As quite a few Nexians have discussed in past forums, there is a reoccurring theme of ill physical effects developing from smoking changa. Effects always include asthma symptoms of chest tightness and coughing along with flu symptoms later on (nausea, fever, sensitive skin, lethargy). The changa reported by others seems to have been made in different ways with various solvents and base herbs so it's difficult to detect what exactly is causing these symptoms. However, many have reported these effects only occur after actually smoking the changa and vaporizing does not seem to cause the symptoms.
I think we need to pull our collective knowledge together and try to figure this out so a harm prevention sticky post can be arranged. There are many people using changa and it seems like these symptoms are common. It has happened to me twice now with two different batches of changa that we're reportedly prepared with a high degree of care.
If you have had these symptoms or have any knowledge on what could be causing them, please chime in here. Gotta figure this out.
i hope a few of our experts will post in this topic.
do you know what the 2 batches contained? did you do anything different from other batches?
Seratonin syndrome ? Final Incarnate is an RPG Character in Terra's Terra . Everything this character has done or does is part of an RPG Story
They contained 10x caapi made using the boil reduction method. However, very little was used in second batch. DMT goo was dissolved in IPA and left to air dry completely over mullein, caapi, and white lotus flower. I would not think such a small amount of caapi in second batch could create these symptoms...
Final Incarnate wrote:
Seratonin syndrome ?
That's what it always felt like to me, having experienced both changa flu and serotonin syndrome symptoms (alliteration!) a few times. All these posts are on behalf of Stimpy, my yellow bullhead. He is an adventurous fish, and I feel his exploits are worth much so, I occasionally forget that HE is the one who does these things. Sometimes I get caught in the moment and write of his experiences in the first person; this is a mistake, for I am an upstanding citizen who never does wrong. Stimpy is the degenerate.
I gave some changa to some friends once. One of them coughed really bad and ended up feeling flu symptoms for 1-2 days (weak, no energy) and the other one was completely fine. Another one the other day smoked some and was fine, then smoked some more 10 minutes later and started dry reaching. According to some chats on the forums the MAO gets super saturated and can't remove DMT in enough time so this ends up activating 5ht3 receptors in the gut and can make you feel queasy, combined with how disorienting it feels.
I considered that it could be trace amounts of IPA so I've been letting it dry for the last few weeks. Should be good now.. I'm just nervous to try again and develop those symptoms. The initial experience was amazing but those symptoms developed a few hours later and lasted for over 24 hours. Not fun at all. I'll have to try again and report back at some point. I'm definitely not intolerant to alcohol haha but smoking trace amounts I could see causing issues. I remember the changa flaming up briefly when I first lit it and I thought it was just the mullein but maybe there was some IPA left over in the spongy mullein. Anyone else have similar experiences?
fathomlessness wrote:I gave some changa to some friends once. One of them coughed really bad and ended up feeling flu symptoms for 1-2 days (weak, no energy) and the other one was completely fine. Another one the other day smoked some and was fine, then smoked some more 10 minutes later and started dry reaching. According to some chats on the forums the MAO gets super saturated and can't remove DMT in enough time so this ends up activating 5ht3 receptors in the gut and can make you feel queasy, combined with how disorienting it feels. that's interesting.. I wonder why some would be susceptible and some wouldn't? Would vaporizing alleviate these symptoms?