After a year of experimenting with dmt and trying various vaping techniques, I think I finally managed to find out the key aspects of how to one-hit inhale all the spice with the machine.
I commented it in one of the threads and thought it would be good idea to make a separate topic about it.
So here we go:
Lets start with the device itself:
1. To make sure melted spice doesn't get lost in mesh and heat easily reaches every part of it, you should make it only thick enough to hold all the spice:

2. radius of the mesh should be slightly more than the radius of the bottle neck. It shouldn't take much effort to fit in. no need to make holes in it, just get it warm and add spice on it. it's better to melt all of the spice in the center spot for easier evaporation. Furthermore, you can push the mesh into the bottle neck a little bit.

3. Bottle should be very small, I have 330ml bottle but it maybe better to get even smaller one. That way you avoid filling your lungs with unnecessary air. Dmt concentration in the air should be as high as possible.
Make sure you are using a narrow straw to further minimize unnecessary airflow.

4. you need to hold it vertically with the mesh facing down, like in the last pic. that way you avoid draining melted dmt down in the bottle.
5. You MUST inhale as you start your lighter. maybe 1-2 seconds later. you should inhale slowly, one toke should last ~20 seconds, more if you can. Vaping dmt takes some time, if you do strong and fast tokes, you'll get mostly air into your lungs. Do some breathing exercises to increase your lungs capacity.
6. Hold lighter ~2 centimeters away from the bottle and slowly start moving it closer as you inhale. After few seconds you can start circular movements to make sure you evaporate the melted spice near the bottle edges that tries to escape the heat.
7. After the toke hold your breath as long as you can, after ~7-10 seconds you'll get the filling of the vapour dissolving in your lungs and absorbed by the whole body, that's when you can exhale.
8. Highly recommended to use torch lighter, but a smaller one to easily manage with one hand.
something like this

These are small but crucial details for getting max out of the machine.
I was able to inhale ~17mg spice in one hit using this technique. haven't tried more yet. I'll update the topic if I get any more important insights.
Post your tips if you have any, I'll test them and update the thread accordingly.
Smoalk moar and be safe.