal porn
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