SWIM's best yield was 1.1, but he has only done a handful of extractions.
1: Glass works perfect, but apparently so do gallon milk jugs.
SWIM uses gallon glass bottles that look like they should have XXX on them
2: If you are doing a big amount then there should be no hurry if you want a good yield.
SWIM left his for 3 days shaking it 2-3 times a day and got much better yield than one left for 2 hours shaking every 15 min
Just do a small extraction (50g) soaking only for a few hours if you want some fast, but don't rush a big project
3: Most people say 15ml/1g/1g/1ml is fine, SWIM thinks 10/1/1/1 is pushing it, it's better to have too much water than too little.
of course naptha is PER PULL, you want to do 2 or 3
4. speedy freezing = yellow spice
If you cool it slowly then the slag precipitates, then the white DMT
SWIM likes putting the container in the naptha in a bowl of warm water to make it cool even slower. FLUFFY WHITES!
(SWIM is new to freezer, this is his experience although some may have done the same with different results)
5. The crystals are pretty easy to get out, no need for scraping usually, just swirl and pour into a coffee filter.
Take it slow and follow the steps and if your bark has 1%, you will get 1%
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMTThe 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs