Credit to DMT Nexus member laughingcat and Rick Strassman for this. Paper is attached. Gallimore, A.R. & Strassman, R. (2016) A Model for the Application of Target-Controlled Intravenous Infusion for a Prolonged Immersive DMT Psychedelic Experience. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 7, (211). http://journal.frontiers...har.2016.00211/abstract
AbstractThe state of consciousness induced by N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is one of the most extraordinary of any naturally-occurring psychedelic substance. Users consistently report the complete replacement of normal subjective experience with a novel “alternate universe,” often densely populated with a variety of strange objects and other highly complex visual content, including what appear to be sentient “beings.” The phenomenology of the DMT state is of great interest to psychology and calls for rigorous academic enquiry. The extremely short duration of DMT effects—less than 20 minutes—militates against single dose administration as the ideal model for such enquiry. Using pharmacokinetic modelling and DMT blood sampling data, we demonstrate that the unique pharmacological characteristics of DMT, which also include a rapid onset and lack of acute tolerance to its subjective effects, make it amenable to administration by target-controlled intravenous infusion. This is a technology developed to maintain a stable brain concentration of anaesthetic drugs during surgery. Simulations of our model demonstrate that this approach will allow research subjects to be induced into a stable and prolonged DMT experience, making it possible to carefully observe its psychological contents, and provide more extensive accounts for subsequent analyses. This model would also be valuable in performing functional neuroimaging, where subjects are required to remain under the influence of the drug for extended periods. Finally, target-controlled intravenous infusion of DMT may aid the development of unique psychotherapeutic applications of this psychedelic agent.
Great! Thanks!!!
Hey, thank you dude, nicely done!!
Thanks for posting this! "In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link." ~Carlos Castaneda
Thanks Bancopuma. And way to go laughingcat. When can I sign up? lol I just finished reading the paper - there are some very fascinating prospects for this protocol. I wonder if the specific phenomenological effects will be published/discussed elsewhere?
So anyone fancy an 8 hour long DMT trip? Wow, the mind boggles! Intriguing idea but scary In all of reality there are not two. There is just the one thing. And I am that.
Thank you so much! I came across and experience report some 5 years back that involved a similar method. I have been intrigued ever since. Nothing to mess around with but very interesting none the less. Thanks again for sharing! “How long will this last, this delicious feeling of being alive, of having penetrated the veil which hides beauty and the wonders of celestial vistas? It doesn't matter, as there can be nothing but gratitude for even a glimpse of what exists for those who can become open to it.” ― Alexander Shulgin, Pihkal: A Chemical Love Story
NotTwo wrote:So anyone fancy an 8 hour long DMT trip? Wow, the mind boggles! Intriguing idea but scary I have always wondered if there is not *something more* that could be understood by having prolonged clean IV DMT. Perhaps some of the memory inhibition will not be as bad, or even a richer understanding to be brought back and told more coherently. What about even if it proves telepathy or something? We might as well try hey? I sure has hell wouldn't do it though
fathomlessness wrote:I sure has hell wouldn't do it though I think if there were a way of getting back to baseline fairly quickly - and of course assuming there was a way of communicating that to the experimenters - it might be ok. I know with some of the newer anaesthetics they rely on administering just enough to keep a patient unconscious and basically by cutting the supply they can get someone back to consciousness in just a couple of minutes. It sounds like that is the idea here. The issue with DMT is it all happens so quickly. I do feel if you could spend more time there it would be possible to adjust (somewhat) to the bizarreness and use it more to explore. In all of reality there are not two. There is just the one thing. And I am that.
Interesting concept I wonder how you would set up a communication method to let them know when you want out ? It's like organic vegetable virtual reality Sign me up The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Arthur C. Clarke
NotTwo wrote: The issue with DMT is it all happens so quickly. I do feel if you could spend more time there it would be possible to adjust (somewhat) to the bizarreness and use it more to explore.
This is the idea yes!
x2 In all of reality there are not two. There is just the one thing. And I am that.