While in a doctor's office the other day I saw a pot of cacti sitting in the window, a small globular cactus with a large red flower caught my eye, at first glance I thought it was a lophophora, though the spines and the giant red flower made it clear that I was looking at Matucana madisoniorum.
I asked about the cacti, and was told I could take an older dry flower from it, which contains seeds.
So, I have these Matucana madisoniorum seeds, and I'm not entirely sure what to do with them...
If it's easy to cultivate I would be interested in sprouting these seeds, they are very small, almost hard to see...
Quote:Matucana madisoniorum
Matucana madisoniorum (HBG; field collected by Hutchison)
Matucana madisoniorum
An unpublished claim asserting the presence of mescaline was apparently held and voiced by its collector Paul Hutchison. No information exists about why he suspected that might be true but it was probably as simple as its body morphology. Analysis of this species by Sasha Shulgin was unable to detect any type of alkaloid to be present. The material was of a direct lineage from Hutchison’s wild collections and was provided to Sasha by one of Hutchison’s former students. Claims have been voiced suspecting indigenous use but no rationale was included and there does not appear to be any real basis for that suspicion.
http://sacredcacti.com/blog/errors/ -eg