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Harmine Crystals from Syrian Rue Options
#1 Posted : 11/5/2007 5:54:30 PM
This is not my tek but the author is unknown so I cannot give due credit to the correct person.

What you need:
Syrain Rue
Salt (rock salt or iodine free table salt)
Distilled water

"At this moment I am looking at my Harmine HCL crystals growing on a plate... I saw this extraction somewhere else on the net, and didn't know If anyone had tried it, but it works... The first time I tried it I didn't get the 4 mm long crystals that I was supposed to get, but the whole extraction process I went through just became a cluster ---- in my kitchen... I hadn't cleaned all my glass properly, and I didn't have what I needed at that time....

Now I have seen harmine hcl for sale online and in can cost as much as $100 a gram, and you can buy a pound of seeds for less than half that and do your own extraction.... hmmmm

Anyway, here is the process I used to get the beautiful 1-4 mm long crystals growing on my plate... I don't even know who's process this is that I am stealing, but the one I use is for chem idiots like me, no math or any thing involved...

Step one:
Take your harmala seeds and boil 'em ( you can add an acid or not. I always add a little vinegar, never measure though). When they have boiled for about 30 mins, strain the water with a tea strainer into a pyrex measuring cup/mixing bowl thing you can get from a grocery store. Boil 'em again... strain into the same container. Boil 'em again... strain into the same container.

Step two:
Dump the seeds and wash the pot you were using. Boil some water and add rock salt (important to use rock salt because there is noting add to it, regular table salt fas stuff add to it. If you have to use table salt, make sure it doesn't have Iodine in it). Keep adding rock salt to your booiling water 'till No more disolves, so now you have a super saturated salt-water solution....

[EDIT: There seems to be some problems with steps two, three and four.. instead of doing step two with some water and then mixing this salt saturated solution to the rue tea, better to straight away add salt to the rue tea, saturating it with salt. No need to add cold water as said in step four. Just saturate the liquid from the rue boilings with water, which should be around 20-30g salt per 100ml liquid, and then put it in the fridge overnight, thats it]

Step three:
Strain the hot salt water into you hamarla boilings to keep out the salt rocks, Only adding enough salt water so that you have 2 or 3 parts harmala-water and 1 part Salt-water. I try to make sure that I have 3 times as much harmala solution as I have salt water.

Step four:
Stir it all up, then add a little bit of cold water to aid in the cooling of the mixture...SOMETHING should precipitate out. That's a good thing: the crystals form when the temp of the solution drops. Put it in the freezer for an hour. After that put it in the fridge for a few hours (longer if ya like, but three of four hours is what I did).

Step five:
There should be a whole bunch of crystals and grunge at the bottom of your container It doesn't matter how big the crystals are just yet.... I could hardly notice that they were actually crystals, the just happened to be about 1 mm little needles. Now it should be strained again...I used a bandanna to strain, but a t-shirt will work... Put your filter cloth over the top of a big stock pot and slowly pour you crungy/crystal solution through it... Now you can dump the shit in the pot outand lay your t-shirt over the pot under a fan to dry out...

[EDIT: Do step 6 at your own risk. dissolving harmalas in different types of alcohol and acetone seem to create a different reddish and gooey product that is sometimes called Harmala Red, and it is possibly inactive, though there is little info on what it is exactly and if its really inactive, its toxicological safety, etc)

Step six:
It should look like you have extracted sparkling dirt from the seeds... Scrape all your sparkling dirt off your t-shirt and into a clear glass container and add just enough methyl alcohol (ethyl should work too though, and you will know when there's enough you'll have yellowish/reddish/orangish alchy with brown shit in the bottom). The sparkles dissolve and the crunge doesn't... strain again through a t-shirt and into your a flat Pyrex baking dish or onto a clear plate. Place under a fan or somewhere with adequate ventilation and wait and watch.... "
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I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
El Ka Bong
#2 Posted : 11/6/2007 1:13:34 AM
Oh, that's a juicy recepie ! Time to get ahold of some kg of rue seed ! Methyl alcohol - the stuff that makes you blind..? Is it any more dangerous than the rest of the solvents we'd use around here.? Will good ol' iso propyl work..? Also, can heat destroy the harmala alkaloids and reduce the yeild ? I wonder if you can skip some boiling and reduce volumes if you grind the seeds well, and then soak overnight, at room temp in acid..? ( if you love to grind !) This means you have to filter though, and it needs good-filter papers and patience...
#3 Posted : 11/6/2007 2:29:00 AM
from the local lore of the lab I work in you have to drink at least a fluid oz of methanol before you die... I don't think the slight traces left on a dry crystal would cause any ill effects. btw Mr. Bong, you're enthusiasm has encouraged me to do some rue with the dmt sometime in the future. I am interested in its potential for extending the length of the experience.
#4 Posted : 11/6/2007 3:50:40 AM
I don't know if IPA would work. I imagine that it would. I would go for 99% if you can get it. With rue seeds being as cheap as they are, I am not too worried about some loss due to boiling. I don't know the chemistry behind it, but it does work as written, I have never done the clean up stage, but then again, I've never had 4mm long sparking crystals from it either. Another thought I had was that a cold filter may do wonders before adding the salt. I usually end up with some sludgy stuff, but it glows bright under black light and works like a charm without having to taste any rue. I've never tried smoking it but I have heard that it is quite effective. El KaBong, if you do try it with IPA let us know how it turns out. I may have to do some more rue extractions, I just came across the clean up portion of the tek today and am getting into the crystal growing thing.
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I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#5 Posted : 11/6/2007 5:30:44 AM
Interesting that you clean your extract with methyl alcohol. If ethyl would work also, then methylated spirits / denatured alcohol (easy to get in Australia, and CHEAP!) would be perfect Have you got any pics of the crystals produced by this method? it's pretty much the manske.. I've found this to be the most detailed version of the rue Manske extraction (with notes from Trout): http://www.erowid.org/li..._sec1_harmala_isol.shtml The tek says to boil the crushed seeds in three times their weight of 3% acetic acid solution (apparently the boiling is not a problem, see below), pour off, then again in twice their weight acidic liquid, and then twice their weight again. If you're working with a kilo of seeds, then you're fucking around with 7 litres of water and 700 grams of rock salt.. surely that amount of liquid isn't required to hold ~40 grams of harmala alkaloids (est 4%)? any idea of harmine hcl and harmaline hcl (and acetates) solubility in H2O ? what amount of liquid do you think you could reduce it to before it's over-saturated with harmala alkaloids? also, if you reduce from 7 litres to 4 say, then does this mean you add 400 grams of salt instead of 700? an erowid quote: [quote:08088f18dd="Erowid: Syrian Rue"]I've found that harmaline and harmine are quite stable in acid solutions even at boiling water temperatures, however when the pH is raised to 11 or more boiling will rapidly remove the fluoresce of the solution (an indication that harmaline and harmine are being destroyed under these conditions).[/quote:08088f18dd] by the way, you really don't want any methanol residue whatsoever to be left over in any product you consume (especially if you consume regularly). The breakdown of methanol in your system results in toxic by-products; formic acid and formaldehyde, both of which cause blindness. Regular intake of methanol causes a buildup of these by-products
The Traveler
Administrator | Skills: DMT, LSD, Programming
#6 Posted : 11/6/2007 8:17:20 AM
Nice tek! I made a sticky of this one since it looks near perfect (only missing some pictures Pleased).
#7 Posted : 11/6/2007 10:27:56 PM
Sorry, never took any pics. I also never have recrystalized or cleaned up my rue goop I usually get in the final stage. I am going to try a couple of recrystalizations on my next batch, as I have grown quite interested in extractions and crystal formations lately. I have never used methanol, and am not sure why the author decided to use it, however I am sure that a recrystalization or two using the same tek would work wonders on it, also IPA or ethanol will probably work just fine as well.
The Spice extends life
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I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#8 Posted : 11/7/2007 2:30:17 AM
I just got a pound of rue for $30US it will be a wile before I get to it but I will post extraction method and results here when I finally get around to it. Very happy
#9 Posted : 11/7/2007 4:38:08 PM
[quoteVery happy697afa256="Coschi"] The tek says to boil the crushed seeds in three times their weight of 3% acetic acid solution (apparently the boiling is not a problem, see below), pour off, then again in twice their weight acidic liquid, and then twice their weight again. If you're working with a kilo of seeds, then you're fucking around with 7 litres of water and 700 grams of rock salt.. surely that amount of liquid isn't required to hold ~40 grams of harmala alkaloids (est 4%)? any idea of harmine hcl and harmaline hcl (and acetates) solubility in H2O ? what amount of liquid do you think you could reduce it to before it's over-saturated with harmala alkaloids? also, if you reduce from 7 litres to 4 say, then does this mean you add 400 grams of salt instead of 700?[/quoteVery happy697afa256] From your own link: The above separation takes advantage of the fact that when sodium chloride is added to a solution of harmine and harmaline acetate it transforms them into their hydrochloride salts. The hydrochloride salts of harmine and harmaline are insoluble in cold sodium chloride solutions and thus precipitate during the chilling. Looks like you want saturation at fridge temp + 1 mol salt per mol alks. 400 may be slightly insufficient, but I imagine the tek errs on the side of excess salt... the methanol wash looks like it cleans out excess NaCl and a the worst a little salt in the mix can do is make you underdose if you're stingy. I can't see 450 being too little. edit: incidentally, a little fuzzy math. TiHKAL lists Harmine as potentiating DMT in the 140-190mg range, and there's something on the Lycaem about there being around 158mg harmine per dose of b. caapi (ayahuasca vine) + some trace amounts of related compounds. 3g Rue seed seems to do the trick, but people tend to eat 3.5 as not to waste their tryptamines... so one would guess 200mg to be a fair estimate of average Harmine content per 3.5g seed. So, from a 1kg extraction, you're looking at about 285 doses weighing in at around 200mg each, so 57g seems like a not-unreasonable estimate of 100% yeild.
#10 Posted : 11/9/2007 6:42:19 PM
Has anyone gotten bunk Rue before? I've attempted to use the Syrian Rue I've got two times now using different prep methods. First time I mixed ground rue seeds (3.5g) with distilled water and a squeeze of lemon juice, which were left to sit in the fridge overnight and then subsequently filtered to remove solids. When the mixture was ingested, no effects were ever felt, and the trip that was planned for failed to materialize due to the missing effects. So I decided to give extraction a shot, seems dead simple according the teks I read. However, after following the steps to a T (and referring to a few different yet similar teks) no crystals have formed in the solution. I've gone over the process in my head, and I can really see where there is much room for error. Boiled the rue seeds (21g) in a mix of 3 parts water 1 part distilled vinegar. Liquid is strained and collected, I did a total of 4 boiling runs and ended up with about 500ml of deep brown/gold liquid. Created the supersaturated salt-water solution with kosher salt and distilled water, adding salt to the hot water until no more would dissolve. Had about 150 ml of this solution which was added to the rue juice. Solution was stirred up and allowed to sit until it came to room temperature. Once it reached room temp, into the fridge overnight. The following day the liquid was siphoned off... and there was nothing but liquid in the glass, nothing even close to resembling the descriptions in the tek was found at the bottom. Any idea what might have gone wrong? I've since ordered a new batch of seeds from a different supplier. A final note: In the first prep, the seeds were ground down into a fine powder before being mixed with the water/lemon. In the extraction prep, the seeds were left whole and not ground before boiling.
#11 Posted : 11/9/2007 7:12:10 PM
Grind some seeds and pour some water and a little lemon juice or vinegar over them, then grab some of the gunk and rub it all over your hands. Then rinse your hand, go to a dark place with a blacklight and look at them. If they glow, your seeds are fine, if not, throw em out I guess. The ground seed will not glow, but the residue will. The glowing stuff is harmine.
#12 Posted : 11/9/2007 8:54:55 PM
Thanks for the tip, will be on the hunt for a new blacklight Very happy
#13 Posted : 11/11/2007 7:44:39 AM
i know the imporatation of rue seeds into certain countries is banned unless they are treated to kill bacteria and treated so they won't germinate do you think this treatment could destroy alkaloids? i don't know exactly what they do
#14 Posted : 12/6/2007 9:37:24 AM
i dont know how anyone working with powdered seeds will get the result of a "yellowish" liquid... ive tried both the lemon juice and vinegar extraction and all i get when i mix them with the powdered rue is a brown liquid and sludge that clogs my filters to shit... absolutely frustrating... so i havent even been able to get to the step where i add NaCl for it to precipitate the goods out... damn, someone let me in on the secret here? and filtering through a coffee filter or cloth still gives me a non transparent brown liquid with fine particulate in it... maybe im grinding these seeds TOO much
#15 Posted : 12/6/2007 5:25:19 PM
A rough grind is all you want. I can find the source, but have read that most of the harmine is in the seed coating. I have found that there is no way to properly filter the sludge. Try letting it sit overnight in a container and then decanting before filtering. This has worked for me.
The Spice extends life
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The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
El Ka Bong
#16 Posted : 12/21/2007 1:56:23 AM
Based on the colour you mention, I'd say it's bad or wrong type of seed..? it may take 10 hours to drip thrugh the filter, and even though the lemon juice ( 1:3 lemon juice : water) is a pale yellow to start, the filtered extract is bright yellow, looks like transparent pee in a jar ! The stuff works well on an empty stomach, but I don't know about it if you've eaten lots before. The effects of the rue seed are mild or unnoticeable (3.5 g seed in 50 ml lemon juice 150 ml H2O).
Dee Em Tea
#17 Posted : 12/23/2007 4:15:23 PM
SWIM. just got a kilo of Ban. Caapi, and is wondering if this tek. would work on that as well? Confused He's been searching high and low, but hasn't found any thing for a Caapi extraction. Sad

Uncover the truth,"It's really stranger then fiction".
#18 Posted : 12/31/2007 11:13:15 PM
Swim is wondering if this can be made into a smokable form (basified?), perhaps even mixed w/ some elfspice and smoked that way. Hhhmm, wonder what that would do? EDIT: Silly Swim didn't notice there is already a subject along these lines and believes leson learned and question answered. Except still wonder what it might be like.
#19 Posted : 3/4/2008 11:59:56 PM
Dee Em Tea wrote:
SWIM. just got a kilo of Ban. Caapi, and is wondering if this tek. would work on that as well? Confused He's been searching high and low, but hasn't found any thing for a Caapi extraction. Sad

I'd reconsider extracting the caapi since the concentration of goodies in caapi is far below that of rue. Caapi is also far more expensive than rue. Syrian rue is available at middle eastern grocery stores and if you are in a metropolitan area, do a search on "halal meat" and the name of your city to find these types of stores. Rue is called harmol, espand, esphand and costs about five dollars for a 4 oz package.
Chemical expert
#20 Posted : 3/17/2008 10:43:12 PM
acolon_5 wrote:
Another thought I had was that a cold filter may do wonders before adding the salt.

Swim just failed miserably. His vacuum filtering device clogged immediately. It seems that pressing the powered seeds through cotton cloth is a necessary stage.
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