So i've been experimenting with 1P-LSD for a while now. I Always wanted to try a couple of combo's like LSD/Shrooms, LSD/mescaline, etc, and i find the effects of 1P to be pretty much identical to those of LSD-25. At the same time though, i've been reading stuff about LSA-seeds. There seems to be some controversy over wich compounds (LSA, LSH, etc, )are responsible for the psychedelic effects of these seeds. One hypothesis i've read somewhere (i believe it was psychonautwiki), is that it is not realy one compound, but rather the synergy between various lysergic constituents, that causes the sought after psychedelic effects. Intrigued by this hypothesis, i fantasized about testing it:"if there is a strong synergy between different lysergic's, what would happen if i would combine 1P-LSD with morning glory seeds?".
I started with 325 micrograms of 1P-LSD and 35 fresh seeds, wich is something i can only urge people NOT to do. The experience was WAAAY to strong for me to handle. And it was also unlike a normal LSD experience. It started out fairly normal. But after 1 hour and 10 minutes after the first effects had began to manifest, the stuff all of a sudden totally exploded. I'm blasted out of my body and have a total OBE, wich is something i've never experienced on LSD or 1P-LSD. The visual effects are also completely overpowering. More spectacular than bufotenine Visuals even. There are very bright, purple flashes of light, while fractals are winding, spinning, twisting and whirling in a dizzying infinitude of impossible directions, like some living escher on steroids painting. And it's all happening too fast to capture. The experience is so utterly disorienting that i can literally no longer determine up from down, or left from right. I'm scared as hell because my counsciousness is disintegrating. There is no body, no me. Only pulsating stuff and light...and pulsating stuff. About an hour later i'm starting to get me body back, but i'm still tripping harder than ever. The synergy works. This is more like LSD to the 100th degree. More spectacular than any other psychedelic i have ever experienced, mentally as well as visually. And with a very distinct NMDA-antagonist like dissociative edge. After a few hours, it starts to become apparent that i'm going to survive this stuff, and i become totally euphoric.
I'm frightened by this experience, but also intrigued by the powerfull synergy that definately seems to be there. I decide to do some further experimenting. The next time i start a lot lower. 125 micrograms of 1P and 30 seeds. It's a lot more common this time, but also much stronger than you could reasonably expect this combination to be. You could maybe consider one morning glory seed to be equivalent with 2 to 3 micrograms of LSD, but the total effect of said combo clearly exceeds that of 200 micrograms by far, and again there are distinct dissociative effects present.
Months later i want to do some further experiments, but now the seeds have gotten older, the effects seem to be opposite to the effects of fresh seeds. Instead of amplifying the effects of 1P-LSD, the older seeds rather seem to diminish the psychedelic effects of 1P now.
So there seems to be a powerfull synergy between at least some lysergic's. A mere 30 fresh seeds have a stronger effect on a common LSD experience, than several grams of shrooms or peyote. But it seems that LSA, or old seeds at least, rather diminish the effects of LSD.
The experience is also altered. Both visually as well as mentally.
I have been doing some googling on combining lysergamides, and on another site, bluelight, i found at least 8 different people (going by the names of soundcloud007, momjr, phuckingnutz, white55, hawk-o, iamme90, pirre and thomas davie), who also claim having experienced an extremely powerfull synergy when combining different lysergamides (mostly substances like AL-LAD, eth-LAD and so on). Some of them, like me, experienced being taken completely by surpris,e and being completely overpowered by the powerfull synergy.
This is not just some substances combining nicely. The synergy realy is extremely powerfull and i would almost compare it between mixing caapi-vine with DMT-containing plants. There realy is something special going on, though i cannot explain how it works.
Anyway, i think that this could be very interesting. Exploring the possible combinations of various lysergamides. See wich one work and wich don't. Maybe extracting and recombining the different compounds in the various LSA-seeds could also lead to a superior psychedelic. or just combining differnt kind of seeds.
Another thing. I've heard people say that they had experiences with just morning glory seed, that where superiour to experiences they've had with LSD-25. And i must say, i was a bit sceptical first, but having had these experiences, i now believe that seeds alone CAN be more powefull and visionary than LSD. And that would probably have to do with the exact combination of lysergamides of a given batch of seeds.
If seeds alone are sometimes superior to LSD-25, and sometimes aren't, that's definately an interesting thing to look into. Especially because many of these seeds are very easy to grow.
On this site, in the 'lysergic research' thread, the nexian Jamie for instance, claims that he has had such an experience with morning glory seeds alone.
dragonrider wrote:Another thing. I've heard people say that they had experiences with just morning glory seed, that where superiour to experiences they've had with LSD-25. And i must say, i was a bit sceptical first, but having had these experiences, i now believe that seeds alone CAN be more powefull and visionary than LSD. And that would probably have to do with the exact combination of lysergamides of a given batch of seeds.
If seeds alone are sometimes superior to LSD-25, and sometimes aren't, that's definately an interesting thing to look into. Especially because many of these seeds are very easy to grow.
On this site, in the 'lysergic research' thread, the nexian Jamie for instance, claims that he has had such an experience with morning glory seeds alone. Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide, lysergic acid amide, lysergic acid, d-isolysergic acid amide (isoergine), chanoclavine, elymoclavine, are all found in species of morning glory...and it very well may be a combination effect, though in my opinion there's nothing psychedelic here... I have taken pure lysergic acid amide, and there is an intoxication, but it's mostly body distress, nausea, and sedation, not at all what I would call psychedelic... As for the seeds, I've taken HBWR, ipomea tricolor/violacea, Rivea corymbosa, and so on... Every time there is an intoxication, but again, I would not call it psychedelic, or even very pleasant for the most part... My experiance has always been very similar to.Albert Hoffman's when he was bioassaying these compounds: Quote:LA-111, ergine, d-lysergamide. This is an active compound and has been established as a major component in morning glory seeds. It was assayed for human activity, by Albert Hofmann in self-trials back in 1947, well before this was known to be a natural compound. An i.m. administration of a 500 microgram dose led to a tired, dreamy state with an inability to maintain clear thoughts. After a short period of sleep, the effects were gone and normal baseline was recovered within five hours. Other observers have confirmed this clouding of consciousness leading to sleep. The epimer, inverted at C-8, is isoergine or d-isolysergamide, and is also a component of morning glory seeds. Hofmann tried a 2 milligram dose of this amide, and as with ergine, he experienced nothing but tiredness, apathy, and a feeling of emptiness. Both compounds are probably correctly dismissed as not being a contributor to the action of these seeds. It is important to note that ergine, as well as lysergic acid itself, is listed as a Schedule III drug in the Controlled Substances Act, as a depressant. This is, in all probability, a stratagem to control them as logical precursors to LSD. -shulgin;TIHKAL I've never been able to produce psychedelia from morning glory seeds, or any of the compounds they contain... ...I'm not saying they are not active, they do produce intoxication, but it's not psychedelic... People will argue and claim I'm wrong, which is fine, I'm only saying that in my experience, I've never been able to get these seeds to do anything psychedelic, or the pure compounds in the seeds...Hoffman failed as well, as did shulgin, and while the seeds are an intoxicant, and have history as being Entheogenic, I think saying they are psychedelic is a misnomer, and misleading. Seriously, you are eating good precursors, a reaction involving lysergic acid and diethylamine is by far the way to go... -eg
entheogenic-gnosis wrote:dragonrider wrote:Another thing. I've heard people say that they had experiences with just morning glory seed, that where superiour to experiences they've had with LSD-25. And i must say, i was a bit sceptical first, but having had these experiences, i now believe that seeds alone CAN be more powefull and visionary than LSD. And that would probably have to do with the exact combination of lysergamides of a given batch of seeds.
If seeds alone are sometimes superior to LSD-25, and sometimes aren't, that's definately an interesting thing to look into. Especially because many of these seeds are very easy to grow.
On this site, in the 'lysergic research' thread, the nexian Jamie for instance, claims that he has had such an experience with morning glory seeds alone. Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide, lysergic acid amide, lysergic acid, d-isolysergic acid amide (isoergine), chanoclavine, elymoclavine, are all found in species of morning glory...and it very well may be a combination effect, though in my opinion there's nothing psychedelic here... I have taken pure lysergic acid amide, and there is an intoxication, but it's mostly body distress, nausea, and sedation, not at all what I would call psychedelic... As for the seeds, I've taken HBWR, ipomea tricolor/violacea, Rivea corymbosa, and so on... Every time there is an intoxication, but again, I would not call it psychedelic, or even very pleasant for the most part... My experiance has always been very similar to.Albert Hoffman's when he was bioassaying these compounds: Quote:LA-111, ergine, d-lysergamide. This is an active compound and has been established as a major component in morning glory seeds. It was assayed for human activity, by Albert Hofmann in self-trials back in 1947, well before this was known to be a natural compound. An i.m. administration of a 500 microgram dose led to a tired, dreamy state with an inability to maintain clear thoughts. After a short period of sleep, the effects were gone and normal baseline was recovered within five hours. Other observers have confirmed this clouding of consciousness leading to sleep. The epimer, inverted at C-8, is isoergine or d-isolysergamide, and is also a component of morning glory seeds. Hofmann tried a 2 milligram dose of this amide, and as with ergine, he experienced nothing but tiredness, apathy, and a feeling of emptiness. Both compounds are probably correctly dismissed as not being a contributor to the action of these seeds. It is important to note that ergine, as well as lysergic acid itself, is listed as a Schedule III drug in the Controlled Substances Act, as a depressant. This is, in all probability, a stratagem to control them as logical precursors to LSD. -shulgin;TIHKAL I've never been able to produce psychedelia from morning glory seeds, or any of the compounds they contain... ...I'm not saying they are not active, they do produce intoxication, but it's not psychedelic... People will argue and claim I'm wrong, which is fine, I'm only saying that in my experience, I've never been able to get these seeds to do anything psychedelic, or the pure compounds in the seeds...Hoffman failed as well, as did shulgin, and while the seeds are an intoxicant, and have history as being Entheogenic, I think saying they are psychedelic is a misnomer, and misleading. Seriously, you are eating good precursors, a reaction involving lysergic acid and diethylamine is by far the way to go... -eg As i said, old seeds (so that would be seeds that are high in LSA) seem to be counterproductive. Si i agree that LSA is probably not a psychedelic substance, and i think it's even reasonable to assume that LSA counteracts the psychedelic effects of other lysergamides. As for the seeds by themselves: most of the time when i took seeds, they did not produce psychedelic effects, but there have been a few occasions where they did. And the experience was very simmilar to LSD-25. However, there are people who claim having had experiences with seeds, superior to LSD induced psychedelic states. The nexian Jamie is one of them (thread: lysergic research). As i discovered that there is a powerfull synergy going on between the various lysergamides, it seems plausible to assume that this synergy could have something to do with this notorious inconsistency of morning glory and other seeds. The effects of seeds could be dependant on the specific combination of lysergic's. Wich varies and has to do with freshnes and so on. You actually make my poiny here... Seeds are being looked down on as an inerior psychedelic, because they are notoriously unreliable. However, under the right conditions (when they have the right alkaloïd mixture), these seeds could very well be a superiour psychedelic. If we could figure out what these conditions are, then we could have a superiour psychedelic that is easy to grow and that will grow almost anywhere. I would say that is worthwhile looking into.
Here's how the "psychedelic" action of these seeds was described to me:
The seeds were ingested, a datura similar delirium set in leading to a deep sleep, upon awakening high dose LSD symptoms were experienced...
In my case I get the delirium, clouding of thoughts, physical distress and sleep, but I never wake up to psychedelia...
Maybe I'm just bitter because personally I can't get these seeds to do anything LSD-like, and others can...
| Analogues and Plant-Based Tryptamines - Jim DeKorne, David Aardvark & K. Trout Page 75 discusses LSA in combination with MAOIs, pretty interesting, it relates to the topic at hand anyway, thought you may be interested. -eg
"However, there are people who claim having had experiences with seeds, superior to LSD induced psychedelic states. The nexian Jamie is one of them (thread: lysergic research)."No way are they superior to acid. The seeds are psychedelic for me, but LSD is better. LSD is in many ways a most perfect psychedelic..most perfect drug. Long live the unwoke.
jamie wrote:"However, there are people who claim having had experiences with seeds, superior to LSD induced psychedelic states. The nexian Jamie is one of them (thread: lysergic research)."
No way are they superior to acid. The seeds are psychedelic for me, but LSD is better. LSD is in many ways a most perfect psychedelic..most perfect drug.
OK, sorry. Must have misinterpreted your words there. You said something like that you had a more visionary experience. Anyway, my personal experiences are the following: i've had experiences that where somewhat simmilar to LSD, with morning glory seeds. But when i took morning glory seeds in combination with 1P-LSD, the effects i experienced where absolutely superior to the effects of LSD. And on bluelight there have been several people who described that combinations of different lysergamides resulted in an experience, resulted in an experience stronger than you could expect based on just the amounts. There is a synergy between different lysergamides, that is extremely powerfull. It not just hugely amplifies the effects of them, but it alos makes the whole experience more psychedelic and adds a dissociative dimension to the it.
I probly did say that at some point before I had more experience with LSD. I only got to experience it once over 10 years ago, until this last year. I may have never tried it again if not for my gf who loves acid. The experiences with LSD far surpass those I have had with the seeds. I think I probly even prefer LSD to DMT and ayahuasca. Long live the unwoke.
jamie wrote:I think I probly even prefer LSD to DMT and ayahuasca. Hear, hear!  It doesn't taste shitty, that's for sure.
I just want to put out there that I have achieved a visionary state with the morning glory family seeds, I had a very powerful experience with Argyreia nervosa.
I think the freshness of the seeds is extremely important, I've had old HBWR seeds that made me feel solely poisoned, no psychedelic state, and it was extremely unwelcome.
It's interesting that dragonrider notes increased potency combining the seeds and 1p-lsd- but at a dose of 325 mikes and a meager 35 morning glory seeds, I'm uncertain that one could tell for certain that there was a distinct change- not to dis dragonrider because you know when you know, but 325 mikes is quite a heavy dose, and I'm sure filled with many surprises.
Also, I could imagine an increase in potency combining seeds and acid seeing as the lysergamides are so promiscuous in hitting receptor sites, and certainly the amazing potency of lsd must be through the synergy of multiple sites. Modulate the receptors in a certain way through a small dose of different lysergic alks, and more potency perhaps?
The seeds definitely have a different spirit, and you have to really pay for it in the beginning phases, but it is not without merit to the folks who love the plant. I will hardly ever take morning glories these days because it's so tough, like eating a poisonous plant it's part ordeal. Acid on the other hand seems to take you without much discomfort at all. Smooth sailing.
kerelsk wrote:I just want to put out there that I have achieved a visionary state with the morning glory family seeds, I had a very powerful experience with Argyreia nervosa.
I think the freshness of the seeds is extremely important, I've had old HBWR seeds that made me feel solely poisoned, no psychedelic state, and it was extremely unwelcome.
It's interesting that dragonrider notes increased potency combining the seeds and 1p-lsd- but at a dose of 325 mikes and a meager 35 morning glory seeds, I'm uncertain that one could tell for certain that there was a distinct change- not to dis dragonrider because you know when you know, but 325 mikes is quite a heavy dose, and I'm sure filled with many surprises.
Also, I could imagine an increase in potency combining seeds and acid seeing as the lysergamides are so promiscuous in hitting receptor sites, and certainly the amazing potency of lsd must be through the synergy of multiple sites. Modulate the receptors in a certain way through a small dose of different lysergic alks, and more potency perhaps?
The seeds definitely have a different spirit, and you have to really pay for it in the beginning phases, but it is not without merit to the folks who love the plant. I will hardly ever take morning glories these days because it's so tough, like eating a poisonous plant it's part ordeal. Acid on the other hand seems to take you without much discomfort at all. Smooth sailing. Quote:I just want to put out there that I have achieved a visionary state with the morning glory family seeds, I had a very powerful experience with Argyreia nervosa.
What was the nature of this visionary state? Quote:certainly the amazing potency of lsd must be through the synergy of multiple sites. This is undoubtedly the case. LSD has fairly weak affinity for the 5HT2a + 5HT2c receptor sites, meaning it's potency and action must be mediated by other means... David E. Nichols says LSD has promiscuous pharmocological action, and in comparison to other psychedelics it's easy to see why... ·Psychedelic Phenethylamine compounds = 5HT2a + 5HT2c (general receptor site agonism) ·Psychedelic Tryptamine compounds = 5HT1a + 5HT2a + 5HT2c ·LSD = 5HT2a + 5HT2c + 5HT1a + 5HT1b + 5HT1d + 5HT5a + 5HT6 + 5ht7 + D1 + D2 + D3 + D4 + alpha2 link above is perfect for some basics in this area. Quote:The psychedelic effects of LSD are attributed to cross-activation of 5-HT2A receptor heteromers.[68] Many but not all 5-HT2A agonists are psychedelics and 5-HT2A antagonists block the psychedelic activity of LSD. LSD exhibits functional selectivity at the 5-HT2A and 5HT2C receptors in that it activates the signal transduction enzyme phospholipase A2 instead of activating the enzyme phospholipase C as the endogenous ligand serotonin does.[69] Exactly how LSD produces its effects is unknown, but it is thought that it works by increasing glutamate release in the cerebral cortex[59] and therefore excitation in this area, specifically in layers IV and V.[70] LSD, like many other drugs, has been shown to activate DARPP-32-related pathways -Wikipedia -eg
entheogenic-gnosis wrote:Quote:I just want to put out there that I have achieved a visionary state with the morning glory family seeds, I had a very powerful experience with Argyreia nervosa.
What was the nature of this visionary state? I also had (about 10) very good experiences with Argyreia nervosa . I removed the outer coating , grind the seeds , washed 3 times with naphta and pulled 3 times with ethanol = amazing , no nausea , weak bodyload( for LSA...) I dont know if was lucky with the (fresh) batch of seeds, but the endproduct for me is abselutly on pair (but very diferent) with acid (I am an acid head since pre 2K, i love acid!!!). The experiences were : - not as stimulating as acid (but not sedating) - not so mentaly demanding - way more empathic than acid (liek a little mdma or mescaline) - sometimes very healing (tooke me deep into repressed memory and my heart) - feeling very good most of the time - sometimes like a child in astonishment - very unique open eye visuals at higher doses. and there was no loss in potency or quality for over a year in the fridge. I really was impressed ! p.s. I had the strain from hawaii ! 1 seed had the potency of around 20mic of acid. In Lak'ech - I am another yourself
InLaKesh wrote:I also had (about 10) very good experiences with Argyreia nervosa . I removed the outer coating , grind the seeds , washed 3 times with naphta and pulled 3 times with ethanol = amazing , no nausea , weak bodyload( for LSA...) I dont know if was lucky with the (fresh) batch of seeds, but the endproduct for me is abselutly on pair (but very diferent) with acid (I am an acid head since pre 2K, i love acid!!!). The experiences were : - not as stimulating as acid (but not sedating) - not so mentaly demanding - way more empathic than acid (liek a little mdma or mescaline) - sometimes very healing (tooke me deep into repressed memory and my heart) - feeling very good most of the time - sometimes like a child in astonishment - very unique open eye visuals at higher doses. and there was no loss in potency or quality for over a year in the fridge. I really was impressed ! This is right on! First time I turned on with woodrose, I was just eating them straight. The initial part of the experience was heavy in body energy, lots of nausea, but a rising vibration in the visual field and nervous system. As I started really coming up, I puked all my stomach contents out and felt much relieved. The lysergic energy continued climbing... There was rain and as I started melting into the rain, it was like a part of my body and it would drip down off of me, I felt like the warm summer earth was part of me. There was a strange mental distancing, like I was moving into a deeply reflective state, I became "the observer" and my thoughts moved to a deep compassion for my life's journey. The true I, the Atman, came suddenly to the forefront. There was a lot of compassion and love for everything, for all the consciousnesses around me, in a very relaxed and hypnotic/tranced space. I moved myself indoors after a fair amount of frolicking in the warm rain, but my body awareness at this point was in the background compared to the spiritual journey I was in. I closed my eyes and a vortex opened in front of me, I couldn't take my mind off it, and the woodrose spirit interacted with me, my thoughts playing with it, it playing with mine. We are the one! We are eternal! There were visuals of some sort, I cannot remember. I got up, and ran outside, everything was shifting and strobing, the ground seemed to retreat from me as I stood there. I was tripping hard, and the visuals and colors were quite intense, my eyes were properly dilated, and the body strains seemed to have worked out by now. There were a few hours of coming down from the peak where good sensations were felt, and a jovial attitude, very wholesome, very right at refinding my soul amidst the chaos. Some other times I would chew up 2 or 3 seeds and put them under my lip, and a very distinct intoxication would come over me, lots of visual rainbows and thought trails, and next to no gut strain.
kerelsk wrote:The true I, the Atman, came suddenly to the forefront.
There was a lot of compassion and love for everything, for all the consciousnesses around me, in a very relaxed and hypnotic/tranced space. Yes , sometimes very spiritual and cosmic... Oh, and liked to redrop a bigger dose (started around 3 and redropped around 5 seeds) 2 to 3 hours into the experience. To the OP  : Good idea (with a smaler dose), i like to try the combination myself the other way around! ( Small Acid dose , big Lsa dose) To me it seems like a good combiantion of the two lysergic energys (thats a concept of mine). Type1: mentaly very active, more ego death after letting go, afterglow: sharp visual field (shapes and contrast) - LSD,LSA-peppermint,(and i guess LSZ and 1p-LSD) Type2: emotional more active,more empathic,easier, afterglow: more color enhancement - LSA(better said: HBWR or Morning Glory),Al-LAD, (and i guess ETH-LAD and ALD52(i know soon  ) In Lak'ech - I am another yourself
jamie wrote:LSD is in many ways a most perfect psychedelic..most perfect drug. Yeah I agree LSD is my favorite drug as well. I can have deep solo experiences and I can take relatively high doses and party with folks all night at a show. About the only thing that really compares, that I have done, is a good dose of Peruvian Torch extract that has been cleaned up. But this alway's consistent across different cacti or extraction/cleanup methods. I do have a couple 5mg tabs of DOM which I have been holding for over a year now. Just been waiting for that perfect opportunity to trip for 24 hours! lol I have heard some people say DOM is superior... but the verdict is out for me on that. Shrooms are amazing, but as I'm gotten older they have become a very solo personal journey. I do them more than any other psychedelic for sure, but mostly in moderate doses with meditation. DMT is well DMT is DMT. Profound, but to short to really work with. Small doses on LSD though. BOOM.  This weekend I'm headed to the see the Dead and Co. and plan to take a sizeable dose of LSD early in the day so I can ride the after glow right into the show and later evening.  If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
joedirt wrote:[quote=jamie]I do have a couple 5mg tabs of DOM which I have been holding for over a year now. Just been waiting for that perfect opportunity to trip for 24 hours! lol I have heard some people say DOM is superior... but the verdict is out for me on that.
I'd be interested in hearing the argument for DOM > LSD, that's for sure. Mind you - I love DOM, especially in low doses (5-7.5mgs) it is a very functional, utilitarian hallucinogen. But hardly any depth. "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents." -lovecraft
InLaKesh wrote:entheogenic-gnosis wrote:Quote:I just want to put out there that I have achieved a visionary state with the morning glory family seeds, I had a very powerful experience with Argyreia nervosa.
What was the nature of this visionary state? I also had (about 10) very good experiences with Argyreia nervosa . I removed the outer coating , grind the seeds , washed 3 times with naphta and pulled 3 times with ethanol = amazing , no nausea , weak bodyload( for LSA...) I dont know if was lucky with the (fresh) batch of seeds, but the endproduct for me is abselutly on pair (but very diferent) with acid (I am an acid head since pre 2K, i love acid!!!). The experiences were : - not as stimulating as acid (but not sedating) - not so mentaly demanding - way more empathic than acid (liek a little mdma or mescaline) - sometimes very healing (tooke me deep into repressed memory and my heart) - feeling very good most of the time - sometimes like a child in astonishment - very unique open eye visuals at higher doses. and there was no loss in potency or quality for over a year in the fridge. I really was impressed ! p.s. I had the strain from hawaii ! 1 seed had the potency of around 20mic of acid. Maybe it's just me... Maybe it's my biochemistry that causes me to feel poisoned and foggy every time... Even terence mckenna swears by these seeds... It's said seeds can be an acquired taste, and while the potential for these lsd-like experiences is there, it's more of the exception than the rule... 76 of these PDF fully relates to this conversation...I'm going to transcribe it so I can copy and paste it here... -eg
UgraKarma wrote:joedirt wrote:jamie wrote:I do have a couple 5mg tabs of DOM which I have been holding for over a year now. Just been waiting for that perfect opportunity to trip for 24 hours! lol I have heard some people say DOM is superior... but the verdict is out for me on that.
I'd be interested in hearing the argument for DOM > LSD, that's for sure. Mind you - I love DOM, especially in low doses (5-7.5mgs) it is a very functional, utilitarian hallucinogen. But hardly any depth. UgraKarma wrote:[quote=joedirt][quote=jamie]I do have a couple 5mg tabs of DOM which I have been holding for over a year now. Just been waiting for that perfect opportunity to trip for 24 hours! lol I have heard some people say DOM is superior... but the verdict is out for me on that.
I'd be interested in hearing the argument for DOM > LSD, that's for sure. Mind you - I love DOM, especially in low doses (5-7.5mgs) it is a very functional, utilitarian hallucinogen. But hardly any depth. , Quote:Scully set up the new lab in the basement of a house across the street from the Denver zoo in early 1967. Owsley and Scully made the LSD in the Denver lab. Later Owsley started to tablet the product in Orinda, California but was arrested before he completed that work. Owsley and Scully also produced a new psychedelic in Denver which they called STP. STP was initially distributed at the summer solstice festival in 1967: 5,000 tablets (20 milligrams each) which quickly acquired a bad reputation. Owsley and Scully made trial batches of 10 mg tablets and then STP mixed with LSD in a few hundred yellow tablets but soon ceased production of STP. Owsley and Scully produced about 196 grams of LSD in 1967, but 96 grams of this was confiscated by the authorities; Scully moved the lab to a different house in Denver after Owsley was arrested on Christmas Eve 1967. -Wikipedia It looks like after the disaster in '67 with the 20mg pills that LSD/DOM combination pills were produced, but then production ceased... I think the issue involved the fact that DOM was an unknown, people thought they were taking LSD, and after waiting hours after eating a dose with nothing happening, as DOM can take up to 3 hours to take effect, people would re-dose assuming they were given "weak LSD"...then when the compound starts taking hold these people are fully overdosed on a compound which they knew nothing about... Then there was the dose, why 20mg pills? 10mg would have been sufficient...I guess you would have to ask sand on that one... I think DOM is amazing, but rare, I also feel it does not fully deserve the bad reputation it has acquired, when you know you have DOM and can prepare and dose properly, it's not at all the "too stupid too puke" horror compound it's been made out to be... -eg
InLaKesh wrote:To the OP  : Good idea (with a smaler dose), i like to try the combination myself the other way around! ( Small Acid dose , big Lsa dose) To me it seems like a good combiantion of the two lysergic energys (thats a concept of mine). Type1: mentaly very active, more ego death after letting go, afterglow: sharp visual field (shapes and contrast) - LSD,LSA-peppermint,(and i guess LSZ and 1p-LSD) Type2: emotional more active,more empathic,easier, afterglow: more color enhancement - LSA(better said: HBWR or Morning Glory),Al-LAD, (and i guess ETH-LAD and ALD52(i know soon  ) That's realy why i put this in the collaborative research section.. I experienced that something special happened when i combined fresh seeds with 1P-LSD. i would call it a highly explosive combination even. And when i googled for combinations of other lysergamides i found 8 people on bluelight who've also reported a very strong synergy between different lysergamides for combinations of al-lad/eth-lad, 1p-LSD/eth-LAD, and so on. It's as if combining them unleashes something. As if it adds a whole new dimension to the LSD experience. However, with old seeds i personally experienced a negative synergy. And as old seeds are higher in LSA than fresh seeds, i suspect that LSA itself has a negative synergy with LSD. LSA probably neutralises some of the effects of LSD.