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Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Analitycal Trip Report Options
#1 Posted : 4/24/2017 9:09:45 PM

Previously I asked for guidance regarding consuming HBW seeds(Thread) and I'm back with the interesting results.
I tripped with 3 of my friends(number them like this: I, II, III) and want to go into details and characteristics of the trip and it's phases because it was not much alike from what I've heard; more importantly several minor differences in preparation and methods of administration caused me and I having a huge difference in trip progression compared to II and III.

Overview And General Conditions

Wake up time: 10:00 AM;
Sleep duration: 8-9 hours; (!)
Stomach: Empty (10-11hours);
Time of administration: 11:00 AM;
Overall trip duration: 8 hours (+4h after effects);

I - Slept as much as me, II and III - only 4-5 hours;

Seeds Preparation & Consumption

- Crushed 8 seeds well.
- Added 15 drops of 60% peppermint oil tincture.
- Added ~10ml vodka(enough to cover the seeds).
- Let it sit 5 minutes.
- Added water(enough do drink all of it without any taste) and consumed.
- Ate 2 cups of chocolate ice-cream.

I had 5 seeds and ate only 2-3 teaspoons of ice-cream;
II and III had 5 and 6 seeds, accordingly, and used "Sprite" instead of water;

Phase I - Anesthesia

Start Time: 11:10 AM (10 minutes after administration).
Duration: ~2 Hours.

- slight dizziness;
- weakness in muscles;
- disorientation;
- lack of coordination;
- feeling of being stoned, drunk and sedated at the same time only without blurry mind;
- degradation of communicative skills;
- disability to generate thoughts.

The effects kicked in extremely soon, started with weird feeling in muscles. At 11:20 I could barely walk; after half an hour muscle weakness increased to the level where I could hardly hold a smartphone to scroll Facebook. Strong feeling of being stoned and drunk was overwhelmed by even stronger sedative effects. I felt like being high on morphine(assumption based on what I've read about it, no experience with opioids). I went to urinate every 15-20 minutes, even though I hadn't consumed any other liquid that day.

The condition wasn't annoying at all, didn't feel pain, nausea or anything uncomfortable. It's just I don't like being on that state of mind. Maybe heavy drug users would loved it.

Lying on the sofa I was waiting for the LSA effects to take action.

I had nausea and decided to puke after 20 minutes(puked few times).
II had nausea but didn't puke.
III didn't have any.

II and III were napping every now and then as they didn't sleep enough at night[/spoiler]

Phase II - Peak

Start Time: 01:00 PM.
Duration: ~30 minutes.

- Extreme feeling of euphoria, happiness, excitement, love and joy;
- Drastic increase of energy;
- Mild visuals - Increased sensitivity to colors, 3D depth in 2D objects, short tracers and etc.
- Highly increased demand of communication & conversation.

I was entering bathroom when saw lines moving on the door. Looked in the mirror and saw a happiest person in the world. Mood changed instantly, felt huge burst of energy, it was like moving from cold and dark winter to bright and beautiful summer, definitely felt like resurrection. Peeing never felt so pleasing. I was jumping, running and dancing with joy. Every object caused childish excitement, as if I was just being introduced to the world. I loved everything I touched or saw, everything was stunningly beautiful. Looking in the mirror I saw myself as high tech CGI creature with remarkably detailed textures. I was talking to my friend in excitement and sharing how great I felt. Communication was cheerful and refreshing. I have never felt better in my life.

I had the same effects but not as energetic(was tired of puking) and lasted 10-15 minutes less(Most probably never managed to get the full dose because too soon)
II and III felt little to almost none of it for very short period of time. They didn't really left the Phase I and slept most of the time during a day.
Nausea never left II and III started to feel very disturbing levels of it too.

Phase III - Zen

Start Time: 01:30 PM.
Duration: ~1.5 hours.

- Feeling of unworldly peace, calmness, relaxation, relief.
- [Visuals & need of communication unchanged]

Effects came as instantly as euphoria in Phase II. Joy and excitement was replaced with loving harmony and tranquility, I became the most peaceful person in the world.

I did feel the effects but was more 'tired' and sleepy. This was the beginning of I's comedown.

Phase IV - Comedown

Start Time: 03:00 PM.
Duration: ~6+ hours.
- Combination of Phase II and III with less intensity.
- [Visuals & need of communication unchanged]

Lying on the bed I looked at the lamp and noticed that it was warping. That's when the Phase IV began. Mixed effects of previous two phases clashed each other. At the same time I was happy and peaceful, euphoric and calm, energized and relaxed. After approximately half an hour effects started changing every 10-15 minutes.
When I say need of communication I do mean utmost necessity of it. Talking kept bringing euphoria and joy back.
I was ~2 hours into Phase IV when I got a phone call. I answered quite confidently, talked without mumbling but after hanging up I immediately started to doubt how confident I was and if I sounded sober, I was thinking that if the person noticed me being high it would cause a serious trouble. And this doubt almost grew into a panic attack. I knew I needed to calm down or the negative thoughts would eat my mind. Guess what, communication saved me. Started talking to I and it really helped(not 100% but..yeah).
At 08:00 PM I was able to drive and operate like a sober but didn't fully felt like one. HBW left a little trace, but after good 9 hours sleep everything went back to 'normal'.


The experience was overwhelming, interesting, full of excitement, happiness, joy and fun. It was definitely one of the most beautiful things I have ever felt. I would love to explore deeper levels.
Unfortunately, it didn't go that well for my friends. I don't know if above mentioned factors(lack of sleep, "Sprite", ice-cream...) mattered at all or it was just me with a lucky ticket.

Thanks everyone for guidance and support.
Wish you best Hawaiian Baby Woodrose experiences.

#2 Posted : 4/24/2017 10:10:07 PM
Good Report!

I made an extract of HBWR and used it without the peppermint oil.
Got same effects without any nausea or puking.

Interesting that II and III got almost no Phase II/III and even more nausea..

I Like the HBWR for its euphoria, compared to Ololiuqui which is much more zen and meditative for me.
#3 Posted : 4/24/2017 10:34:29 PM
TryptaTom wrote:
Good Report!

I made an extract of HBWR and used it without the peppermint oil.
Got same effects without any nausea or puking.

Next time I'll definitely try extracting. It really deserves my attention, respect and time.

TryptaTom wrote:

Interesting that II and III got almost no Phase II/III and even more nausea..

That was weird. maybe it was dosage problem, or maybe they skipped these phases because they were mostly sleeping. will never no for sure.

Forgot to mention that in every phase there were moments when I really wanted to smoke dmt. It was like a calling from the deepest level of my consciousness. It's interesting how that state of mind would effect dmt trip. Maybe I'll try it in when I become more familiar with the substance.
#4 Posted : 4/25/2017 12:46:05 AM
Beautiful report and great description of the phases, close to my trips but more discomfort for me
It makes me want to try it again, that euphoria and bliss.. Love
Also the peppermint oil is a good addition i only considered it when extracting but besides from that LSA to LSH it surely helps with the trip..
Thanks for sharing Smile
"Is this the end of our adventure? Nothing has an end. We came in search of the secret of immortality, to be like gods, and here we are... mortals, more human than ever. If we have not obtained immortality, at least we have obtained reality. We began in a fairytale and we came to life! But is this life reality? We are images, dreams, photographs. We must not stay here! Prisoners! We shall break the illusion. This is Maya. Goodbye to the holy mountain. Real life awaits us." ~ Alejandro Jodorowsky
#5 Posted : 4/25/2017 6:10:59 AM
Sakkadelic wrote:
Beautiful report and great description of the phases, close to my trips but more discomfort for me
It makes me want to try it again, that euphoria and bliss.. Love
Also the peppermint oil is a good addition i only considered it when extracting but besides from that LSA to LSH it surely helps with the trip..
Thanks for sharing Smile

Thanks Pleased
It was such an amazing and new experience for me that I had no other options than to share.

Has LSA to LSH really worked for anyone? or is it mostly myth/placebo? we used peppermint for nausea reduction mostly.

Cognitive Heart
#6 Posted : 4/25/2017 9:52:41 PM
Has LSA to LSH really worked for anyone? or is it mostly myth/placebo?

This discussion has extensive threads on the Nexus already, and is most likely non-existent in its action. Or too weak and unstable to actually perceive and experience. Peppermint's medicinal actions are still present, however.
'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?

We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
#7 Posted : 4/25/2017 10:21:11 PM
Cognitive Heart wrote:
Has LSA to LSH really worked for anyone? or is it mostly myth/placebo?

This discussion has extensive threads on the Nexus already, and is most likely non-existent in its action. Or too weak and unstable to actually perceive and experience. Peppermint's medicinal actions are still present, however.

Yeap, thats what I was aware of.
Thanks for clarification.
#8 Posted : 4/26/2017 9:14:31 AM
LSA is my favorite psychedelic, even thou i use it only twice a year.
You noticed how pure is the bliss ? you tell you never felt so good in your life, i can relate!!! but it's not a "MDMA" kind of effect, the bliss is deeper than that, it's an absolute divine reality unfolding in my eyes ; the "quality" of the light of the sun is like pure gold!
And i gave to some friends too... and rarely they get it... it's kind of subtle effect in a way (no huge visual, the world is "as it is", divine).
The fact that you write a detail trip report show your involvment in the experience, and you probably the one that took the initiative for this trip (getting the seed, knowing how to prepare, ...) right? This is why you got the benefits of it Pleased
#9 Posted : 4/26/2017 9:30:47 AM
Quetzal7 wrote:
LSA is my favorite psychedelic, even thou i use it only twice a year.
You noticed how pure is the bliss ? you tell you never felt so good in your life, i can relate!!! but it's not a "MDMA" kind of effect, the bliss is deeper than that, it's an absolute divine reality unfolding in my eyes ; the "quality" of the light of the sun is like pure gold!

I did notice that! The purity of these sincere feelings was astounding. That's why I described them as childish. it is absolutely amazing.

Quetzal7 wrote:

The fact that you write a detail trip report show your involvement in the experience, and you probably the one that took the initiative for this trip (getting the seed, knowing how to prepare, ...) right? This is why you got the benefits of it Pleased

haha, you got it Very happy
I introduced them the seeds and it was my idea to do this experiment. Then we ordered the seeds together and you know the rest Very happy

It was truly divine and pure.. I'm still under impressions.
Seeds deserve a huge respect. Love
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